BBands Stop in Bar - page 2


you can see bband in bar give diferrent signal...

i don't know what happen

so please..

help to repair bbands in bar indic...


It gives a different signal because your in two different time frames. The chart has 15 min. bands and the bar has 1 hour bands.


bbands and bbands stop in bar above is mtf indicator..

in 15m chart i set both in hourly chart...

you can see in the picture 15m..

bbands stop bar (periode 1H)

they should give same signal..


i like to use bbands stop in bar indic because we don't need to zoom out the chart to see where is the bbands in higher periode/timeframe...

but i thinks bbands stop in bar have a problem...

you can see the picture below... and i have you understand what i mean...

so need your help here to make the indicator correct...

thanks for your help...

sorry for my bad english


here's what you're looking for, you must include the bbands_stop_v1. hope it helps.


BB_mtf work well !!

thanks mr.ziman

hope green pips always with you...


Make these indicators into bar type

Hello everybody, I need someone's help to modify these two indicators into bar type,

really appreciate it


hma4.mq4  8 kb
mf_2b.mq4  3 kb
Hello everybody, I need someone's help to modify these two indicators into bar type,

really appreciate it


Anyone?? help needed


bbands stop with shift mode

Good day,

can somebody help me to add a shifthing mode in the bbands stop. i attach here the bbands stop with alert.

i hope a lot of us will benefit from it.

a shifting mode will enable us to get an early signal.

Anybody that use bbands stop will understand what i mean.

Hope someone will help me... i'm not a programmer.


Psar Bar settings

This thread looks like its no longer active, but I thought its worth a try.

iinzall - I really like your template on the first post. Are you still using this strategy? What settings are you using for the Psar bar? Thanks