2 pair one chart? - page 3

How can I plot the price difference between gold and silver?

By plotting both on same chart?

By plotting both on same chart?

No, by plotting the price difference. i.e. gold price - silver price. It's easy on cqg, but i can't work out how on meta



we can't do it in MT4


Forex Indicators Collection

No, by plotting the price difference. i.e. gold price - silver price. It's easy on cqg, but i can't work out how on meta
we can't do it in MT4


Forex Indicators Collection


double iMA( GOLD string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift) - double iMA( SILVER string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift)

my a simple draw level line indicator!


I am able to use your indicator only on Japanese chart because it doesn't accept other than whole numbers. Please advise how to enter prices for other currencies like Eur/usd.

Thank you.


I am looking for some indicator that 2 separate pairs overlay on the 3rd as seen in the picture done overlay charts indicator but my interest is plotting the result of multiplication of thoe 2 overlayed in digital format /result value refreshes every few seconds . As for example price GU x price UJ ( 2 overlayed pairs )= the value of GJ ( on gj chart) ,here I used lines instead candle of overlayed pairs .


gj.gif  9 kb

Candlestick AND LINE chart on same chart same currency...possible?


Is it possible to put say an EU 1hr chart in candlesticks up on your chart AND then at the same time have another EU line chart in 4hr/1hr whatever at the same time and let them run?

I'm using MT4.

Thank you for any advice or suggestions,



I moved your post to this thread but I am not sure that it is what you need (check the first page of the thread).

You can check this post too:



Thank you sir! It's not exactly but it'll do.


I also would like one of these,

maybe someone in here could create it?