Improvement of the FX_sniper ergodic indicator - page 3

Hi, Das! ergodic settings - default from you posted?

extern int pq =2;

extern int pr = 10;

extern int ps = 5;

extern int trigger =3;

Hi fxbs, yes.


thanks, Das! So, idea is clear - Sig indicator: only simultanious signals macd &ergodic, all other - cutt off

idea is good, guys, please join in!


Indicator Idea

Just a thought, I think the filtered indicator may be best be presented like the CZI below.

Someone to program this can make 3 states of signals in 3 different colors for:

1. Buy zone, where both ergodic & macd are in alignment for buying.

2. Sell zone, both indicators in alignment for selling.

3. No trade, the indicators are not in alignment with each other.


about "run with the bulls and hunt with the bears" I tought I invented that but I can believe it is so evident that for shure severall people came up with that saying.

So if darryl guppy (from guppy traders) placed a copy right on it then it is his property)

BTW I know darryl guppy. I have received a book from him personly signed by him. It was a book about breaking the black box.

And for all the same I red it somewhere and forgot about it but was still in my subconsience and suddenly came back...what the heck I opend this topic to find a solution to these 2 indicators



I read some sujestions about using a MACD with tdiffernt settings because they have succes with etc...

That is not the point.

The point is that the ergodic indicator does a great job. So does the MACD with the settings I found. If we can combine those 2 indicators then as I said in my first posting it will filter out some false trades.

If one can filter out false trades in a simple way that is always an improvement of course.

The values that I gave don't have to nescescaarly stay as they are. Once that indicator would be build it is possible that we change a little bit of the settings of the values I sujested. It will be easier to check out the best settings because of the visualisation of the arrows.



The best way I see it is that both indicators would be in 1 data window and that a simple buy arrow apears when both indicartors are in buy mode or vice versa.

If someone can build it, the best way would be to work with both ">" (bigger then) or "<" (smaller then). Because if one would look to the "cross" at the same bar then it will give problems if the cross would not happen on the same bar but for ex. 1 bar difference.

I am not in favour to work with an indicator like the sujestion made by mietectec in the previous posting because those kind of indicators use a lot of CPU.

One can also say:why not the 2 indicators in 2 different windows but when one uses other indicators it is taking unnescessary space in your platform and sometimes the lines are so close to each other it is difficult to see what happens. So with an buy or sell arrow it is emmidiatly visible.



raw code [Eliah based] 4 your consideration:

//---- main loop __ !!!P.S. Not an ind. - part of code!!!

for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)


ExtMapBuffer1 = 0; ExtMapBuffer2 = 0;

double macdMain0 = iCustom(NULL, 0,"FXSnipersErgodic_CCITrigger", pq, pr, ps, trigger,0, i);

double macdMain2 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "FXSnipersErgodic_CCITrigger", pq, pr, ps, trigger,0, i+1);

double macdSignal0 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "FXSnipersErgodic_CCITrigger",pq, pr, ps, trigger,1, i);

double macdSignal2 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "FXSnipersErgodic_CCITrigger",pq, pr, ps, trigger,1,i+1);

double macdMain01 = iCustom(NULL, 0,"MACDsmoothed", FastEma, SlowEma, SignalSMMA, 0, i);

double macdMain21 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "MACDsmoothed", FastEma, SlowEma, SignalSMMA, 0, i+1);

double macdSignal01 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "MACDsmoothed",FastEma, SlowEma, SignalSMMA, 1, i);

double macdSignal21 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "MACDsmoothed",FastEma, SlowEma, SignalSMMA, 1, i+1);

if (macdMain0 > macdSignal0 && macdMain2 < macdSignal2&&

macdMain01 > macdSignal01 && macdMain21 < macdSignal21)

ExtMapBuffer1 = iLow(NULL, 0, i+1);

if (macdMain0 macdSignal2&&

macdMain01 macdSignal21)

ExtMapBuffer2 = iHigh(NULL, 0, i+1);



!!!P.S. Not an ind. - part of code!!!


Sig ind based on Jason's code:

if ((SignalSMMAnow > MACDnow) && (SignalSMMAprevious < MACDprevious) &&

(SignalSMMAafter > MACDafter)&&

(SignalSMMAnow1 > MACDnow1) && (SignalSMMAprevious1 < MACDprevious1) &&

(SignalSMMAafter1 > MACDafter1))


CrossDown = High + Range*0.9;


else if ((SignalSMMAnow MACDprevious) &&

(SignalSMMAafter < MACDafter)&&

(SignalSMMAnow1 MACDprevious1) &&

(SignalSMMAafter1 < MACDafter1))


CrossUp = Low - Range*0.9;

pict: macd sig Eli (more signals) & Jason (less sig)

macd_x_jsn.gif  22 kb

Raw versions:

MACD_ Ergodic_ XSig.mq4 (Eliah formula) & MACDsm_Ergodic_X_Sig[Jsn].mq4 (jason's formula) works only with MACDsmoothed.mq4 and FXSnipersErgodic_CCITrigger.mq4 (exact file name, should be properly installed )


so far not so good, look what that sukker does...

(big arrows-erg; small-macd sigs)

come-on guys, programmers, kill that s.o.b. ...