How to use Support and Resistance Effectively - page 72

Thanks. Phew! Nice to be talking with someone calmly again.

I don't really know how I can do that. They would often be long and very boring videos! The videos on YouTube are the closest I can practically get. They are not rehearsed and the commentary is live. Even then I have to chop bits in the editing as they just get to cumbersome to produce and upload. I always try to show the clock if I remember, so you can see the time at least for each bit.

This thing about traders demanding proof is always interesting. For me, I think it's more important that the trader proves to themselves that their technique and mindset work. If you think about it, it makes no difference if it works for everyone else in the world, if if isn't something you can work with for some reason or other. And there are plenty of very successful traders who employ the same techniques as unsuccessful ones. I don't tell people how to trade, I just give them some tools. They use them as best as they can. It's like any educational process. Some will get it, and some won't.

My interest in telling people about what I do stems from the realization that when we started trading, most of us were looking for financial freedom and independence - and you can't get that if you become dependent on someone else for a system, signals, mentoring etc - by definition. So the Ab Fib Framework, and the powerful mindset work are designed to give traders the ability to achieve that original goal in a way that frees them from dependence on others.

So, I say again, that if I simply put on a circus act and pull a wonderful trade out of a hat live on air, it doesn't help you. It also doesn't mean that you can do it either - but you can find out how to do it for yourself, and that to me is much more valuable.

Am I making sense? (Oh dear, that's an open door for the other guy, isn't it! )

I actually agree with what you say...What I was thinking was right when you take a trade, post on this forum saying "I just took this trade" don't even have to have an explanation the same when you exit the trade.

I know this won't help me or any other traders but maybe it could convince Waylander(if that's what you want to do).


Lol Its not

He isn't here to help anyone. He posts like every other commercial promoter. He doesn't actually defend any of the statements I make to him, except for the lame, "believe what you want" response.

His fibonacci "absolute" framework is a rip off of WD Gann's sq of 9.

Want a cookie Lewis?

I actually agree with what you say...What I was thinking was right when you take a trade, post on this forum saying "I just took this trade" don't even have to have an explanation the same when you exit the trade. I know this won't help me or any other traders but maybe it could convince Waylander(if that's what you want to do).

Here yeh go, want to know how to setup you charts with ABSOLUTE FIBONACCI FRAMEWORK?


Create an indicator that bases its vertical lines (a grid indicator) by certain ranges. Add a code to put in the Fibonacci ratios below this. Hence, Price = 120. Your Indicator is put for ranges of 10. First Vertical line at 130 down to 120 using ratio numbers- Repeat and rinse to get a full chart of vertical lines.

How to produce amazing results like Lewis does in his pictures?? Fiddle with the numbers until significant support and resistance are "Coincidentally" met in each time frame- then after the fact, post your amazing system.


BTW Lewis, remember how you said go ahead and post my stuff on the internet? I will- along with the link for a mq4 indicator i'm creating right now just for your convenience.

I actually agree with what you say...What I was thinking was right when you take a trade, post on this forum saying "I just took this trade" don't even have to have an explanation the same when you exit the trade. I know this won't help me or any other traders but maybe it could convince Waylander(if that's what you want to do).

Thanks for the thought. The thing is that I don't actually feel a need to prove anything to anyone. It feels like a waste of energy. On my courses I actually tell people that I cannot prove anything to them, and not to believe what I say. It's much more important that they find out for themselves. The Framework is just there. How you interact with it is key to how successful you are in your trading.

The simple answer to all of this is that I have something that could be useful for traders. If you are interested, take a look. It may not be for everyone. It works well for me and judging by the comments and emails I get from many others, it works for them too. The amount of energy that this guy puts into trying to convince people that I am a fraud is incredible! Why bother? All he needs to do is take me up on my offer, or get the book and find out for himself.

I have enjoyed this little conversation, and I cold go on but I feel he may go over the edge! The funny thing about all this is that the thread is about 'How to use support and resistance effectively'. Well I think he is doing a better job of using resistance effectively that I am in giving support!

