Changing an audio alert? can you do it?


Hi Guys,

I need your expert brains for a moment. Is there a way to assign a different audio file to a custom indicator? I have an EA running and a moving average cross over with audio alert all running at the same time. They both have the same audio alert. So, if I can change one to a different sound , it will make it much clearer when I should run back into the room. Does that make sense?

I asked a MT4 friend about this in a chat room, and he said that MT4 uses the same audio file for all alerts. Is this true?


Hi Guys,

I need your expert brains for a moment. Is there a way to assign a different audio file to a custom indicator? I have an EA running and a moving average cross over with audio alert all running at the same time. They both have the same audio alert. So, if I can change one to a different sound , it will make it much clearer when I should run back into the room. Does that make sense?

I asked a MT4 friend about this in a chat room, and he said that MT4 uses the same audio file for all alerts. Is this true?


You may look inside the code and if it is mentioned some audio file (usually it names inside the code) so you may change the name inside the code to your name and also upload this file in audio alert folder in Metatrader C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\sounds

But i am not sure exactly.


I made a .wav file of a bunch of Napolean Dynomite quotes and saved it in the sounds folder and then had the playsound function look at that file instead of the usual alert.wav file. If you want, I can something like this in your code. Just send me a private message.


You can modify the 'global' alert sound by going to the Tools -> Options -> Events menu in Metatrader. Here you can change what the sounds are for every event in metatrader.

You can also play a sound from anywhere in your code using the following snippet:


Like newdigital mentioned, the .wav file needs to be in your "C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\sounds" folder in order to be accessible via your code.



Hello lemmon138,

I believe the instructions linked below should do the trick. I found the default indicator alert way too loud so this de-amplified version is a lot better.Or you could put any other sound you liked just naming the wav file the same name as the alert.wav file and just replacing it in the folder: You can find a lot of free alert wav files on google.