Follow (Z_o_R_R_o) system by FXiGoR - page 10


What i'm trying to say is that not the dots(red,green) are the problem but the blue line. You get the signal, blue line is ok and after, the blue line moves so you finaly discover you placed the trades wrong.

So you cannot test right by looking back on charts and saying it was a good trade because the blue line is down and the dots are ok and the HA is also down as we see in the pictures posted. The only way is forward testing for a while or writing an EA that only starts a new trade where conditions met. (This way blue line will not be painted when you do the trade)

I admit that it's looking good when you scroll back and spot the trades but as you can see in my previous picture the blue line tricks you. The blue line is the one that sends wrong signals.

I was trying to filter the signal of the bouncingpip strategy with an EA. Some were better than the others but they were only filters for the signal. You are filtering too the zizgzag_pointer signal with the red/green dots and HA but with this you loose a lot from the move. So the filters should be damn good if you want to be in profit. Mabe they are...

I'll keep testing and mabe add the filter in my previos versions of bp. Please let me know if i was wrong somewhere.

Thanks, Zmax

Hi zmax,

Yes you can do 100 % reliable backtest...

Without the BIG dots you are correct, one would not know were the blue line changed direction.

The BIG dots show you the points or the bar were the blue line changed direction.

Trust me and believe me, there is no re-painting element what so ever that could influence the results of the backtest in the smallest way (manually nore by an EA).

I have been kicking authors of topics in the butt that try to introduce systems that show great results on re-painting elements.

It would be plain stupid that now I would do the same thing


Hi zmax,

Yes you can do 100 back% reliable backtest...

Without the BIG dots you are correct one would not know were the blue line changed direction.

The BIG dots show you the points or the bar were the blue line changed direction.

Trust me and believe me, there is no re-painting element what so ever that could influence the results of the backtest in the smallest way (manually nore by an EA).

I have been kicking authors in the butt that try to introduce systems that show great results on re-painting elements.

It would be plain stupid that now I would the same thing


Hm the problem is not where the blue line reversed but where the blue line will reverse.There you have a lot of big dot's where the line could reverse. I just gave you an example with my picture where you see a down trend, you have the dots that tell you go down, you have HA and the trend is actuly up because the blue line was not painted in that moment when i placed my trades. After that, a big dot appeared and the blue line painted up.

As you've seen in my picture the blue line is up my trades down and you would say, no Victor you're wrong you did the trades not following the rule because the blue line is up. But the blue line painted after i placed the trades. This is what happens when you look back on the charts and spot the trades, you see good looking blue lines and right entries.

You say it's the timeframe the problem because it's too small. I say that timeframe has nothing to do with "no repainting" indicators.

Anyway i don't say it won't be a good filter for the zigzag_pointer (your approach) but i'm 90% convinced it repaints , i will test more.

P.S If i'm right you would have to kick yourself in the butt . lol


Hello iGOR,

Will you please post the link to your training video if you decide to do one?

Thank you for your work.



Hm the problem is not where the blue line reversed but where the blue line will reverse.There you have a lot of big dot's where the line could reverse. I just gave you an example with my picture where you see a down trend, you have the dots that tell you go down, you have HA and the trend is actuly up because the blue line was not painted in that moment when i placed my trades. After that, a big dot appeared and the blue line painted up.

As you've seen in my picture the blue line is up my trades down and you would say, no Victor you're wrong you did the trades not following the rule because the blue line is up. But the blue line painted after i placed the trades. This is what happens when you look back on the charts and spot the trades, you see good looking blue lines and right entries.

You say it's the timeframe the problem because it's too small. I say that timeframe has nothing to do with "no repainting" indicators.

Anyway i don't say it won't be a good filter for the zigzag_pointer (your approach) but i'm 90% convinced it repaints , i will test more.

P.S If i'm right you would have to kick yourself in the butt . lol

Hi zmax,

The problem is that the picture that you posted don't show any big dots.

So because they don't show any big dots for all the same you have everything (indicators values etc...)in a different way.

BUT if you have everything in the correct way then the 3 trades that you took were 100% correct.

If you would look now to you picture one could say: you couldn't take those trades because the line was up.

But that is absolutly not what not what I say or claim.

In real and in backtest it is perfectly clear that one took trades were the blue line was at tsome moment not in place and changed afterworths. The chaging afterworths is nice to bee seen by the big dots.

You say 3 false trades in a row... I'm pretty convinsed that one could have 10 losing trades in a row.

That is part of trading. Some who says the most consecutive losses I ever have is 2-3 is someone who has a system that takes profit after 10pips.

The reason also that you have 3 losing trades in ar ow within the same piece of trend is because you take it from a 5 min. TF.

