My GBP Trading recommendations & Journal - page 3


sorry this post is the same one down it..accured because of double clicking the submit button

cementman: realy doesn't matter the system that a person use i'm sure there is a lot of wining systems out there and if you read shwager's book the market wizards or a lot of the articles with succesfull traders for instance you'll see that every trader has he's own method but there is a lot of similarity in there way of thinking or there attitude they all keep certain rules they follow and they are nearly the about the style which i still insist it is more than a system it would be known at a point of time caz i've already done that with a lot of people and for free, but the advantage is that they were here in my city and i did that one 2 one caz it can't be fully explained via papers only..and among these people who learned some of them is cnsidering quiting his job to be a full time trader and the other had lost some money and after a while he said this is not my game and some of them are coming back to me and saying there lost and they want me to trade there money for them which i refuse, but the irony is that the 3 kind of people toke the same information from me, but look what each of them had end up with . I've taken a look at your chart and i attched what i would've done caz it seem like your market is similar to our market here in Egypt and i suggest the same to the people here to drow it as a line chart and keep it simple, just go long when it breaks previous high and with a proper money management they should be doing good caz we don't have short selling here till now(oh in the picture i don't mean by out is to let the market turn around on you all that but you should be out of most of your position at least 2/3 and when it says out is the last third that you've put on the break even)..i think they'll start it next month or so..good luck on your tarding and have agreat weekend.

Hi cementman,

Thanks for the picutre. Yes, keeping it simple is the key to robustness. What you showed in the picture is Joe Ross-like style. I really like for its profitability, simplicity, and robustness... however I've had trouble applying it to the FX markets. Any simple approach systems look to me difficult to trade in the FX markets. They seem to be too much 'jagged', with a lot of noise... maybe due to all the MetaTrader EAs and other low-cost automated trading? Or maybe I'm wrong... what do you think? To me, markets other than FX just look 'smoother' and therefore the simple indicators (which bear no risk of being overfitted) work better. What is your opinion?

As far as trading our exchange, yes it has been easy for past years when it was nicely trending. Well, you basically didn't need technical analysis in the first place. You just bought any stock and held it and you couldn't have lost. I'm not surprised it was similar in Egypt, these are all emerging markets. The question is, how much longer they will be emerging and neatly trending upwards

Thanks for your comments.


Glad you liked it..just tell me what book you're looking for and i'll try to help you with..i have a huge library of PDF's trading books clloected over 9 years.

Glad you liked it..just tell me what book you're looking for and i'll try to help you with..i have a huge library of PDF's trading books clloected over 9 years.

Hi cementman,

I've got one idea. You said you really couldn't bring your insights and knowledge on a paper, which is understandable. What do you think about setting up a real-time chat room where you would 'think aloud' about the market's current action and where we could discuss. Well it wouldn't really be that much real-time since you trade on H4 chart... so short discussions every 4 hours... but anyway, JohnnyDenver69 did this nearly a year ago and thanks to that several people became good traders... Unfortunately I didn't even know about Forex back then so I couldn't attend.

Or, if you don't like typing, there are means for you to do the input verbally with the audience sending you messages through a chat room. MPlay on WoodiesCCIClub forum did a bunch of free option trading classes online this way.

What do you think?


Hi cementman,

I've got one idea. You said you really couldn't bring your insights and knowledge on a paper, which is understandable. What do you think about setting up a real-time chat room where you would 'think aloud' about the market's current action and where we could discuss. Well it wouldn't really be that much real-time since you trade on H4 chart... so short discussions every 4 hours... but anyway, JohnnyDenver69 did this nearly a year ago and thanks to that several people became good traders... Unfortunately I didn't even know about Forex back then so I couldn't attend.

Or, if you don't like typing, there are means for you to do the input verbally with the audience sending you messages through a chat room. MPlay on WoodiesCCIClub forum did a bunch of free option trading classes online this way.

What do you think?


Sounds good ideea a chatroom

Traders help traders


well i don't mind at all just tell how it could be done i realy do hate typing so if you gaot any ideas on how to do it feel free to tell us about it..caz i'm very bad i technology stuff i don't even know how to make a movie or an audio file and post it so if you wanna make a live chat tell me what software and how to do it that would be a good idea in fact


Hm i can make a chatroom but i dont know if we find some free software where you can type verbaly.

any sugestion Malcik ?


Hi guys, I made a little search and I got this: (download the software from -- this is free and should meet our purpose. cementman, please try it if you're comfortable with it.

I'm not sure if it can do live broadcasting. If it can, cementman would just turn on the screen&voice broadcasting anytime he is looking at the charts and comment for us while we would watch it and listen to it online and send him questions through any chatroom (he would answer them verbally again - why type when you're speaking into the microphone anyway ). Check -- there is archive of such live online classes by MPlay (the Q&As from the audience are only at the end of each session though).

If it can't go live: This is trading on H4 timeframe. I guess cementman just comes to the screen every 4 hours (around a bar close), does a quick analysis, and then either goes back to have some fun again or stays at the screen to pinpoint a good entry/exit on lower TFs. I.e., his activity is not high, and therefore he could just come to the screen, turn the recording on, show us how he does it (screen&voice again), and before leaving the computer, turn the recording off, and quickly upload the video to the internet so that we can download it. Since this wouldn't be real time, the questions could only be answered later.

Then I found this:

It can do both live broadcast and records but it is not free and we don't want cementman to have to pay for all this stuff.