Is Braintrend profitable? - page 2


There is no difference between the 3rd and 4th choices of this survey.


well they do not work anyhow....i was naive when i posted this.


what happened?

well they do not work anyhow....i was naive when i posted this.


what do you mean? what happened that has you now saying that "they do not work anyhow"? Can you expand a bit just for educational purposes for the rest of us that don't know much about Braintrend? What was your experience? What happened?



you can looking for braintrend system ebook here in this forum , I forgot the thread,learn it , and I think it's profitable one


Forex Indicators Collection

you can looking for braintrend system ebook here in this forum , I forgot the thread,learn it , and I think it's profitable one


Forex Indicators Collection

On this post:


Brain trend with other indicators

Well i test the system on demo account. But ...

Brain system = state of the art artificial intelligence assistant

1. I find the brain trend signals quite, in fact the same as the labtrend and the ASCT trend signals. Maybe the brain trend signals come out some seconds earlier. I wonder if it is the same algorithm behind

2. So the good is that the system is very well documented on their site you can download the e-book for free

3. I think the brain trend is combines well with another system. WSS (winning solutions system) solutions, available for free download (or the dolly system for free). I will not give you a link for a copy but if you ask google you can find easily for free. WSS gives longer term signals and analyses the trend, with a trend filter. And that lacks to brain trend. The logic of the system is different.

4. The good point is that you do not need to look for candlesticks the system give you all the reversals. Helping greatly the technical analysis . It is helpful to enter in your normal technical analysis with the trend and not against it.

5. The system as any other system gives a lot of noise, but never miss a movement. With the detailed explanation of the tutorial you can filter a lot of noise. If you combine with other automated systems you can give the time for the normal technical analys and enter when in conformitiy with brain system. So this system with a little practice becomes your artificial intelligence assistant. You do not have to think you will react sometimes this is critical

6. And finally the system gives a very good management algorithm. Today this system performed well on 1 min scalping tests.

7. I think on 1 min it is a good combination with the trendscalp indicator (trendscalpindc) when there is a lot of volatility.


Brain trend with other indicators

All the indicators who will work for the confirmation of ASCT trend and labtrend will work in the same way on Brain trend.

And last but not least. Let read carefully the manual. I am persuaded that this system may be very useful.


This manual is not for our TSD BrainTrand.


What is the different between BrainTrend and Astrend?

I had few posts about some time ago.

To make it shorter:

Astrend: we enter to the merket when the trend is established already. And we are talkin some part of the trend (in the middle or in the end). So, in many cases - when we enter - the trend is in the middle or finishing.

That is why many indicators are worin well with Asctrend: trend is establish and it is very easy to analyze. We just care about where to exit.

LabTrend is fully improved Asctrend.

There are astrend thread on the forum, and LabTrend thread in elite section with the trending technique and so on.

And there are 1 ood Asctrend thread in elite section too with very advanced (complicated) trading system.

BrainTrend: we enter when the trend will be established soon, or established just right now. In this case we care about false entrance. That is why many confirmational indicators are not woring with BrainTrend: we need to see what we will expect in the near future but they are showing the past movement to us when trend was not established.

Our TSD BrainTrading system is different from what the manual describing: we are having few systems for many timeframes with trading techniques and statements and so on.

BrainTrading Semi-Manual EA for M30 timeframe system was posted in elite section (simple elite section): you open the trade and EA will do the rest: move stop loss according to BT lines and so on. In this case - we (as the traders) are deciding: to trade or not to trade (because it is most difficult part in any BT system), and this EA will o the rest for us. The thread is here (elite section).

Brainwashing is simplifies version of BrainTrading. BW is more flexible system as we can decide (to open the trade or not to open the trade) based on iTrend indicator's value for the past week. I am sugesting this BW for the beginners, and for the traders who want to use BT later.

Dolly is similar with Maksigen (or such as Paramon scalping). Breakout system. Maksigen is more flexible as we can trade inside or outside the channel. Those systems (Dolly and/or Masigen) is more good for the traders who like to use suppert/resistance lines, trend lines and to analyze the charts and so on (and who understand this subject).

There are some improved version of Masigen posted on the Channel thread of the forum.


Personally I traded all those systems live.

Personal opinion ...


Deposit size.

You will need more bigger deposit size if using Asctrend (or LabTrend), or Asctrend scalping on M1.

Most big deposit size: Dolly or Maksigen.

Smaller: BrainTrading and BW.

