Usd/jpy - page 4


The 20 days moving average of 97.70 has been reached. Stay short and increase below the target support 95.70.


Area 97 is the only support that divides UsdJpy from area 92. Going short only below the low of this week.


After the Australian decision to cut rates, I will shift my attention to AudJpy. According to me here it is going to start a bearish wave C.


On this pair, the market has been consolidating to the downside – in the context of a bullish scenario. One should keep one’s finger crossed until the market’s plan is figured out. Would the price go up today or would there be a new bearish indication? What happens today would determine whether to go long or short.

All is set that it breaks 100

Nothing to add to what I said then except that it was obvious where are they aiming


So the 100 is broken. Can it be a false breakout or it is a clean breakout. If it is a clean we can see it going to 105 in short time. May be it is time to buy buy and buy now.


In was a 70 pips move in less than a minute. Either a cluster of stop losses was hit (no likely since it was crawling around that price for some time), or some big player lost his nerves and jumped in


EurJpy at 132, the 50% of retracement of the entire bear market. Can we try to enter short?


EurJpy insists on the resistance of 132 (50% of retracement of the bear market). I’m expecting a reversal signal to enter short, the Japanese must slow down the rise of interest rates.


Here the first official positions on the weakness of Jpy: Japan Economy Minister: "Yen's Excessive Strength Has Been Largely Corrected; Further Weakness Could Be Harmful" | Zero Hedge

On May 22[SUP]nd[/SUP], the meeting of the Boj will be clarifying.