2008 - EA Project. - page 4

Well David, in case u misunderstand me or something. I have nothing against your equity curve, nor I want to compare mine with yours. I've heard many people ask others to create a group to create a system from nothing before, they think with more peoples involve, the system is more reliable. It just doesn't make any sense for me. If there's a good system already, and programmers are needed to make it better, that's a different story.

If not, please ignore this post. My interest is just working with another programmers to improve my skill while at the same time the others will get the same benefit from me.


Hi Devil2000

Thanks for the response, your points are valid and I appreciate your input, learning is all anyone should care about when it comes to Forex, the more one learns, the fewer mistakes one makes, no matter how good a coder or trader you believe you are?

People like you will make it in Forex for your attitude and percertion are good and if you maintain them and do not get caught up in the "funny" stuff that goes on, you should and probobly will succeed in Forex.

Good luck to you and stay positive.



See what am I sayin?! They have no fcukin clue what are we talking about here.



The most amazing thing is that this guy takes the time to say that this thread is useless? He must have taken the time to read it and then post his opinion, which he is now trying to force on everyone else?

There are some really strange people here, if this lad finds it useless, why not just leave it alone and not return?

Some people just have to be nasty, I find this really strange and often wonder why they need to do this?



Hi Devil2000

Thanks for the response, your points are valid and I appreciate your input, learning is all anyone should care about when it comes to Forex, the more one learns, the fewer mistakes one makes, no matter how good a coder or trader you believe you are?

People like you will make it in Forex for your attitude and percertion are good and if you maintain them and do not get caught up in the "funny" stuff that goes on, you should and probobly will succeed in Forex.

Good luck to you and stay positive.


Thanks Wayne,

Good luck to you too


I have asked for information about the project because of 2 things:

1) I worked on a lot of projects for free and after all it was not as good as the enthusiasm of the project starter. I've also seen projects where the main idea is "let's try something..." which is totaly wrong. Everything should have been tested and retested manualy, each detail of the system has to be known before project start. Some people even change their mind after seeing something doesn't work as expected, this thing sohuld never happen, everything has to be known in detail before start. (Also wanted to check if you know all the details)

2) I can code for a living. If i work for free is because or i feel pleasure working with someone/on something or the pot is double/triple than working for money. Is exactly the same as placing an order where you take care to have rr 3/1,2/1.... This is the way forex works: "don't give the bird you have in your hand for the bird on the wall".

I'm still interested but if you can not give more information i will pass. I'm not going blind in trading, not going blind anywhere else. The equity curve doesn't impress me. I have a lot of EA's that can do the same but still not winners...

Hope you understand my reasons.

Thanks, Victor

Victor to an certain extend I agree with you.

Sure there needs to be a plan before the project starts. But expecting nothing is going to change goes a bit to far for me.

Why do programmers release alpha and beta code?

To follow your logic they can start typing and when they are done they have a final release that can be send to the client without any testing.

I think that's not how things work in real life. So why should a system designer have everything flawless at first attempt?

Even a system with good logic can somehow fail. I agree it should be visually backtested more than 3 trades before it gets coded.

But how much is humanly possible. Some startegies require a fair deal of calculation. Say you designed something for D1. Even then you need to watch all M1 bars (ticks would be better) to check if intraday pullbacks hit a stop. Because we want a statistically valid system we need to test many trades. And ofcourse with all market conditions.

On one side of the spectrum there is the designer that gets a tought. Checks one trade and calls the coder.

On teh other side of the spectrum is the designer that checks thousands of setups and just when he's done he dies of old age.

There is also a way in the middle where designers are allowed to change and coder allowed to have alpha and beta releases

On top of that it often seems impossible to convert a very profitable manual system into code.

Just my 2 pips (micro lots)

The most amazing thing is that this guy takes the time to say that this thread is useless? He must have taken the time to read it and then post his opinion, which he is now trying to force on everyone else?

There are some really strange people here, if this lad finds it useless, why not just leave it alone and not return?

Some people just have to be nasty, I find this really strange and often wonder why they need to do this?




I didn't mean to force you, no.. not at all

Not bad idea, but where is the idea? if you want to make it private, Why you announce it to public? That's really strange...

If you don't trust public why public should trust you..

OK.. Just forget what I said before.. but it will change nothing..

you and david already know that this thread is useless.

This is wrong approach to find coders...

Will ND will delete this thread? I don't know..

I'm not strange people, What I did was only to suggest you..

I won't make anymore comments or argue in this thread..




Not bad idea, but where is the idea? if you want to make it private, Why you announce it to public? That's really strange...

If you don't trust public why public should trust you..

OK.. Just forget what I said before.. but it will change nothing..

you and david already know that this thread is useless.

This is wrong approach to find coders...


I don't think the thread is useless at all. Regarding trust, Wayne's been actively participating here and on a few other forums for a long time, and anyone who isn't familiar with his work can soon check out what he has to offer using the search facility. He's a man with absolute integrity, he's got a bunch of great idea's, and he's great to work with.

He's worked with numerous coders, many of whom still check these forums periodically, and many of whom would no doubt be interested in working with him again under the appropriate circumstances. Announcing a new project here at TSD is entirely appropriate.

More importantly Wayne's also one of the very few people who's always happy to give new people a break, and offer a chance to anyone who wants to take it. Although most programmers who've responded to date want a 100% cast iron guarantee that they'll be working on the holy grail, not everyone thinks the same way. For the right person this is a golden opportunity to work with a great bunch of people and to actually achieve something.




Wayne, I know who you are then, on ET. Good luck with everything, and yes, I wouldn't search hard for anyone else on this forum. My last post summed it all up.

Try contacting 'wookey', although I'm not sure if he'd be interested, but he's by far the best programmer on this board. That is, if you are in need of more programming power.




Willing to help

Hi Kamper,

I'm still a junior member here and I helped a few people in this forum. I'm not a programmer but I can program. I'm a mechanical engineer and willing to help with this project. Send me a private message if you are interested. I don't have any terms and conditions etc.

I only hope that I can trade for a living one day.

Best regards




Thanks for the response and yes you are correct, everyone has their own opinion, and in this instance we just choose to have different opinions? Maybe next time we will agree? Who knows?

Hi Mick

Shew, what a nice thing to say, you flatter me, I am honoured, thank you very much.

Hi Scott

Thanks for the advice regarding "wookey", but I think we are ok for a coder, David helped us find a guy by the name of Jonathan, who seems to be a really nice person and his code looks solid. Hopefully him and David will work well together.



Hi Victor

I understand 100% and respect your views and by the same token hope that you respect mine?

I have three strategies out there that have been coded with all good intentions and many promises by various coders and yet I do not have a final version of any of them. What happened to the promises?

I am not going to go into any detail here, enough has been said already, suffice to say that I will not part with any more of my experience or strategies without getting to know someone a little better first.




Most of the SO CALLED coders on these forums are thieves and you will never get a final version of your EA.They just pinch your idea and sell it and you won't see final versions

Hire a professional coder

ZMAC is O K and a good guy

El Cid