15min Profitable System - page 3



Thanks for sharing the system, Anyone know where to find the EA for it?

Than ks


Let me remember the way previous one started:

"I got this EA from a friend of mine, and since he is very shy, I decided to sell it in his name..." or something like that

It seems that scammers do never change. By now you should at least try to change the "subtle aproach" to the scamming theme. But then, it seems that learning curve can go flat, too.

As far as I remember, this is your third one here, but I'm allmost sure that there are members that remeber more of your "sharings"

good by

what are you on about?? . I wanted to share an apparantly profitable system with everyone on this forum. What other intention would I have? If an EA is made it would be posted on this fourm for everyone, so I don't understand you. The system is public to everyone.
Let me remember the way previous one started:

"I got this EA from a friend of mine, and since he is very shy, I decided to sell it in his name..." or something like that

It seems that scammers do never change. By now you should at least try to change the "subtle aproach" to the scamming theme. But then, it seems that learning curve can go flat, too.

As far as I remember, this is your third one here, but I'm allmost sure that there are members that remeber more of your "sharings"

good by

When did I say that? Show us the post. Cant you read or are you just ignorant? How is what I'm doing a scam? Do I have anything to sell? I said to everyone its not my system. I just wanted to know if there is an EA for it. If there is then its of benefit to everyone in this forum.

When did I ever scam anyone? If I did please provide proof, I challenge you or anyone else in this forum. Its not nice to be called a scammer when you are not.

You have got issues and its not my problem.

Good bye.