That is why I sujest here and in the paltalk room to take it at least from a 15min chart. One can say I gonna add an other filter to it on the 5min chart but then you will arrive in 15min country were it takes positions the moment of chaging of the color of the bar.




If you would look to your picture one could say: you couldn't take those trades because the line was up.

But that is absolutly not what I say or claim.

In real and in backtest it is perfectly clear that one had to take those trades were the blue line was at some moment not in place but changed afterworths. The chaging afterworths is nice to bee seen by the big dots.

You are cheating a little bit on yourself. If you would go in backtesting only over the periods were the line was up or down, then that is not correct.

If you do your backtests you need to look to every sort of trade within the direction of a line as long till you see a BIG opposite dot.

Maybe you gonna say then: OK igor but then it doesn't look that good. But I never said it is a system that looks like a holy grail.

Without the BIG dots is shure looks like that, But that is why I placed the big dots.




Igor the picture was done early today with the template you posted in the first page. A fiew hours after, you added some other indicators and templates, i downloaded those but it's the same thing.

Big dots are those from DT_ZZ? Those should i look from now for? Rules change?

Anyway i can demonstrate you that on any timeframe you have this problem but on m5 was easyer because there are more signals.

In other words the problem is: "Is it a retrace or change trend direction?" You say that is a retrace and go for the old trend direction. I say it may be a retrace or it may be a trend direction change...

Thanks, Zmax




I have used now the new indicators and template in order to show you this problem.

Please tell me if i did something wrong there.

The bigdots as you said paint the spots where the blue line will repaint. Before the repainting i found a trend reversal, not retrace so you couldn't spot it when trading live this strategy. The 2 X-s up are places where one would enter using the strategy(enter UP)and the X at the bottom is the place where you see for the first time the blue line down.

The picture is selfexplanatory but if you have questions please let me know. If i'm tricking myself please also let me know.

P.S This is H1 timeframe so you can't say the TF is too small .

Mabe the cases where we have retraces are more than the cases where we have trend reversals (as in my pictures) but i have not counted yet so it still could be profitable even if i'm right with the problem i found.

Thanks, Victor

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...............In other words the problem is: "Is it a retrace or change trend direction?" You say that is a retrace and go for the old trend direction. I say it may be a retrace or it may be a trend direction change.........

Thanks, Zmax


I don't understand were you getting at...

Did you ever here me say that if one has a signal that is 100% shure it is a retracement in the old trend ?...

Do you have a system when it gives an entry to buy or to sell that you know 100% for shure it's going to continue the right direction ?....

If so I would be very much interested in it....




Sorry if i made you feel bad i'm very good at finding flaws in others systems and not seeing them in my own EA-s/Systems. I only wanted to demonstrate you that it repaints. But i'm telling you this things not to make you feel bad, but to make you think and find a solution or something for this problem. Or to make others find solutions. I'm trying to find also a solution for you but as i tried a lot with BP i don't have yet any other ideas for filtering that zigzag_pointer signal.

I don't have a perfect winner system. I had one but lost it, joking ). I'm just trying to help others in making "close to perfect" systems. Zigzags are fascinating me because they are very close to perfection. You just need a filter and you're done for the rest of your life.

P.S I will write sometime an EA that will run on a big period and count the trend reversals and trend retraces where the system had been entered. If more reversals than retraces than i would tell you that a new filter or something has to be added because it's not good.(worst case scenario ) It is better to find the problems faster, from my own experience.

Sorry again if i made you feel bad I have only good intentions.

Thanks, Victor



You don't make me feel bad.

On the contrary you make me smile...

I devellop systems now for 11 years with a reliable program ( Metastock professional).

I know perfectly what is possible and what is bejond the realistic expections of someone.

Let me put it this way...if I succeed in develloping a system that has a hitratio between 40 and 50% combined with an avg win/loss ratio of +/-2 then I know that this is within the maximum limits of a system.

A system with these caracteristics will produce very nice profits followed with the nescessary discipline and with a realistic money management ( no such thing as 100 or 200 leverage).

Every search or attempt to have a higher hitrate with higher avg win/loss ratio is a search for the holy grail and is a waist of time.

Time will tell if this system is within my expections.


PS. you say that there is a problem or a re-painting. I say for 100% shure that there is no re-painting what so ever in the entrys. That the blue line can change direction after a trade is taken in. Absolutly but that has no effect what so ever in a backtest if it is defined that even when a line would show the opposite in a historical way it should not be treated as such as long if there is no opposite BIG dot that apeared.

So actualy you can remove the blue line from you screen and take only the big dots as the direction to trade from. They will never give you the impression that things looks better as the were in real.

I leave the blue line there because it is simple to tell people " trade according the direction of that line"...