Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 262


xx3xx, You answered my question perfectly. I really appreciate you taking the time out too answer me and even better explain what you meant. You actually gave me allot to think about. It seems I should learn too plan out my actions allot more better when I place a trade. I have too confess I haven't really been placing too many Limit Orders. I have been more of a visual trader. I suppose most newbies go through that phase especially when bombarded with an infinite number of flashy indicators, but it makes more sense to take the time too plan things out and use a way too better my decisions.

You mentioned that you average the price levels and use that too make better decisions. That has gave me something too think about and look into also.

I think I found the Volt Channel Indicator and will start too work with it as soon as I post this post. I will post it here in case anyone else wants too use it. I'm not sure if it's the correct one. but I'm pretty sure.

xx3xx, Thanks again on answering my post. My only dilemma is that I only wish I was on a higher level too take more of an advantage of your knowledge and advice from all of your previous postings. I shaw do my best until then. Thanks again.


oke, poll -- exit poll Q

if there are 2 political party to vote for, you select one to be your few hour long govt

if all the voters in exit poll are lying -- then your exit poll is probably correct

if all the voters are telling the trustful, then your exit poll is 100 % correct

however, forex is kind of , the market mover people are sometime telling the truth, sometime lying (I am talking outbreak bars), the % probably lie at 40% to 70% of telling the truth in the first outbreak bar -- so we all stay here to find santa clause to give us money


something more simple now

I try to directly answer your question (without analog)

EXCEL -- it is not about formula but you can use it to set up a LIMIT ORDER (future price that you will buy ./ sell -- if this price is not hit, you DO nothing, i.e. no positions hold)

recently, I use 3 indicator price level, average their suggested price level

to decide

1. whether I should buy or sell

2. preset a limit order ideal price that I should enter

don't know the result, as hard to follow what my excel suggest, in real life, i.e trading is still an emotional , hunch thing -- hard to stick the weekend rule, that you've found in weekend -- you know that is 80 to 90% correct (direction-wise)

imagine - if you go into a dept store, you can choose 4 option, buy , sell , hold open, do not enter any

what price level that you will choose to buy or sell (how about other 2 options)

this is the scenarios that we are facing in forex (if you look for sales price, you got the wrong concept, but I fall for that again and again)

i.e. you have too many different way to use excel -- it is not a forecasting tool

but could help you to decide and make up the mind on the Limit order price for entry

or excel could also proof certain SIGN that is correct or incorrect

-- sometime I use the forum , to drop some research notes on forex

so I don't read it twice, and obviously, hard to understand , from time to time

did I answer your Q -- sign for next entry, depend on chart

excel, not for OLAP forecast analysis

but you could use excel for best price entry === or tell you to enter in which direction -- those input value are from the INDICATOR price level of your chosen template


clearly, most people here, just try to GET THEIR entry signal right -- absolutely right

they are still here and struggling, that is how difficult in forex

(after entry, there are still exit and other 2 options -- we seldom touch those subject , not yet)


if broker is honest, the pip spread cost is TRUE and CORRECT

as long as we don't trade more than 10 lots per day

and keep an eyes on long term performance on DEMO entries

either you win a lot or loss a lot ( but minus the pips spread cost from either case)

we might able to COLLABORATE our effort -- but you must have a consistent result in DEMO account (even big negative is good , but must be less than 10 x 1 lot entries each day -- i.e. as long as you don't bet too much ) -- talking about PERSONAL STATISTICS right now


will guide you a step further, in your learning curve, otherwise, it will take ages for you to learn the trade inside out

repaint is a relativity term, 90% indicator does repaint, but trading range seldom over 250 pips, therefore,

for any indicator -- be sure , right after your entry , it won't repaint so badly that change your entry decision (there are 3 options)

before you exit, it better not repaint again


excel, it is extremely useful if you try to have a presumption of Universal Sign for entry

so in the historical chart, when this SIGN appear, you could calculate, is it statistically correct to give an entry signal, what should be your take profit pip range etc


like now, with my eyes on my chart, I really want to sell $audjpy , as $cadjpy is still going down smoothly, so the retract of 40 pips U-turn in 30M, I bet that it would be a fake U-turn

however, in the weekend excel exercise

I set up only 3 trustworthy indicator, and in weekend, if it tell me to HOLD, I should really hold for at least for a while unless, 25 pip further in the direction for which I choose before entry

and it give me HOLD suggestion

why ? , there is a well tuned MA indicator , actually, that one is UP signal

and the other 2 (1 is volty is clearly down) -- so it suggest me to hold, then if I gave up that SELL IMPULSE (down) , the suggestion is CORRECT

== so I suggest you to use excel to prove or disprove a sign that you see in your template, test it with the excel, use excel to suggest an entry price level -- a hint - the instant execution price level , that you can buy/ sell easily, usually try to trick you, so limit order is good, mine will valid for 150 minutes, just remember to delete all limit order before you switch off the computer -- easily forgot that part too


what broker ?

What Broker you use USA residents ?

who gives 1:500 leverage and low spread.

Please help.



Hi, attached is a revision that seems to work. I renamed it (being funny). I am attaching a screen shot using one minute time frame and it works for me. I have not posted enough to use PM yet. I have owned and managed a software company and the last statement I would make is to criticize anyone's code. My address is in the code. Thanks for your efforts and the sharing of your progress. Regards, Rydnek. NOTE: It does REPAINT because it uses the same logic as most zigzag indicators.

HI rydnek ,

this indicators is good if don't have the problem that does it repaint i wonder if is posible to solve that problem and make in not repaint ?

if any programmer here can fix this problem, that is good step



. In addition this link was given at first page for further indies


Could you please give a short explanation about those new ind that were added, how to use them?,


Hey All,

I know its been awhile since I have been on this thread. I was on an excursion for awhile. It was something I needed 2 do.

I want to thank Forex11 for holding it down & I want 2 thank all of you for your support. Im so happy 2 see that a lot of you have been finding success with FTC. I want 2 thank you all for your kind words & e-mails & PMs.

I have a huge mound of papers, e-mails & PMs to read & reply 2. So I will end this short. I'm back.

Thanks again,


Hi Forex11 and bear -boss, are you still there ?

I benefited a lot from this system.

Is any one doing trading for living..

how u manage it, please give insight.




possible mods to EA

Hello to all,

It has been a while since I visited this thread.

It has come to my attention that there might be changes needed to the EAs.

Things like 5 digit brokers, ECN trading and maybe add or remove some of the filters.

If someone can save me time please let me know what needs to be done.

This thread has grown quite a bit since my last post.

Robert Hill aka MrPip


Hi MrPip,

It is what I have as the links:

bouncingPipEA_BigBear_v23 EA is on this post: coding the original method described by BigBear on this thread. Original thread is here

bouncingPipEA_mPowerV42 EA is on this post and most recent versions are on this page: EA is having many combinations of several confirmation methods including QQE. Original thread is here

and bouncingPipEA_mPowerV41 is on this post:

So, the latest EA is on this post:

But as I saw - many people used this version too:

As to the changes so it may be fine to have ECN (false/true), 5 digit brokers (automatically detect the digits), non-hedge for magic number (false/true), strict non-hedge (for the whole account checking irrespective of magic number).


zig zag pointer

been reading this thread since I registered hours ago. zig zag pointer is mentioned a lot here but I could not find any info on the internet. how does it actually work?=)