Identifying Weekly bank transactions


In addition to the news, large bank transactions cause spikes in currencys. It is my uderstanding that many of these banks ( according to a friend at B of A ) make weekly transfers at a regulary scheduled time. What I am trying to do is identify these times before they happen and adjust my EA accordingally.

I figured that consistant spikes in price and volume would be a good way to identify these transactions ( or anything else that happens on a weekly basis and causes currencies to spike ). Here is my attempt to identify these times. Volume works but I cant seem to populate the Average_Hourly_Range variable.

Please take a look and tell me what I did wrong.


void HistoricVolitility(){

int WeekInSeconds = 604800;

int HalfhourInSeconds = 1800;

// Same Hour, Last Week

datetime One_Week_Start = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds - HalfhourInSeconds;//current time -1 week - Half hour

datetime One_Week_Curr = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds;//current time -1 week

datetime One_Week_End = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds + HalfhourInSeconds;//current time 1 week + Half hour

int One_Week_Start_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,One_Week_Start);

int One_Week_Curr_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,One_Week_Curr);

int One_Week_End_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,One_Week_End);

double OneW_High = High;

double OneW_Low = Low;

double OneW_Range = OneW_High - OneW_Low;

double One_Week_Volume = iVolume(Symbol(),30,One_Week_Curr_Per+1);

// Same Hour, 2 Weeks Ago

datetime Two_Week_Start = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*2 - HalfhourInSeconds;//current time -1 week - Half hour

datetime Two_Week_Curr = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*2;//current time -1 week

datetime Two_Week_End = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*2 + HalfhourInSeconds;//current time 1 week + Half hour

int Two_Week_Start_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Two_Week_Start);

int Two_Week_Curr_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Two_Week_Curr);

int Two_Week_End_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Two_Week_End);

double TwoW_High = High;

double TwoW_Low = Low;

double TwoW_Range = TwoW_High - TwoW_Low;

double Two_Week_Volume = iVolume(Symbol(),30,Two_Week_Curr_Per+1);

// Same Hour, 3 Weeks Ago

datetime Three_Week_Start = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*3 - HalfhourInSeconds;//current time -1 week - Half hour

datetime Three_Week_Curr = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*3;//current time -1 week

datetime Three_Week_End = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*3 + HalfhourInSeconds;//current time 1 week + Half hour

int Three_Week_Start_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Three_Week_Start);

int Three_Week_Curr_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Three_Week_Curr);

int Three_Week_End_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Three_Week_End);

double ThreeW_High = High;

double ThreeW_Low = Low;

double ThreeW_Range = ThreeW_High - ThreeW_Low;

double Three_Week_Volume = iVolume(Symbol(),30,Three_Week_Curr_Per+1);

// Same Hour, 4 Weeks Ago

datetime Four_Week_Start = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*4 - HalfhourInSeconds;//current time -1 week - Half hour

datetime Four_Week_Curr = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*4;//current time -1 week

datetime Four_Week_End = TimeCurrent() - WeekInSeconds*4 + HalfhourInSeconds;//current time 1 week + Half hour

int Four_Week_Start_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Four_Week_Start);

int Four_Week_Curr_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Four_Week_Curr);

int Four_Week_End_Per = iBarShift(Symbol(),0,Four_Week_End);

double FourW_High = High;

double FourW_Low = Low;

double FourW_Range = FourW_High - FourW_Low;

double Four_Week_Volume = iVolume(Symbol(),30,Four_Week_Curr_Per+1);

double Ave_Hourly_Range = (OneW_Range + TwoW_Range + ThreeW_Range + FourW_Range);

double Ave_Volume = (One_Week_Volume + Two_Week_Volume + Three_Week_Volume + Four_Week_Volume)/4;

HistoricRange = Ave_Hourly_Range;

HistoricVolume = Ave_Volume;
