How to use Support and Resistance Effectively - page 35


Took me 2 days to read the entire thread and it was certainly time well spent!

I wasted countless manhours studying indicators and, as it turns out, S&R is not only the answer but the simplest answer of all. Not saying it will be the easiest to master but simple from the standpoint I don't have charts cluttered with a dozen indicators.

Now time to read the Pring document and start practicing this method on a demo account.

Thanks Bubble. This may be a turning point in my trading career.



Please, do use for confirmation this indicators?


i was reading this thread since yesterday, and today belong all morning and afternoon. But i had time only to see 1 time each post, so i was/am totally confused.

could anyone who had learned the method try to summarize it in steps?

the mostly difficult for me is what exactly to look in HTF.

is this (for long)

1 look for a breakout in trade time frame (for example 60)

2 look for a second test of the support

3 look for a bar up after the first test of support in HTF?

oh, a very very confused

very sad it occurs now that i have started.



sorry my picture somwhere disappear

Hi kuky,

What's the rule apply to draw little circle on your chart ? do u have that indicator?


Forex Indicators Collection


In the hope that this thread won't die and also hoping bubble will return, I offer this mornings trade up for debate.

Was it good or just luck......cumon Bubble I know you're out there.....WE NEED YOU...........pleeeze I'm sure we have learned our lesson.....we'll be good.

Keep posting folks


excellent ideea

Go ahead guys, it is a very good idea.

Lets create back everything, as bubble done it we can do it also!

Attached is the "Pring"'s document with "Peaks and troughs" as a pdf this is all I have.



If anyone would care to send me what they have, including pics, I'll put together a pdf doc to share with all.

This is all I have.

It would be good to include the Martin Ping article as well.

I wish everyone the best with their trading.

Thanks Bubble for what you have taught.


This is all I have.

It would be good to include the Martin Ping article as well.

I wish everyone the best with their trading.

Thanks Bubble for what you have taught.


Support and Resistance

Support and Resistance -


this is some deleted pict(38)

was such a good idea ...

at least something will be left

Files:  723 kb
this is some deleted pict(38)

was such a good idea ...

at least something will be left

thanks for posting the pics. Maybe we can reconstruct much of this.