Is $150 too much for writing a program? - page 4

In general - may be yes, agree.

In particular - do not agree.

It is not a true.

Forums are different. There are very commercialized forums, and there are low commercialized forums. We are very low commercialized forum. It means that commercial sellers are not contributing to the forum in any way and the main sections on the forum are the public ones. And admins are deleting just commercial spam and scam.

In high commercialized forums - may be.

In our forum - not.

If you are selling indicator for 1,000 dollars (for example) it means the following:

- your indicators were evaluated by well-known reputable people;


- you are very well-known reputable person with real address, telephone number and so on.

I just remember your other post here:

So, according to your opinion most our forum coders "will say goodbuy" and admins are just deleting good EAs and only good EAs/indicators we can find from you for 1,000 dollars? I am right? This is the war you started?

No. once again you are incorrect and once again you misunderstand.

If a person asks admin to delete an Expert Advisor ,admin may agree with a coders wish and let him sell it.

I asked quite clearly what the the terms of refund were and mql coders to be transperent about their their conditions of business.

you have your opinion

There are plenty of people selling indicators on this forum.Who is allowed to sell them?Why are they selling them.I just stated my indicators cost me $1,000 each (only in programming fees).Where do u get this idea about me offering them for sale?

The point I was making was some of these cheap eas for $50 can usually be useless,



Not always.

People are very very different.

I remember one member. He was banned permanently from the forum. Many members remember him. He employed few coders for 50 dollars each and he called them "my coders". They coded few EAs for him and he tried to sell EAs for 1,000 dollars each on the forum stated that he needs 200,000 dollars from the forum members (he posted it). And in the same time he attacked many members and admins/moderators trying to get some good reputation on the people's misfortune. And only way to stop him was banning. His EAs cost 1,000 dollars each (most of them renamed from free EAs coded by forum coders for free).

And I remember the other member from 2 years ago. He started to sell his EA for 1,000 and when I deleted his thread - he opened the other thread with 5,000 dollars for EA. Same one.

So, the price is nothing sometimes. Because it is very very difficult to sell something on the forum (any forum) keeping good reputation and so on. Many members are selling something just for small money because they have money to live and more than that. Just few people are doing real business in selling but it is very difficult and very visible everywhere: because there are few of them in the world; and because forex commercial tool selling market is very small one.

What means 'small one'? It means that it is very difficult to gain good money from selling the forex tools without destroying/crashing the environment/market. It is the situation. That is why no one forex forum can be based on commercial sellers more than on free coders and EAs/indicators. It is situation in general.

So, no one admin of any forum will delete good free EAs and good free thread from public sections. Because public sections are the main sections on any forex forum. Otherwise forex forum will not be survived.

There are plenty of people selling indicators on this forum.Who is allowed to sell them?Why are they selling them

It is my reply from my previous post:

If you are selling indicator for 1,000 dollars (for example) it means the following:

- your indicators were evaluated by well-known reputable people;


- you are very well-known reputable person with real address, telephone number and so on.

It is related to any commercial seller. It means that it is very difficult to sell something on our forum (and on any forum) if the seller is totally unknown person for the forum members.

So, the price is secondary in this business. The first one is who is selling, or who is supporting to the seller. Personality I mean.

Very nice Willis. I agree. If you want something done right, do it yourself. I started in forex 6 months ago. I have picked up enough skills to write EA's. It wasn't easy nor fun. My advice to any newbie: LEARN TO CODE OR LEARN TO PAY! If you wont write the code yourself, pay someone, but just remember, if your system is any good, you just gave the programmer the secrets!!

I have no desire to learn to code and have no problem paying someone to code.