The Only Pivot - page 141


Entry & Exit

Hi Aelimian, I use BT for SL & my target 25, 50, 75 pips etc

hi bro, i am interested in BT & pivot,

in your last post you waited for signal pivot, how and where?

please give me more detail example.

when is the save and good entry and exit?


hi bro, i am interested in BT & pivot,

in your last post you waited for signal pivot, how and where?

please give me more detail example.

when is the save and good entry and exit?


Hi Wawan,

Pls see post TimeFreedom (1405)

You can see red arrow.


Got stopped out on the short trade -75*2 lots = -150 pips. All my winnings from yesterday are wiped out except for +3 pips . We should get a buy signal soon.


Got in real late on the short signal. I am somewhat confident with the trade because we are trading in the direction of the mid-term trend. TimeFreedom

Waiting until Signal buy from Only Pivot

Today 65pis from Sell signal

gajah.jpg  47 kb
Got in real late on the short signal. I am somewhat confident with the trade because we are trading in the direction of the mid-term trend. TimeFreedom

I guess the lesson learned here is don't take late (and especially really late) signals. If you miss a trade (signal), wait for the next one. Don't force a trade.

TimeFreedom look at your on time trades minus the late trades and you Rock!

Keep up the good work.



Good Signals today.

Sell: 65 pips

Buy: 60 pips


125 pips


Got in the buy signal @ 210.97 and closed out +160 pips, which makes me +10 pips for the day. Looks like we will get a short signal soon.



I wish we could get the best of both worlds. TimeFreedom's chart above gets the SHORT signal one candle later than MIG, but the LONG signal gets in one candle earlier than MIG.

gbpjpy_1h.jpg  63 kb

Got in short @ 210.35 for the third signal of the day. We have USD news coming out in approx. 30 minutes.


Got in the buy signal @ 210.97 and closed out +160 pips, which makes me +10 pips for the day. Looks like we will get a short signal soon. TimeFreedom

I will OP at 210.80-211.00 area.

And TP in 210.00-20 area.

Stop Loss at 211.60