Hello M4 goodbye Metatrader


im not associated with these guys i just found it on elitetrader.com apparently the platform looks slick....maybe even rival those of Mt4...im considering paying for this.

exxcept liscence code costs only 5k instead of a couple 100,000k for MT4

M4 Trading Platform - Real-Time Quotes, Stock Charting, Order Entry and Portfolio Tracking

im gonna research it more....fingers crossed.

im not associated with these guys i just found it on elitetrader.com apparently the platform looks slick....maybe even rival those of Mt4...im considering paying for this.

exxcept liscence code costs only 5k instead of a couple 100,000k for MT4

M4 Trading Platform - Real-Time Quotes, Stock Charting, Order Entry and Portfolio Tracking

im gonna research it more....fingers crossed.

Don't mistake popularity for quality, Metatrader is free ,therefore poplular, but where 'real' money is concerned, Metatrader is regarded as a "turkey" - that is the harsh reality, and not without reason either. Non-existant developer features, sub-standard programming language, brokers that trade against you, constantly 'hangs' etc. - what is there to like!!!

I am not familiar with M4 but there are many (some might say , most) platforms better than Metatrader. Take Amibroker for instance: cheap, superb support, superb programming language, well-respect backtester etc. Metatraders one saving grace is generally widespread broker support.

But as a developers trading platforms it sucks!

Don't mistake popularity for quality, Metatrader is free ,therefore poplular, but where 'real' money is concerned, Metatrader is regarded as a "turkey" - that is the harsh reality, and not without reason either. Non-existant developer features, sub-standard programming language, brokers that trade against you, constantly 'hangs' etc. - what is there to like!!!

I am not familiar with M4 but there are many (some might say , most) platforms better than Metatrader. Take Amibroker for instance: cheap, superb support, superb programming language, well-respect backtester etc. Metatraders one saving grace is generally widespread broker support.

But as a developers trading platforms it sucks!

oh i absolutely agree with you on Metatrader. but u gotta admit, its free....and u can test stuff out and i think its enough for that. TESTING. lol

when it comes to real money i would never trade with the Mt4 brokers. but some indicators are VERY good. and i am having success with just placing orders on MBT and doing TA on mt4.

the thing thats attractive about M4 is that i dont have the resource and ability to start something like this from scratch....not gonna happen lol.

also, its pretty getting tiring trying to look for the "perfect" trading platform. for instance, i think once can fiddle around with M4 to connect to ECN or unsupported brokers like Oanda....speaking of Oanda wth is the API so expensive?? i am trying to implement prerecorded macros to avoid using API....its hard

oh i absolutely agree with you on Metatrader. but u gotta admit, its free....and u can test stuff out and i think its enough for that. TESTING. lol

when it comes to real money i would never trade with the Mt4 brokers. but some indicators are VERY good. and i am having success with just placing orders on MBT and doing TA on mt4.

the thing thats attractive about M4 is that i dont have the resource and ability to start something like this from scratch....not gonna happen lol.

also, its pretty getting tiring trying to look for the "perfect" trading platform. for instance, i think once can fiddle around with M4 to connect to ECN or unsupported brokers like Oanda....speaking of Oanda wth is the API so expensive?? i am trying to implement prerecorded macros to avoid using API....its hard

I presume you are referring to an OandaMetatrader API - don't know much about Oanda but if it supports a DDE interface, there is a free API available - I use it to connect MT4 to InteractiveBrokers. The downside for non-programmers is that there is an API programming language to learn (in addition to MQL) b4 you can get apps talking to each other reliably. Also, the API is relatively new (read, buggy) and is constantly being updated. Another real problem with MT is its tick-based interrupts - I've tried 'scalping' through MT on IB with poor results. The IB and MT prices vary too much...

I posted the link on here not that long ago if you're iterested in it.

there is a free API available - I use it to connect MT4 to InteractiveBrokers. ...I posted the link on here not that long ago if you're iterested in it.

Omelette, I have searched for your post and can't find it.

Can you please post the link again?


Omelette, I have searched for your post and can't find it.

Can you please post the link again?


Hi. There is a webpage but I can't find it atm. Bt you can d/l it from the Yahoo usergroup - twslink : Messages : 117-146 of 146