Blood out of a stone scammers


can u get blood out of a stone?

if u are the the smartest person on eath u could do it......just bang two stones together and u could get blood coming out of it.....yes u can do it ....but get your own blood running out of it

Equally u can get many forex traders claiming to get 10,000 pips a month out of forex and claiming to share the 10,000 with you.

The truth is there is not 10,000 pips a month from forex on any given currency pair.....the norm is 5 pips per pair for professional traders and 100 pips a month .....that is reality...........

Those who show past records of 1,000 pips per pair per month can get blood out of a stone and we know that is not possible

If a fund manager gives u 200 pips a month profit and he takes 100 pips as his management fee ,you are left with 100 pips.On a $10,000 account if you are given 1200 pips a year profit =$1200 ......the reward is poor for the risk


El Cid



The average daily profit per pair is 5 pips in the professional trading community.If a trader trades 5 different pairs the total average profit will be 25 pips per day ,125 pips per week or 6250 pips per year.The above figures are for using several profitable systems.

In reality it is very difficult to achieve figure higher than above.I challenge anyone to show higher pippage using lots 0.1 and closing positions every week,


El Cid

el cid:

The average daily profit per pair is 5 pips in the professional trading community.If a trader trades 5 different pairs the total average profit will be 25 pips per day ,125 pips per week or 6250 pips per year.The above figures are for using several profitable systems.

In reality it is very difficult to achieve figure higher than above.I challenge anyone to show higher pippage using lots 0.1 and closing positions every week,


El Cid

You only say that because you can't do better. There are plenty of traders who can blow 5 pips per day out of the water, and they likely don't post on these forums or participate in any stupid contests. They don't have to prove anything to anybody.

You only say that because you can't do better. There are plenty of traders who can blow 5 pips per day out of the water, and they likely don't post on these forums or participate in any stupid contests. They don't have to prove anything to anybody.


Higher pips reward means taking higher risk and when traders take higher risk ,they often blow their accounts very fast .....and they are not there to participate in any discussion.They are too embarrased to face the public forums after they (95% club) blew their accounts.

The grass is always green on the other side and 5 % is on the green lawn but they are mainly brokers

El cid

el cid:

Higher pips reward means taking higher risk and when traders take higher risk ,they often blow their accounts very fast .....and they are not there to participate in any discussion.They are too embarrased to face the public forums after they (95% club) blew their accounts.

The grass is always green on the other side and 5 % is on the green lawn but they are mainly brokers

El cid

You're free to believe whatever you want, but you're wrong.

I live in Chicago, and know a few traders personally who consistently outperform the market. They would laugh their asses off if you told them that 5 pips per day is the most you can expect. I was once an intern for Lind Waldock, and some profitable guys who traded with them didn't mind sharing their views or explaining why they entered a certain trade.

I remember one man in particular. He's in his early sixties, and moved here from China about 40 years ago. He once traded on the Vancouver stock exchange for an institution before trading on his own and managing some money for a few big clients. He specializes in index futures, mostly the S&P e-mini. I watched over his shoulder for a week. Even with the ridiculously low levels of volatility there has been on the major indices in the last few years, he still manages to pull 20 pts per day out of the E-mini S&P.

For those that don't know, 1 pt on the E-mini S&P is worth $50 per contract. He trades 100 contracts at a time and makes 10-15 trades per day. He trades off of a 10-minute chart with no indicators. Just time & sales and volume.

He's like an idiot-savant. He could never explain how he is able to do what he does, but he consistently pulls $100k per day out of the market on the S&P alone.

Saying that 5 pips per day is all you can expect in the long-run is a blanket statement. I think what you meant to say is that 5 pips per day is all that YOU expect to get.


5 pips or 100 pips per day is just the same, it's only about the time. Whe you can make sure you get 5 pips means that you can make 100 pips in a few hrs. Trading is not only technical side but also other affects. I can also trade without any indicators and that's what Iam practising now,and If you ask me how I can do it I can not answer not bacause I don't want to share..

