My GBP Trading recommendations & Journal - page 2


I wish you success in your jurnal..

What system you also a swing trader and im curious what you use?

Have a great day


You was quick:)

I apreciate your work and i ask just for couriosity....sorry if my english is bad:)

Also i dont want to learn another system...they key momey management, discipline and go with what you are comfortable and suits to you and maybe what works for you dont works for many.

Keep your good work.

BTW from where i know you because i dont remember?

I know you but i dont remember frome where:)



Good job during this week's choppy market. I wish you good luck trading and thanks in advance for any of your further insights in this journal. I like traders' art to be shown to us, newbies, step by step. I've seen two great threads (Simba and JohnnyDenver69), is this going to be number three?

You was quick:)

I apreciate your work and i ask just for couriosity....sorry if my english is bad:)

Also i dont want to learn another system...they key momey management, discipline and go with what you are comfortable and suits to you and maybe what works for you dont works for many.

Keep your good work.

BTW from where i know you because i dont remember?

I know you but i dont remember frome where

Leutzuro..Thank you for your support and kind words and english is not my mother tongue also so feel free and what you have said about money management,discipline and what suits you is all what its all about you nearly summarized what i'm traying to say..and i always say give a great system to 2 traders one of them will blow his account in days and the other will make money of it so its not just the system...oh and about you knowing me, i think i have the same feeling your name certainly rings a bell but i don't know where

cementman, Good job during this week's choppy market. I wish you good luck trading and thanks in advance for any of your further insights in this journal. I like traders' art to be shown to us, newbies, step by step. I've seen two great threads (Simba and JohnnyDenver69), is this going to be number three?

Malcik..the famous Malcik, i've seen your contributions in Simba's thread he is a great guy and i always admired your work, actually i don't think Simba's thread would of gone any further without you and other great guys who switched simba's ideas to real work, i realy thank you for your hard work..what i realy like about Simba is his ideas and trying to pass knowledge not just method and thats what i'm trying to say here also..beside his method is some how like my style with other factors of course, but he's a great teacher not like me..i'm trying to organize my thoughts and i might put them in a book and call it "My trading philosophy" i don't kbnow if that name had been taken or not .

And please don't call your self a newbie i consider you an organized thinker.

oh and about the trading this week actully i've done better in other accounts but i'm commited with the signals i gave so i don't show any thing but them and i'll appreciate if goined me here and lets make a team effort to amke this thread work out for better, as i'm convinced as Leutzuro said that you chose what suits you and what does might not suit another person, so thats what i keep telling the guys who come to me and say hey we found a great system and the guy who tried it said he's making 100% each month..i say good for him but when you have a good car why change it if you're happy with it, you might get it new tiers, new radio or sound system and do what ever but you never change the car it self..i remember this actor robert doval with john travolta in movie i think its name was civil acts, when john asked him why don't you get a new suit and a new brief case he answered him with this great sintence "you never cahnge your sox in the middle of a match".

i hope you got the idea and i'll be looking forward to your contributions

Malcik..the famous Malcik, i've seen your contributions in Simba's thread he is a great guy and i always admired your work, actually i don't think Simba's thread would of gone any further without you and other great guys who switched simba's ideas to real work, i realy thank you for your hard work..what i realy like about Simba is his ideas and trying to pass knowledge not just method and thats what i'm trying to say here also..beside his method is some how like my style with other factors of course, but he's a great teacher not like me..i'm trying to organize my thoughts and i might put them in a book and call it "My trading philosophy" i don't kbnow if that name had been taken or not.

And please don't call your self a newbie i consider you an organized thinker.

oh and about the trading this week actully i've done better in other accounts but i'm commited with the signals i gave so i don't show any thing but them and i'll appreciate if goined me here and lets make a team effort to amke this thread work out for better, as i'm convinced as Leutzuro said that you chose what suits you and what does might not suit another person, so thats what i keep telling the guys who come to me and say hey we found a great system and the guy who tried it said he's making 100% each month..i say good for him but when you have a good car why change it if you're happy with it, you might get it new tiers, new radio or sound system and do what ever but you never change the car it self..i remember this actor robert doval with john travolta in movie i think its name was civil acts, when john asked him why don't you get a new suit and a new brief case he answered him with this great sintence "you never cahnge your sox in the middle of a match".

i hope you got the idea and i'll be looking forward to your contributions

Hi cementman,

Thanks for your encouraging post. Well I might be an organized thinker and I might be a veteran in theoretical trading but trust me, I'm a complete newbie in live trading... Well I do have some experience in trading stock on Prague Stock Exchange but that was way before I discovered things like technical analysis, money management, discipline etc. So it was not really trading, it was gambling. I realized it and quit at a loss of 15% of my capital knowing that if I continued doing it that way I could earn it all back but with equal chance lose what was left... so I went to Forex and have been studying ever since then (nearly a year now). But I'm opening my live account now... The bureaucracy of it has taken some time already but it should be finally done next week. As soon as it is, I'll start trading SimbaSystem the way we developed it

I think you will make a great teacher, too. At this kind of forums, great teachers are those who are willing and able to think aloud, in real time. And you are. And, second, you'll have to f**k the lazy ignorants and disruptors who keep asking for clear-cut rules, EAs, and free money-machine. They won't come until in a few days or weeks. Now, in the beginning, they will hold back because they will be able to stay disciplined as long as this thread is brand new. But later, they'll get bored and desparate and start pushing into you. Please don't let them bother you. Whether you choose to f**k them hard like JohnnyDenver69, or smartly humiliate them by rock-hard arguments like Simba, or just ignore them, please don't stop posting That's the only way to get rid of them without the hard-working followers losing their chance to watch you at work.

