Profitable Forex Strategies - page 5


come to try yourself guys. 850pips average per month

i showed to all my clients statements of managed accounts as well

just , sometimes i know it s hard to find a honest and good service, but this is what we're giving.




LOL....thats very laughable

El Cid,

I just want to average 20-25 pips a day, 125 pips a week. Any system that can do that simply, effcient, and consistently, I'll trade it and leave the markets alone for the rest of the day. Check the attachment and see the power of compounding. I'm sure everyone's seen similar charts. Why is this so darn difficult to grasp.



Forex for life

I like your compounding .I must say I did not grasp it fully or believe in at the time of our posting but I do concur with you .Not everybody can see the vision that you and I see

Some great insights

I am seeing the power of compounding in my own systems ,Read post 55


El cID

el cid:
There are systems out there which do exactly what forex for life has vision for.Maybe you can not see vision but it is there


El cid

i agree that i started 700$ now i have ...0000$ and this is my only job n im also doin this many years ,its been many years that i only live out of this .my first com was 1000mhz ,now i have many >Duo Vio laptops my guru was my brother n no forums .


which systerm really makes money

There are so many Trading Systerm in the forum,

which systerm really makes money,

I lost money because i dont have enough money to let the systerm work

when i stop loss , it goes the profit direction

sorry for my bad english



I have been at this a long time. I have been up and I have been down....90% of the 30 years down.

I have not made money overall, just squandered my income from my Jobs into Trading. I have done without a lot that I could have had.

My life of gambling has brought me no where. And I would need to really be incredibly profitable to even recover to breakeven. But the time is forever lost.

I am writing this in hopes that a person new or old, novice or experienced might read this and understand the seriousness of this post.

Ask yourself...what are you looking for? Are you at peace with God? Really ask this...There are things that really matter and if you are in denial, discover it early on.

Now look if you enjoy trading...then enjoy it for the right reasons and get off this gambling quest that most of you are on. Are you real? Some of the best wizards that I have had the opportunity to meet are not what you think or imagine.

Could you take time off of trading and return to it some months later?...have you tried? I think that you might not after changing this gambling pattern you are in. Try it...just to see if you can do it? Take time off from trading...get it out of your system/blood.

This thread seems to be a sincere thread for Traders by Traders.

Thank you for reading and your consideration.


come to try yourself guys. 850pips average per month

i showed to all my clients statements of managed accounts as well

just , sometimes i know it s hard to find a honest and good service, but this is what we're giving.


Thats what this board is full of the Jtraders of this world and Electrics



and your point is...?

Thats what this board is full of the Jtraders of this world and Electrics OILFXPRO

need suggestions

what i have found out is that there are 2 general types of strategies.

#1 when you are all the time in the market trying to capture all moves and sooner or later the market gets you.

#2 is that you have a specific method to enter market based on certain conditions.

I think # 2 is the way to go. With a good MM this method can be profitable.

please comment on this so that we can narrow down our search.