Saying that 5 pips per day is all you can expect in the long-run is a blanket statement. I think what you meant to say is that 5 pips per day is all that YOU expect to get.

There are are very very few traders who will make more than 5 points on average daily.....some days they will make 30 but on average these exceptional traders should not make more than 15 to 20 pips per pair per day.There are very few of these exceptional traders.

I design mechanical automated systems and the best EA systems make on average 8 pips per day.I rephrase I challenge anyone who can consistently make a profit with a mechanical method or an E A

The ameuters will be lucky to break even let alone make a profit


El Cid

el cid:
There are are very very few traders who will make more than 5 points on average daily.....some days they will make 30 but on average these exceptional traders should not make more than 15 to 20 pips per pair per day.There are very few of these exceptional traders.

I design mechanical automated systems and the best EA systems make on average 8 pips per day.I rephrase I challenge anyone who can consistently make a profit with a mechanical method or an E A

The ameuters will be lucky to break even let alone make a profit


El Cid

your talking rubbish, no offence. i made 70pips in 4 hours today (early monday morning). On average i make alot more than 5pips/day. The big pairs on average range around 80-140pips per day....and you think professional traders only make on average 5pips from this range.....okay

your talking rubbish, no offence. i made 70pips in 4 hours today (early monday morning). On average i make alot more than 5pips/day. The big pairs on average range around 80-140pips per day....and you think professional traders only make on average 5pips from this range.....okay

If you look at the performance of the elite section ,there are 50 Eas or mayce many more than that , making 3,000 pips per month .That averages out at 60 pips per month per E A ,in 20 working days in a month it works out at 3 pips per day.

You guys look at 1 or 2 day's performance and also say if a currency pair has 140 pip range ,you can make 140 pips in a day.Well if that was true you would all be trillionaires by now,Some of you claim to make 70 pips a day or 1400 pips a month on a account of 10,000 with very few losing days ,if that was true you would all be trillionaires

and fact is 95 % of trader blow their accounts


El Cid

el cid:
If you look at the performance of the elite section ,there are 50 Eas or mayce many more than that , making 3,000 pips per month .That averages out at 60 pips per month per E A ,in 20 working days in a month it works out at 3 pips per day.

You guys look at 1 or 2 day's performance and also say if a currency pair has 140 pip range ,you can make 140 pips in a day.Well if that was true you would all be trillionaires by now,Some of you claim to make 70 pips a day or 1400 pips a month on a account of 10,000 with very few losing days ,if that was true you would all be trillionaires

and fact is 95 % of trader blow their accounts


El Cid

I think what you really were suggesting is that if you were to take that 5% of profitable trader's average daily result, add those results together, and then divide that by the number of traders you would get an average of 5 pips. This does not mean that 5 pips per day is all you can expect. It means that there are some profitable traders who can average 100 pips per day, and there are some who can only do 1 pip per week.

I find it humorous that you are using EAs from the elite section as proof of your claim. There's really little of value in the elite section. You're just selling yourself short, which is fine by me. More money for the profitable traders.

el cid:
If you look at the performance of the elite section ,there are 50 Eas or mayce many more than that , making 3,000 pips per month .That averages out at 60 pips per month per E A ,in 20 working days in a month it works out at 3 pips per day.

You guys look at 1 or 2 day's performance and also say if a currency pair has 140 pip range ,you can make 140 pips in a day.Well if that was true you would all be trillionaires by now,Some of you claim to make 70 pips a day or 1400 pips a month on a account of 10,000 with very few losing days ,if that was true you would all be trillionaires

and fact is 95 % of trader blow their accounts


El Cid

your maths isn't right....just because a pair might have 140 pip range in a day doesn't mean you can profit from 140pips, but you can definatly profit from more than 5pips. also some days i won't trade because the market isn't as easy to read, some days it's not as safe to trade.

I think you must just be a low performance trader, it's no worries on my part because i'll be making money from you

if you spend enough time learning things yourself and understand it's not about becoming a millionaire over night your'll realise you can make money.

when you say 95% of traders blow their account, how do you know this? do you run a broker or something?