Hello, i'm running Automatic Trading (EA) via VPS.

Sometimes when server reboot, all metatrader instance is not running automatically..

i want to whenever server reboot... all metatrader instance is in auto running and EA can continues the trade...

how to set it ?

- Autologin windows

- Autostart metatrader (currently i'm running 4 instances)


There are a number of ways to have Mt4 start up automatically when the server reboots.

1) Use software like FireDaemon and make MT4 a service level application.


2) The easier one but not the most secure would be to just make a shortcut and copy it into the "Startup" folder on your start menu.


EA on remote servers


look here


if you don't want to bother with the whole thread: Almost the complete solution is mentioned in post 61


For those of you looking for a VPS Service to host your metatrader and trading software check out this one Forex Trading VPS - Install your automated systems on a reliable server

I know there are a few others out there, but this one lets you run more than one metatrader without having to pay extra.

Let me know what you think about them.

For those of you looking for a VPS Service to host your metatrader and trading software check out this one Forex Trading VPS - Install your automated systems on a reliable server

I know there are a few others out there, but this one lets you run more than one metatrader without having to pay extra.

Let me know what you think about them.

How good are this company is there anybody from over here with them?



Best bet would be to set it up as a start up program in windows

1. Click Start>Programs, then right click on Startup folder and choose Open.

2. On the Startup window, go to File menu and choose New>Shortcut.

3. In the dialog box click the Browse button to specify the Task Manager program, it's by default at C:\windows\system32\taskmgr.exe (Where C is the partition that your windows XP is installed on).

4. After specifying the program path, click next and finish. Then you will see a new shortcut (computer icon) in the Startup folder.

5. Right click on that shortcut and choose Properties, select Minimized from the Run combo box, and click Ok, then close the Startup folder.

6. At the next time you start your computer the program will run automatically and you will see it in the system tray.