Guppy Moving Average !! - page 2


3 Moving Averages

Hi all

I want an indicator that shows 3 or 4 ma lines on chart, can i finde it?


You can just add 4 MA's on the chart and save it as a template.


There's trillions and trillions of ways and systems to use MA's. Just Google "forex moving averages" and you'll come up with thousands of results. In a nutshell, a moving average is exactly what is says. It averages out the price over a certain amount of periods or bars. The shorter the periods, the more closer it is to the price movement. The bigger the period, the smoother. It helps to the eye and mind to generalize the price movement for trading decisions. Improtant though is that it is a "lagging" indicator. Meaning, when you see the signal for oppertunity, it's probably in the middle of it already. It's best to combine it with other indicators if to use it for trading decisions.

Hi all I want an indicator that shows 3 or 4 ma lines on chart, can i finde it?

Click here



that's GMMA (Guppy Multiple Moving Averages) , you can find using searching tool in this forum


Forex Indicators Collection

I think it's called waves.... please post it if you have it...thanks

Please, read second post on current thread.

Note: and stop spam the forum.


Yes, this is called a rainbow indicator.




Do someone knows this indicator????

I think it's called waves....

please post it if you have it...thanks

waves.gif  22 kb

Guppy separate window

Dear all,

Have searched thoroughly (I hope) but can't find the indicator I'm after but I'm sure it must be out there. I use Guppys MAs just as a way of reinforcing my opinion of trend. But I also like to use trend lines and I find having rainbow averages make my charts (and price action) difficult to read. Is there a Guppy indicator which is displayed NOT actually on the chart?

I realise this is a bit problematic as the y axis of this separate window would have to be high or it'd be very unclear and this would take up a lot of space, but could always just minimise it once I've looked at it.

Better still, if there's an indicator which prints in text (on a separate window) whether MA1 is above MA2 which is above MA3 etc...

Apologies if this is out there, I know how cross people get if it already is and has been covered!
