My Refined Elliot Trader software recommendations..


will updated here any signals as many as i can..

There are no valid Elliott Wave trades available at this time. Stay out of the market.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for GBPJPY240 (Daily) on 12-Jun-2007 with one incomplete pattern:

Wave (B) of the Intermediate degree Flat with a rating of 103.4 is expected to complete in the price range 241.26 to 252.35, but more probably between 242.11 and 246.25. This wave is due to complete anytime from now until 07-Jul-2007, but is most likely to complete before 20-Jun-2007.

After wave (B) is complete, expect the market to continue down into wave (C), which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave (C) to retrace wave (B) by 93% - 176%. Wave (C) can also be expected to be 110% - 176% of the price length of wave (A). The expected time for wave (C) to complete is 60% - 248% of the time taken for wave (B) to complete and 119% - 393% of the time taken for wave (A) to complete.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 12-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 29, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


There are no valid Elliott Wave trades available at this time. Stay out of the market.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for EURJPY240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with one incomplete pattern:

Wave C of the Primary degree inverted Flat with a rating of 91.6 is expected to complete in the price range 153.66 to 165.68, but more probably between 156.62 and 162.47. This wave was expected to complete before 25-May-2007, and must complete by 17-Jul-2007.

This wave C will complete the Flat pattern.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 7, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


Current Trading Positions for EURUSD240 (EURUSD240) Daily on 14-Jun-2007

* A Primary degree trader (hold positions from months to years), would currently be shorting this market. The probability of this Target Area being correct is 82.0%. However, the random probability of this Target Area being correct is 65.0%. So the true probability of this Target Area being correct is 26.2% better than random.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for EURUSD240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with three incomplete patterns:

Wave B of the Minor degree inverted Flat with a rating of 99.5 is expected to complete in the price range 1.2999 to 1.3443, but more probably between 1.3297 and 1.3414. This wave is due to complete anytime from now until 05-Jul-2007, but is most likely to complete before 16-Jun-2007.

After wave B is complete, expect the market to continue up into wave C, which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave C to retrace wave B by 86% - 173%. Wave C can also be expected to be 102% - 173% of the price length of wave A. The expected time for wave C to complete is 66% - 296% of the time taken for wave B to complete and 122% - 424% of the time taken for wave A to complete.

Wave (B) of the Intermediate degree Flat with a rating of 84.7 is expected to complete in the price range 1.3593 to 1.4194, but more probably between 1.364 and 1.3868. This wave could complete anytime between now and 22-Mar-2008, but is most likely to complete sometime between 28-Jun-2007 and 20-Sep-2007.

After wave (B) is complete, expect the market to continue down into wave (C), which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave (C) to retrace wave (B) by 93% - 176%. Wave (C) can also be expected to be 109% - 176% of the price length of wave (A). The expected time for wave (C) to complete is 59% - 248% of the time taken for wave (B) to complete and 117% - 379% of the time taken for wave (A) to complete.

Wave X of the Primary degree inverted Double Zigzag with a rating of 90.2 is expected to complete in the price range 1.2867 to 1.354, but more probably between 1.3047 and 1.3384. This wave is due to complete anytime from now until 25-May-2008, but is most likely to complete before 13-Sep-2007.

After wave X is complete, expect the market to continue up into wave Y, which should be a three wave Zigzag pattern. Expect wave Y to retrace wave X by 177% - 381%. Wave Y can also be expected to be 102% - 381% of the price length of wave W. The expected time for wave Y to complete is 75% - 287% of the time taken for wave X to complete and 66% - 226% of the time taken for wave W to complete.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 22, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


There are no valid Elliott Wave trades available at this time. Stay out of the market.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for GBPJPY240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with one incomplete pattern:

Wave (B) of the Intermediate degree Flat with a rating of 103.8 is expected to complete in the price range 241.26 to 252.35, but more probably between 242.11 and 246.25. This wave is due to complete anytime from now until 07-Jul-2007, but is most likely to complete before 20-Jun-2007.

After wave (B) is complete, expect the market to continue down into wave (C), which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave (C) to retrace wave (B) by 93% - 176%. Wave (C) can also be expected to be 110% - 176% of the price length of wave (A). The expected time for wave (C) to complete is 60% - 248% of the time taken for wave (B) to complete and 119% - 393% of the time taken for wave (A) to complete.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 11, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


There are no valid Elliott Wave trades available at this time. Stay out of the market.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for GBPUSD240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with one incomplete pattern:

Wave D of the Primary degree inverted Contracting Triangle with a rating of 104.6 is expected to complete in the price range 1.9676 to 1.9783, but more probably between 1.9684 and 1.9715. This wave could complete anytime between now and 25-Jul-2007, but is most likely to complete sometime between 16-Jun-2007 and 12-Jul-2007.

