Market Insight - page 2

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Bird watching in lion country

is there anyone ever read this book?

i read it already, but i still get confused how to draw median grid..can anyone help me?

Jessica keough:
is there anyone ever read this book? i read it already, but i still get confused how to draw median grid..can anyone help me?

Yes, long time ago

Drawing Median Grid, according to "Bird Watching in Lion Country" ebook

1. Open chart in H1 (Hourly) time frame

2. Observe price level about 1 month ( at least 3 weaks data prices) to find the lowest and Highest level

3. Draw the Horisontal line near Lowest level or Prices Level nearest lowest price, this line is a support line ( Lower grid )

4. Draw the Horisontal line near Highest level or Prices Level nearest Highest price, this line is a Resist line ( Upper grid )

5. Calculate the range of Upper and Lower grid ( Price Range)

6. Middle grid ( Median) is Price Range devided by 2


You should further subdivide your grid into quadrants, four levels (621 pips divided by 4 quadrants equals 150/ 155 pips per quadrant). The bottom two quadrants will be your prime buying areas (Q1 and Q2). You will also trade up and away from the median in Q3, just above the median, but by now you should know enough to show caution in Q4 (the top quadrant)"

Here is an example;

Files: make it clear...are you still using this sistem? and then is that profitable?

how to put stop loss? you know if we put buy order when the price reach Q 1 we hope it going to Q 2 or 3..but when we put buy and it going down to Q1, how many pips do you put for stop loss?? thank you..

Jessica keough: make it clear...are you still using this sistem? and then is that profitable? how to put stop loss? you know if we put buy order when the price reach Q 1 we hope it going to Q 2 or 3..but when we put buy and it going down to Q1, how many pips do you put for stop loss?? thank you..

No, I haven't used the system, just to enrichment my knowledge.

I've my own system


This is my results for the last few days, I had to start over from the beginning of the month for a competition. Believe me when I tell you that his system works like a charm.

results.rar  9 kb

Has anyone seen the "Tony Soprano Guide to Management"?

My son has this, and there are some pretty choice quotes.

Sorry, I don't have it to quote from.

I'm pretty sure there could easily be a Tony Soprano guide to the markets!

OK, to make this posting slightly more on-topic:

These are from Mark Shipman ("The Next Big Investment Boom"):

"Blame Nobody. Expect Nothing. Do Something"

- New York Giants locker-room motto.

"The Secret to a happy life is doing what you want and spending time with those who are important in your life. Analysing markets, evaluating strategies, and choosing investment classes and individual investments are time consuming. If you have the discipline to stick with a simple plan that works for you and your family, then self-directed investing will make sense for you". - Harry S Dent Jr, author of "The Great Boom Ahead" and "The Roaring 2000s".

"All profitable systems trade trends; the difference in price necessary to create a profit implies a trend". Ed Seykota
