Complete ebook for daily trading method - "The 8and8"


I thought I'd put my ebook here as well as the Trading Systems sub-forum.

It details a system for entering and exiting and selecting trades based off the daily charts.

If you have any questions just ask.




Thank you Michael.


Glad you find it of some use.

All the feedback from those using the book has been positive and quite a few are now moving from two months demo'ing to live trading.


Is there another thread somewhere that I can subscribe to?

I'll try and make some time this week to set it up and give it a run, for now I have just read the strategy.



michael dunbar:
I thought I'd put my ebook here as well as the Trading Systems sub-forum.

It details a system for entering and exiting and selecting trades based off the daily charts.

If you have any questions just ask.



Hi Michael,

thanks for your system manual's useful one


Forex Indicators Collection

Is there another thread somewhere that I can subscribe to?

Do a Google search on "Fozzy method". You will find extensive information on this method.


Deleted post as above comment was edited.



I like both of your methods. The 8 and 8 Band Method allows me to trade on the cross when it does occur, and the Fozzy Method trades are very rare since it tends to catch the trend very late based upon the conditions. This may not be the thread to ask this, bit I was curious if you use any other system for trading daily that have been successful?



I like both of your methods. The 8 and 8 Band Method allows me to trade on the cross when it does occur, and the Fozzy Method trades are very rare since it tends to catch the trend very late based upon the conditions. This may not be the thread to ask this, bit I was curious if you use any other system for trading daily that have been successful?


Sorry ET, you might be a bit confused there. I use and wrote about my way of using the fozzy method in the ebook. I posted it as "8and8" on here and the SAME book as "Fozzy ebook" on FF as most people understood that name there but might not on other forums. If that's unclear or confusing I apologise.

Except on rare occasions, I wait for the cross to form before trading the next day.

As for other methods, I've testing a breakout on the GBPJPY (which is a one a day method) and I'm testing the Steinitz EA.


Sorry Michael - I didn't see at first that you were the original author due to difference in screen names. No offense intended.

Lou G:
Sorry Michael - I didn't see at first that you were the original author due to difference in screen names. No offense intended.

No probs Lou. Hope you got something out the book. Let me know how you get on. Others have emailed me with their backtest/demo results and I'm trying to get them to post so everyone can see.