Publisher Detailed Statement output to web


Hi all,

i'd like to show my account details (current trades, closed trades, active balance and so on) to other users through external connection. Is there a way with mt4 or some other external tool to show these details in real-time acting like a server where they can connect and see account details?




Hi Skyline

Metatrader has a read only investors password, others can see your account, but cant place trades.

Hi Skyline Metatrader has a read only investors password, others can see your account, but cant place trades.

Yes i know but as far as I understand with investor account users can change settings, change EA parameters (if any is set) and so on, i'd like that users can only show account with no way to interact with metatrader, is this possible?


Anyone know the answer to this?


Yes, you can register a domain and setup a hosting account. Then use the ftp feature to ftp the account statement every 10 minutes or so. Provide your investors with a link to the statement eg. and viola!

Yes i know but as far as I understand with investor account users can change settings, change EA parameters (if any is set) and so on, i'd like that users can only show account with no way to interact with metatrader, is this possible?

Nope. User's can't do anything basically, as far as I know. You can easily test this by simply logging in (you yourself I mean) using your investment password and trying to change settings, etc.





How do you figure out your investor password?

How do you figure out your investor password?

When you open your demo account, at the final screen where you see your login and password, there will also be a third line, called investor password. Thats it basically. So you give someone the login and the investor password.

For a real account, you will be given both password and investor password by the broker.





Problem SOLVED!

Well, I posted this same question to the Metaquotes forum and got a very nice result, so I will post the fix here for the benefit of others.

By default, the Publisher is programmed to use an html template for the output of statements that are FTP'd up to your site. This template (statement.htm) does NOT include the balance curve graph normally included when you save a detailed report. In order to get MT4 to use the detailed report w/graph instead of the standard report, please follow these steps or go to the bottom of this post for the "quick and easy" method:

#1. Navigate to your C:\Program Files\MT4\templates folder

#2. Save a copy of the file called "StatementDetailed.htm" to your PC desktop or an empty working folder.

#3. Go back to your MT4\templates folder, rename the file "statement.htm" to "statementold.htm" and leave it in the MT4\templates folder.

#4. Rename the copy of "StatementDetailed.htm" you previously saved to "statement.htm" and then move it back to the MT4\templates folder. You're done!

If you ever want or need to have the original statement for some reason, then simply delete the altered "statement.htm" file you just made from MT4\templates and then rename "statementold.htm" back to "statement.htm" and your back to the original.

I have posted the altered files "statement.htm" and "statementold.htm" in this message so if you like, you can simply download and install both of these to your MT4\templates folder as a quick easy fix. There's nothing "broker specific" in these templates, so they will work with any MT4 platform, unless they ever change the formatting for the statements. Just thought I'd share this with anyone who is interested.


Great Job...and Thanks for Sharing!!

Please take note that anytime MT4 does an UPDATE that it may write over the new statement.htm created by putting it back to the original format without the chart. I know this because after I did it I updated the build version from 206 to 207 and it changed it back to the original format without the chart.