Looking for a Spreadsheet



I am wondering if anyone could help me by developing a very simple Excel spreadsheet to help me keep track of my trades and account balance. Here is what I need:

Place to input my original deposit amount:

Spreadsheet calculates 5% and gives that figure, and let's me enter the date next to when that 5% was reached:

Forecasts the future (account balance and date) based upon the previous 5 dates of when the 5% was reached.

Can anyone help with this?

Thank you in advance for any replies.



Hi Mike,

This is a simple maths problem. You don't really need a spreadsheet to calculate...

N = log a / log b

where N = number of days, a = expected growth & b = daily growth

If a = 1.20, meaning expected growth is 20%

b = 1.005, meaning daily growth is 0.5%

then N = log 1.20 / log 1.005 = 37

By using compounding effects, it takes 37 trading days to achieve.

However, if you would still prefer a spreadsheet.... here you are.

book1.zip  2 kb

Baiwan, thank you for responding and for the spreadsheet. However, I don't think it is quite what I am looking for. I probably wasn't very clear.

I am using a system that may take 2 days or 20 days, or shorter or longer, to make 5% profit. I want to be able to put in my deposit amount of $300.00 let's say, and the spreadsheet will tell me what 5% of that amount is (in this case, $15.00), so that when my account reaches $315.00 I will know it is time to close all open positions. At that point, I would also like to put in the date, or the number of days trading that it took to reach the 5% figure.

Then, the spreadsheet will recalculate what 5% will be, and I will close all positions and put in the next date when I reach that amount. With each new date I put in, I would like the future calculations (up to 4 years) to show amounts and dates based upon an average of how long it has taken in the past (say, an average of how long it has taken the past 4 or 5 trades to reach 5%).

Does that make sense?

Thank you again for responding, I hope to have been clearer and I hope you can help with this.

Hi Mike,

This is a simple maths problem. You don't really need a spreadsheet to calculate...

N = log a / log b

where N = number of days, a = expected growth & b = daily growth

If a = 1.20, meaning expected growth is 20%

b = 1.005, meaning daily growth is 0.5%

then N = log 1.20 / log 1.005 = 37

By using compounding effects, it takes 37 trading days to achieve.

However, if you would still prefer a spreadsheet.... here you are.

Here is a spreadsheet I got from another trader. It may help you out. It has several pages that are tabbed at the bottom. One of the pages has the directions. It does come up with the macros pop up window when you load it.


This is closer, but still does not do what I am looking to do. Thank you much for responding, though. Hopefully someone can help. I appreciate it.

Money Duck:
Here is a spreadsheet I got from another trader. It may help you out. It has several pages that are tabbed at the bottom. One of the pages has the directions. It does come up with the macros pop up window when you load it.