Real Time Currency Correlation Calculator


Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for a real time currency correlation indicator. If anyone has one or can point me in the right direction, I'd be thankful.


Here is one, you can change the symbols in the parameters section. Also remember that MT4 data is NOT synchronized so the correlation line will most likely be inaccurate a couple of hours back from current time (depending on time of the day, less accurate when market is low), But it is good for real time analysis.


Here is one, you can change the symbols in the parameters section. Also remember that MT4 data is NOT synchronized so the correlation line will most likely be inaccurate a couple of hours back from current time (depending on time of the day, less accurate when market is low), But it is good for real time analysis. Cheers.

Thank You Vasilyt,

Do you or anyone know why the MT4 data isn't synchronized? Is there a way to fix this?

Again, thank you for your help.


I am not a developer

I do not know how to use...

source seems to be closed

cc.ex4  19 kb
ccf.ex4  18 kb
ccfp.ex4  20 kb
ccp.ex4  20 kb

It is not synchronized because when a bar (very often 1 min or 5 min bar) does not have a tic (no data), MT simply skips it. This article describes the problem well and Provides a "solution" to fix it.


How to use Correlation?


Thank you for posting the correlation indicator.

I am having trouble using it; I want to dsiplay correlation between Euro and Swiss; I display both charts with the same time frame and insert the indicator on both charts. I get nothing at all.

Can you please advise how to properly display the indicator?



Did you change the symbols in the parameters window.

Or try this one, I changed the symbols and it worked for me.


Yes, changed the setup;

The new one you posted does not display anything either....


Are you using a micro account? if yes try changing your symbols to mEURUSD and mUSDCHF. Other than that make sure you have enough data for both symbols for the time frame you are using. Cant think of anything else that might me wrong. Post some screen shots of your set up, that might help


Yes, I think adding "m" when using mini account did the job. Thanks!