Is $150 too much for writing a program?


I recently had someone from these forums send me a private message offering me pay if I wrote him a program. Then after I wrote him the program, he said $150 was way too much, and that he thought $30 was more than enough. Honestly, I felt insulted! I'd more likely program for free than for such an insultingly low price!!

So, I want to get the opinion of some others on this forum to see how many of you have heard of a professional programmer making a program of any kind for $30. Anyone?

I have programmed for free out of being a kind person as have others, but I've never seen someone say they are willing to pay and then after the program is written, act all rude to the programmer saying that his/her efforts aren't worth more than $30!

Anyway, just a little peeved off and came here to vent and see what others opinions are on the matter.

By the way, I've been using Oanda's API for about 4 weeks now and I have already more than tripled my money!! So atleast I have that to cheer me up when I come accross people who insult me like this. :)



I would not do it for any less than $100. That is a deal for the other guy!


I think before you start writing the program, there should be discussion not only on the program but also the price for it.

$30 may be for a simple quick programming,

$150 may be for program that a bit complicated and require long hours.

There is no fix price for it...


Personaly I do coding for many people and $150 is not much.

I would say it is a normal price for a medium complicated EA.

Super simple can be $50 and more complicated $300 or even $500 depending on what is required


I was just thinking about back in the day when I didn't know anything about Java and I was considering switching to Oanda's API and talked to several programmers about writing the rather simple idea I had at the time and I had offers in the area of $1,500 - $2,500. So again, I can't believe any paid programmer asking $30 for even the simplest program. For real, I would rather do it for free than for $30. Thanks for the feedback so for guys.

I was just thinking about back in the day when I didn't know anything about Java and I was considering switching to Oanda's API and talked to several programmers about writing the rather simple idea I had at the time and I had offers in the area of $1,500 - $2,500. So again, I can't believe any paid programmer asking $30 for even the simplest program. For real, I would rather do it for free than for $30. Thanks for the feedback so for guys.

I hope this little thing doesn't let you down, and yest its frustrating. The best price I can get is 50 bucks/simple EA. Ofcourse, furthur requesition on advanced money management, order handling condition, trading discretion are subjected to add on price. So, with your backtest result you showed previously, I think you're worth the price you stated. And congrates on the API stuff. And very suprised that you can make that kind of good money(ofcourse, I dont mean that you cant make those, but you're doing much better then me). My OANDA account was running for more than a year, and still unable to double up so far!!! I'm jerlous!!! Anyway, still very happy for you. I'll try to learn Java then. Hope to beat you in the near future




I am not a programmer but the main advantage that I see in being a programmer is not getting paid for making experts for other get free other people' s ideas...and this is worthless....If among all these ideas, you can find only one good, then you get paid millions....

I hope this little thing doesn't let you down, and yest its frustrating. The best price I can get is 50 bucks/simple EA. Ofcourse, furthur requesition on advanced money management, order handling condition, trading discretion are subjected to add on price. So, with your backtest result you showed previously, I think you're worth the price you stated. And congrates on the API stuff. And very suprised that you can make that kind of good money(ofcourse, I dont mean that you cant make those, but you're doing much better then me). My OANDA account was running for more than a year, and still unable to double up so far!!! I'm jerlous!!! Anyway, still very happy for you. I'll try to learn Java then. Hope to beat you in the near future



A little friendly competition is always fun, and yes, you should learn java and start using Oanda's API in my opinion. It is working much better for me thus far. Only two errors so far, with one bad and one good, but together it has been much to my favor.

I am not a programmer but the main advantage that I see in being a programmer is not getting paid for making experts for other get free other people' s ideas...and this is worthless....If among all these ideas, you can find only one good, then you get paid millions....

This is why hacks hang around this forum steal other people's ideas and sell them



There is already a thread here


Some more threads:

- sticky thread. This thread is for employers who need programmers. More related to permanent job or long term job

- sticky thread. This thread is for the people who need programmer just for 1 - 2 times just to code something or to fix something