Sorry for the attention grabbng headline, but I need help. I have become so annoyed over the weekend that I should probably have posted this thread on Sunday and early today would have had an answer already.

I want to make use of the standard fibonacci channel indicator on the meta platform. However, however, I do not know how to setup my chart. What happens is that I'll have the tool up, connect certain areas and candles will magestically fall in place etc etc, they will line up they way I like it. As per the first picture.

But then I shift the chart to the left or to the right, the whole picture changes.

Also, as per chart 2, when I change tf the lines move completely. The yellow line was place over the channel line on the higher tf.

Now I'm wondering if it is because: (a) I am only using the demo, or is it (b)that I have now grown up and need a more proffesional charting package.

Whilst on the subject. Couls ome one make me a grid indicator please? Now now, not an ordinary grid indicator, but one which I can tell it at which angle I want it to slant, and also which width to be. Or mayb you know someone who can help me, or mayb you know someone who knows someone. LOL

Any suggestions or advice will be gratefully appreciated.

PS: I hope it's not (b) cause then Forex won't be as much fun anymore