Enough said.


So no, please, I am not siding with anyone nor am I attacking anyone, all I am saying is that if you want people to believe in your system, at least attempt to create a bit of an independent set of results for them to look at.

So Lewis, have a chat to the TornadoFX guys, specifically a gentleman by the name of Ruby, I have found him to be most helpful.

If he like your style of trading after 6 months or so, time flies, he may even offer to sell your signals for you and you can generate some additional income from your trading? It's a win-win for you, you actually cannot afford not to do this?

Have a great New Years folks and all the best for 2009.



Hi Wayne, and thanks for the comment and suggestions. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this.

I actually started all this by simply making some statements that I know to be true, based on something that I discovered. I am not trying to convince, convert, put pressure pressure on, or prove anything. As I said, I don't feel that need. I do find that if people find out about what I do, sometimes they realize that it's what they are looking for, and they come and find out about it.

Equally, I don't sell signals, as that doesn't fit with my philosophy on trading. In saying that, I am not making any judgments about anyone else's philosophy. I am interested in the empowerment of traders.

There are many reasons why so many don't succeed, and a lot of that is rooted deep in the subconscious programming. Changing that programming requires that the person first realizes that they need to change something, and no amount of selling and hyping up a product can make that happen. In fact, the move towards abundance for many can be a difficult road, because changing from an 'I am not successful' mentality to the opposite may involve challenging deeply held beliefs that may seem like facts, even though they are just beliefs and they don't serve to help. Showing someone the potential for success can even have the effect of making that programming even more powerful, since it emphasises, in their mind, the seemingly impossible distance they have to go before they get what they think they want.

So people need to decide for themselves when they look at this. If they are not ready, they just get angry, or find fault. Our friend here on this thread, for instance, has got himself so angry that he wants to spoil it in some way, as we have seen. That's a pity - but only for him. What ever he does from here on, will only reflect on him. If he publicizes every single detail he can find about what I do, it makes no difference to me, and can actually save me a lot of time because it will attract others who think like him, and whom I doubt would ever be interested in what I do.

On the other hand, if anyone does want to find out, I'm here, and I can tell them.

Happy New Year to you and all traders here.


Hi Guys

Really simple to solve, but hey, this is just my opinion?

I do this from time to time to appease the guys who think my signals are crap. LOL.

Enter an independent competition and at the end of the month produce the results for everyone to see and scrutinize? Try do this often enough to be considered reliable.

Have an independent service monitor your trading and produce the results for the public to get to at any time they like.

I have three sets of totally independent trading styles and each has a verifiable track record.

Tornado FX. Scalping trading is here;

Forex | Signal Service

RentaSignal. Scalping and Swing Trading is here;

{edited} - not published yet

And the current competition that I have chosen is here;

December 08 iTradeFX Trading Contest - ForexRazor - Forex Trading Forum | Currency Trading Forum - Community - Forex Trading Contests

I have no access to any of these statistics whatsoever, they are copied from my platforms automatically, so in a nutshell, they should provide some kind of proof as to my ability without having to argue with people or try to justify why I sell signals.

You either accept these as fact or you don't, no problem with me. :-)

So no, please, I am not siding with anyone nor am I attacking anyone, all I am saying is that if you want people to believe in your system, at least attempt to create a bit of an independent set of results for them to look at.

So Lewis, have a chat to the TornadoFX guys, specifically a gentleman by the name of Ruby, I have found him to be most helpful.

If he like your style of trading after 6 months or so, time flies, he may even offer to sell your signals for you and you can generate some additional income from your trading? It's a win-win for you, you actually cannot afford not to do this?

Have a great New Years folks and all the best for 2009.




A very happy New Year to you too, thanks for the reply.




And to you too! As a fat cat, I guess you are curled up by the fire today. Enjoy!


Fire, no chance mate, the only fire I am getting anywhere near today is the braai (bbq). The temp is already on it's way to 30c here today.



Wish I knew what anina's strategy is...


It's a Bollinger Breakout and Reverse, that's all I know, sorry.