TSD_Problems with Dialogue windows...


newdigital, there is a problem with the way TSD deals with windows that deal with replies to posts and PM's- when using the Opera browser. TSD is the only site on the net I've come across where this occurs. Neither is this a recent occurrance. It 'started' about a year ago and despite several Opera upgrades since, the very same thing still occurs. I was hoping things would sort themselves out on their own but apparently not...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I 'Snagged' this little video of what happens. Just moving the mouse pointer over the window causes this. Absolutely infurating when you're trying to respond to someone...

And before someone suggests it - No, I will not use Firefox, IE etc. instead. Anyone who has seriously compared them knows that Opera is far better than either of these pretenders. Though it does have its issues

tsd_problem.rar  56 kb

That's strange. Seems window is running from you all the time

I am not using Opera.

I think may be some other members who are using Opera may say something ... Or I may install this Opera ...


Of opera


I use only Opera and never had such a problem

Maybe some setting in windows or using something like WindowBlinds or similar?

newdigital, there is a problem with the way TSD deals with windows that deal with replies to posts and PM's- when using the Opera browser. TSD is the only site on the net I've come across where this occurs. Neither is this a recent occurrance. It 'started' about a year ago and despite several Opera upgrades since, the very same thing still occurs. I was hoping things would sort themselves out on their own but apparently not...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I 'Snagged' this little video of what happens. Just moving the mouse pointer over the window causes this. Absolutely infurating when you're trying to respond to someone...

And before someone suggests it - No, I will not use Firefox, IE etc. instead. Anyone who has seriously compared them knows that Opera is far better than either of these pretenders. Though it does have its issues


I have been using Opera for a long time and it some times show things different than other browsers but i do not have that problem i see in your video, or any other problem that i can think of here in this forum.

This reply is written in Opera and i have no problem at all.

I have version 9.23 but i can not remember having problems in this forum in older versions either.


That's strange. Seems window is running from you all the time

I am not using Opera.

I think may be some other members who are using Opera may say something ... Or I may install this Opera ...

This was done by running the mouse pointer over the Bold, Italics, Underline buttons etc. - just to show how annoying it can be. Normally the problem is triggered by moving the mouse pointer over this line of buttons but not always...

I had concluded that it was a problem with whatever scripting language the TSD server operates under but if at least one other long-time user of Opera has not experienced any problems, I'm now less sure...

For the record, this happens on a Dell laptop with WinXP. I'm almost sure its not a virus etc. as it was occurring before and after a system crash required me to reformat the drive. I find it more convenient to use this than the desktop but I will check if it also occurs on that...


I have been using Opera for a long time and it some times show things different than other browsers but i do not have that problem i see in your video, or any other problem that i can think of here in this forum.

This reply is written in Opera and i have no problem at all.

I have version 9.23 but i can not remember having problems in this forum in older versions either.


I appreciate the response. I am using the latest version of opera but as I mentioned it has occurred with all Opera versions updates out in the past year. Also, TSD is the only site that I have come across where the problem exists...


I use only Opera and never had such a problem

Maybe some setting in windows or using something like WindowBlinds or similar?

No, I just use the bog-standard windoze setup - no enhancements. Looks like it may be a laptop computer issue...