Is $150 too much for writing a program? - page 2

I am not a programmer but the main advantage that I see in being a programmer is not getting paid for making experts for other get free other people' s ideas...and this is worthless....If among all these ideas, you can find only one good, then you get paid millions....

As far as programming other's ideas, I have never programmed someone's idea and found it to be worth trading with my own money, as their ideas never worked as well as the ideas I have programmed of my own. I have programmed for free a few times in the past to be nice, and sometimes in hopes that the idea was as good as they claimed, but in the end, none of them have been better than the ideas I have come up with on my own. So now I ask to be paid if I'm going to program for someone. If they don't want to pay, they can go learn how to code themselves as I and others have.


Well put!!!

Very nice Willis. I agree. If you want something done right, do it yourself. I started in forex 6 months ago. I have picked up enough skills to write EA's. It wasn't easy nor fun. My advice to any newbie: LEARN TO CODE OR LEARN TO PAY! If you wont write the code yourself, pay someone, but just remember, if your system is any good, you just gave the programmer the secrets!!

I recently had someone from these forums send me a private message offering me pay if I wrote him a program. Then after I wrote him the program, he said $150 was way too much, and that he thought $30 was more than enough. Honestly, I felt insulted! I'd more likely program for free than for such an insultingly low price!!

So, I want to get the opinion of some others on this forum to see how many of you have heard of a professional programmer making a program of any kind for $30. Anyone?

I have programmed for free out of being a kind person as have others, but I've never seen someone say they are willing to pay and then after the program is written, act all rude to the programmer saying that his/her efforts aren't worth more than $30!

Anyway, just a little peeved off and came here to vent and see what others opinions are on the matter.

By the way, I've been using Oanda's API for about 4 weeks now and I have already more than tripled my money!! So atleast I have that to cheer me up when I come accross people who insult me like this. :)

Hi Willis,

it happened something similar to me some times ago, someone contacted me to code a complex EA and I asked 250$ to do all work, then he started to complain because this price was outrageous for him and compared this fee with Vista operating system that is sold at 400$.!!! I was very amazed by this reply, how in the world one can compare a personal custom program done for financial purpouse with an OPERATING SYSTEM FROM MICROSOFT that's the most sold software in the world !!

Btw my suggest for your future is to NEVER NEVER NEVER done the job before agree price with your client and more important to be paid in advance. This is just to be sure that your client is really interested to complete the EA and don't disappear or change the fee after you complete your work.

As far as programming other's ideas, I have never programmed someone's idea and found it to be worth trading with my own money, as their ideas never worked as well as the ideas I have programmed of my own. I have programmed for free a few times in the past to be nice, and sometimes in hopes that the idea was as good as they claimed, but in the end, none of them have been better than the ideas I have come up with on my own. So now I ask to be paid if I'm going to program for someone. If they don't want to pay, they can go learn how to code themselves as I and others have.

Hiring a good experienced programmer can be cost effective and better .The really good programmer can do a lot of the complicated and robust EAS whereas the basic hacks will do only be able to manage simple jobs.

whatever the good programmers can do ,others can do but it takes more than 1 years expereience

I stopped looking at threads from newbees cause all I read is novice stuff.I have stopped entertaining budding programmers looking for new ideas to code ,only to find out they were either useless at programming or just looking to steal systems or dont have the time to code.I am still waiting for EAS promised by some of these thieves who promised to do them free or very cheap.I am waiting for last two years




look to the professional coders and you will find the price to be 200 to 300 Eruos and up, $30 is an insult for anything.


look to the professional coders and you will find the price to be 200 to 300 Eruos and up, $30 is an insult for anything. TM

you have to look at it both ways. from the clients and the programmers point of view.

you have to look at it both ways. from the clients and the programmers point of view.

There are 3 primary components involved in estimating software development costs and schedules. There are the requirements and features the client wants, the timescale in which they require the product to be delivered, and the price that they wish to pay.

The client gets to choose any 2 of the 3, and the developer, gets to control the third.

Both parties need to accept those terms, or they're going to run into problems.


Thinking as a potential programmer, I think the risk you take is that you will get blamed for an EA that loses money when the person contracting you to write it can't see that his ideas don't work! It's basic human nature to push responsibility off on someone else instead of shouldering it yourself.

So I always use my own ideas and write my own programs. If they don't work, I've only got myself to blame and I can continually work to improve my system if I don't get frustrated and give up first. I've been at it (programming EA's) for maybe five years, but I don't yet have a winner. Still, I haven't given up!

People underestimate the effort needed for this task!


I've been at it (programming EA's) for maybe five years, but I don't yet have a winner. Still, I haven't given up!

People underestimate the effort needed for this task!


Every E A that I authorised never worked as I expected it would.Once the EA was completed we found set ups that worked very well and we kept improving on them.

Here is your chance to write a winner

I know it works and is profitable


El Cid

el cid:

Every E A that I authorised never worked as I expected it would.Once the EA was completed we found set ups that worked very well and we kept improving on them.

Here is your chance to write a winner

I know it works and is profitable


El Cid

I certainly appreciate your effort to help...but, the link took me to the Elite Section, of which I am no longer a member. So I could not get there.

I would be interested in what's there, if there's another way.