Once this wave D is complete, expect the market to continue up to the end of wave E, which will most probably be a ZigZag family pattern or possibly a Contracting Triangle. Expect wave E to have between 40% and 70% of the price range of wave C and complete in 27% to 106% of the time taken by wave C. Expect also that wave E will have between 26% and 56% of the price range of wave A and complete in 14% to 66% of the time taken by wave A. The slope (ie. price range divided by time taken) of wave E should be between 58% and 209% of the slope of wave C and between 76% to 307% of the slope of wave A. Wave E will complete this Contracting Triangle.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 18, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


There are no valid Elliott Wave trades available at this time. Stay out of the market.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for USDJPY240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with one incomplete pattern:

Wave (B) of the Intermediate degree Flat with a rating of 101.8 is expected to complete in the price range 121.68 to 124.52, but more probably between 121.9 and 122.96. This wave is due to complete anytime from now until 07-Aug-2007, but is most likely to complete before 30-Jun-2007.

After wave (B) is complete, expect the market to continue down into wave (C), which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave (C) to retrace wave (B) by 93% - 176%. Wave (C) can also be expected to be 110% - 176% of the price length of wave (A). The expected time for wave (C) to complete is 60% - 248% of the time taken for wave (B) to complete and 119% - 393% of the time taken for wave (A) to complete.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 30, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


Current Trading Positions for USDCHF240 (USDCHF240) Daily on 14-Jun-2007

* An Intermediate degree trader (hold positions from months to quarters), would currently be trading long in this market. The probability of this Target Area being correct is 65.5%. However, the random probability of this Target Area being correct is 45.0%. So the true probability of this Target Area being correct is 45.6% better than random.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for USDCHF240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with two incomplete patterns:

Wave (C) of the Intermediate degree inverted Zigzag with a rating of 106 is expected to complete in the price range 1.2311 to 1.3062, but more probably between 1.2426 and 1.2806. This wave could complete anytime between now and 23-Oct-2007, but is most likely to complete sometime between 23-Jun-2007 and 14-Aug-2007.

This wave (C) will complete the ZigZag pattern.

This is the final wave in the pattern. When complete it will also complete wave B of the Primary degree Flat with a rating of 96.6. These two waves have the same target ranges.

After wave B is complete, expect the market to continue down into wave C, which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave C to retrace wave B by 89% - 172%. Wave C can also be expected to be 94% - 172% of the price length of wave A. The expected time for wave C to complete is 50% - 236% of the time taken for wave B to complete and 53% - 211% of the time taken for wave A to complete.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 12, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..


Are you using MetaTrader for this software?


There are no valid Elliott Wave trades available at this time. Stay out of the market.

Extensive Elliott Commentary for AUDUSD240 (Daily) on 14-Jun-2007 with one incomplete pattern:

Wave B of the Primary degree inverted Flat with a rating of 103.9 is expected to complete in the price range .6805 to .7942, but more probably between .7306 and .7831. This wave could complete anytime between now and 23-Apr-2002, but is most likely to complete sometime between 12-Jul-2007 and 25-Oct-2007.

After wave B is complete, expect the market to continue up into wave C, which should be a five wave Impulsive pattern. Expect wave C to retrace wave B by 83% - 171%. Wave C can also be expected to be 88% - 171% of the price length of wave A. The expected time for wave C to complete is 57% - 246% of the time taken for wave B to complete and 53% - 209% of the time taken for wave A to complete.

Current Analysis Settings:

Analysis Date Range: 02-Jan-2007 to 14-Jun-2007, Label Range: 7 - 30, Preferred Count Labels: 24, Min Rating: 75, Stocks toggle OFF, Bias Towards Beginning of Data: 8, Bias Towards Major High/Low: 8, Largest Degree Wave Filter: Any Pattern

Analysis were made using the Refined Elliott Trader software..

Are you using MetaTrader for this software?

nope ny168.. i'm using the server


Okay, thanks . I think that's bummer . Well, it's good to see your strategy in your thread, which it helps a lot.