Mainly it is like that (from big to small):

1. Dolly or/and Maksigen (most bigger initial deposit size).

2. Asctrend and LabTrend

3. BrainTrading

4. BrainWashing (small deposit size).

Difficult to trade (require more knowledge and time to analyze the market) - from very difficult to simple difficulties similar to "easy" (from difficult to easy):

1. Dolly or/and Maksigen (most bigger initial deposit size).

2. BrainTrading

3. Asctrend and LabTrend.

4. BrainWashing.


Brain trend mod by Regrz


Thank you for the input new digital.

I found a brain trend mod, by chance, developped by Regrz in the Alpari russian forum.

The forum is in russian but everybody could read it using google translate.

The idea was to combine the braind trend with the jurik JJMA as a smothing.

The result is amazing, because you can control the degree of the smoothing really easy. When I back test, i see the signals put in a really good places.

The default level of the smoothing of JMA_Period is 6 if you put 1 you have the normal brain trend.

As a filter the Author proposes Aroon horn indicator (which do not work in the downloadable version).

This is a trend following system that requires a confirmation of the trend.

I propose another approach based on the fractal analysis:

The power of the fractal analysis has been completely underestimated by traders.

I share with you a picture of 30 m of mars, using fractal analysis (my point of view) and Brain trend mod.

The general idea is that there are always sequence of days when the market makes cool moves. After that come days when the market is deeply in the blue ares over 1,5 of fractal dimension.

there are two possibilities:

-deeply in the blue all the time:

30 m blue and 15 m blue= not a trading day (risky better do something else).

the market is hiding its direction all the time. Even if the market accordig to what I have understood is predictable in the high blue zone. To me if that appears in both 30m and 15m, the opportunities of gains are very small. (A range in higher time frame is composed by little trend in lower time frame).

-deeply blue in 30 m but fractal break-out in the 15m zone. Take care there may be some opportunities there (but still very risky).

Fractal break-out - (a sharp change from one zone to another after very short stay in the 1,5 zone).

The brain trend mod maded by Russians is a very promising tool. I found it by chance in a forgotten Russian thread. As it is in Russian it does not attract a lot of attraction.

Amazingly this mod gives the right direction in the most difficult situations.

The fractal analysis comes with a different paradigm that is radical and revolutionary.

The first question is not if there is a trend or if there is not. Not even where the market is going.

The first question is what is the fractal state of the price and how long it has been there.

From them is only a question to use the right tools.

Two principles for me:

If deeply in the red follow blindly your trend directional tools (as brain trend juric mod works in both conditions (trend and ranging) it is a quite useful)

If in the 30m and 15 m it is in blue do not trade. When I look at the graphics it appears to me that in some days the market is very generous. And buum in one day it takes back all. And there only the traders with good money management systems survive.

The power of the open source is the feed-back. I am not a mathematician, not a programmer. My only ability is to see some patterns and imagination.

Addendum 1 Some fuzzy ideas

The analysis of the fractal dimension reveals some astonishing properties.

We have instruments, we want to optimize them. In the same moment we know that there is a chaotic behavior on the market.

And we want to optimize our instruments for chaotic behavior. Is that possible?

Maybe the question can be put in other ways. We can ask the question when we have chaotic behavior and when we have not.

If we have not a chaotic behavior then we can optimize our instruments using the standard technical tools: statistics, neural networks etc.

When we are in chaos conditions by definition we cannot optimizing that function that changes its behavior all the time. If that was possible, the market in its current form could not exist, because everybody would be able to predict the market. And that is very, very, very dangerous for the system itself. Imagine that everybody is able to predict the market, the market could not exist.

Ok when we have a fractal dimension below 1,5 we know that the function the movement of the price is quite linear.

If we Approach 1,5 we have a function of the price equal to 1,5

Then we have the same fractal dimensions as the function:

It is pretty difficult to predict. I can say that this can be played using standard technical analysis. But if we go futher. This will be very difficult.

Addendum 2 Fractal dimension breaks

for the FGDI

Fractal dimension breaks

Fractal break-out

The fractal break-out of the zone means sharp change of direction from one zone to another

Fractal break-out blue to red: expect sharp move

Fractal break-out red to blue: difficult to predict zoom-in beginning of chaos, lack of predictability

Fractal break-in

The fractal break-out of the zone means sharp change of direction in direction of the zone

Fractal break- in blue: difficult to predict zoom in

Fractal break-in red: a sharp move is going on