As far as your trading, I like the style of giving the market chance to breathe and reach the TP, yielding a high win ratio. And I know that can be good for maintaining my weak, beginner's discipline So I'm looking for your further insights, knowledge, philosophy, and thinking aloud that would open some new things for us.

I think Simba would join us, too. He, and I too because I've been learning from him, is into cyclical analysis according to J.M.Hurst and John Ehlers -- the way he teaches it in his two threads. But this is not about systems, this is about knowledge that applies to all systems so I'm sure I can learn. And even if you reveal parts of your system, I like to at least check out anything that works (because most systems are overfitted and don't work ).

Thanks for your work and you bet I'll post what I think if I can. I'm just not sure if I should post it here or on the thread mentioned in your signature.


Hi Malcik,

First of all thanks for your support and great post(as usual) i did have a similar start to yours 9 years ago i started with the sstocks also it was after my first course and i was anxious to open my first account and thought that with the couple of strategies the guy gave us in the course i'm gonna be a millionair in just a couple of months so in my first trade which was lucent stock as i remember i bought it 6$ before market opens with all the money i had with a market order..few minutes later the market opens and the stock is 5$ and i lost 20% of my capital, so my first mistake was that i bought with all i had and the second was that i placed a market order and that was like telling the predators out there your breakfast is here thank God the only thing that i made by the rules was that the this money i started trading with was the money i can afford to i held it and start self educating myself and the more i learn the more i fell that i've payed money for peanuts information that i've new through one week search, but i didn't regret it and i still felt grateful to the guy caz you know what he opened a great door for me just by leting me know there is another world out there and its up to me to walk through it or stand outside and take a look from just a look from the what i mean is never regret any of your learning steps how hard it is its all a part of your learning cycle..and as i tell the people that come to me..i'm only a language teacher , some of you will get out of here barely reading and the others will be fluently reading and writing novels and he might one day win a nobel prize though i teached you the same things still its up to you how to use it..a knife could cut a piece of bread or kill a human being..which one would you chose to be this is the question.

and here is the deal from now on you're a partner in this thread as long as the goal is noble, so feel free to answer here or in any other forum. and if you have any ideas fell free also to post them.

Hi Malcik,

First of all thanks for your support and great post(as usual) i did have a similar start to yours 9 years ago i started with the sstocks also it was after my first course and i was anxious to open my first account and thought that with the couple of strategies the guy gave us in the course i'm gonna be a millionair in just a couple of months so in my first trade which was lucent stock as i remember i bought it 6$ before market opens with all the money i had with a market order..few minutes later the market opens and the stock is 5$ and i lost 20% of my capital, so my first mistake was that i bought with all i had and the second was that i placed a market order and that was like telling the predators out there your breakfast is here thank God the only thing that i made by the rules was that the this money i started trading with was the money i can afford to i held it and start self educating myself and the more i learn the more i fell that i've payed money for peanuts information that i've new through one week search, but i didn't regret it and i still felt grateful to the guy caz you know what he opened a great door for me just by leting me know there is another world out there and its up to me to walk through it or stand outside and take a look from just a look from the what i mean is never regret any of your learning steps how hard it is its all a part of your learning cycle..and as i tell the people that come to me..i'm only a language teacher , some of you will get out of here barely reading and the others will be fluently reading and writing novels and he might one day win a nobel prize though i teached you the same things still its up to you how to use it..a knife could cut a piece of bread or kill a human being..which one would you chose to be this is the question.

and here is the deal from now on you're a partner in this thread as long as the goal is noble, so feel free to answer here or in any other forum. and if you have any ideas fell free also to post them.

OK, sounds like a deal I'm looking forward to your comments... live calls are great but without comments I by myself can find a mess of systems that would confirm your signal and the same mess of systems that would be telling to go against you But you are the boss, and you're right about going step-by-step. Great teachers first attract people by wonderful real-time results so that people remain attracted to it and have something to keep them at work that's later to come... if it was the other way around, the thread would be dead after a few pages

As far as my first encounter with trading, it was similar -- I traded mostly CEZ, the largest energetic company in the Czech Republic and the largest blue-chip at our exchange. Check the chart - - I did longs only, started at the end of February 2006 and gave up due to frustration in June... about the bottom of the dip Well, if it weren't for this, I would have had nothing to bring me to active trading. realy doesn't matter the system that a person use i'm sure there is a lot of wining systems out there and if you read shwager's book the market wizards or a lot of the articles with succesfull traders for instance you'll see that every trader has he's own method but there is a lot of similarity in there way of thinking or there attitude they all keep certain rules they follow and they are nearly the about the style which i still insist it is more than a system it would be known at a point of time caz i've already done that with a lot of people and for free, but the advantage is that they were here in my city and i did that one 2 one caz it can't be fully explained via papers only..and among these people who learned some of them is cnsidering quiting his job to be a full time trader and the other had lost some money and after a while he said this is not my game and some of them are coming back to me and saying there lost and they want me to trade there money for them which i refuse, but the irony is that the 3 kind of people toke the same information from me, but look what each of them had end up with .

I've taken a look at your chart and i attched what i would've done caz it seem like your market is similar to our market here in Egypt and i suggest the same to the people here to drow it as a line chart and keep it simple, just go long when it breaks previous high and with a proper money management they should be doing good caz we don't have short selling here till now(oh in the picture i don't mean by out is to let the market turn around on you all that but you should be out of most of your position at least 2/3 and when it says out is the last third that you've put on the break even)..i think they'll start it next month or so..good luck on your tarding and have agreat weekend.

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