**Steinitz** Method Revealed Here - page 18


Happy Trading

It has been another great week, using the HAS Steinitz method I only traded 3 days this week and have netted 128 pips! My target is 20 pips per day, which using this system is like taking candy from a baby!!

Have a great weekend!


Let's slam Steinitz !!!!!!!

I love all this bantering. Yep you guys are right. Absolute rocket scientist. Let me see so far I have shown a simple method that is creating traders with profits that they have not been able to obtain thus far. Private PM's telling me true life experiences that are unwilling to post here in fear they will be ridiculed.

My account being a demo is up to 99,000.00 in two weeks. 990 PIPS. Yeah tell me it's luck, spreads will get me in live accounts, I'm going to save all these PM's to charge 500.00 a minute for private consulting etc etc.

I call myself the Messiah and you guys believe me. That should be the first clue what IQ we are dealing here with.

All I can say is I know I have not had one bad trade (see previous remarks) in about 37 trades. Listen I could go 100 trades with no losses and somebody here will say "Ok that Steinko he's a loser"

To all my members we will get that alert going and I agree I have not used an EA and I am crushing the market. Let's start with an alert first.

P.S. To all the members who have PM'd me with your email address I want to thank you for your remarks on how well you are doing and I will get back to you this weekend. I have about 143 PM's and everyone I go through has a positive report about making money or loving this simple idea.

Also, the hate postings I see makes me feel good inside. It shows me I am getting under your skin. Please beef up the volume and call me names and whatever you like. I actually thrive on this action. It verifies I am successful and you are trying to beat me down to your level.

You are so low you have to look up to look down!

Check out the 99,000.00 account attached......



Could one of my members tell me how to save my platform settings. I set it and exit out and it doesn't save. Please go to "view"/toolbars (all items checked)/status bar/charts bar.

When I perform these functions and close out they are NOT saved.

Any ideas. I know it's simple and yes some basher will say "hey he can't even save a tab" yet alone trade currency.


It has been another great week, using the HAS Steinitz method I only traded 3 days this week and have netted 128 pips! My target is 20 pips per day, which using this system is like taking candy from a baby!! Have a great weekend!

Wowow great start to save to repay those who made it possible ..... all those indi is taken from here TSD ........ aint no made of your messiah or mezzinnah


Guys. Gentlemen of the TSD Forum, whatever happened to the good ol' TSD forex traders community. This is the second thread this last few weeks that have turned out to be a bashing ground. The first being The River. It seems that both thread came from somewhere else and out of no where new members start popping in with their one or a couple more posts with the same pattern and can of worms.

This is not what this forum is intended to be.

I mean, both trading systems have merits for discussion. I had my share of negatives in my thread but it was never like these. I emphatize or even symphatize with the authors; more so to those who follow these threads. We are here to learn from each other. As an author, you have to be able to withstand some of the comments, the good, the bad, and the uglies. As a reader, please do not expect perfection or even near it. Allow the author some breathing room. Let us all be realistic (not egoistic).

Bottomline, gentlemen n ladies, grow up and mature!

ENJOY the journey!


P.S. With that Steinitz, let up and let go. It has to start from you. You are the "leader", manage and control. PM me if you I can be of any assistance. Again, only my best wishes to you.

Ok rswamy it is nothing to do with any thing with you ........dear ....... just cracking the bubble head .......

I am getting bored and annoyed of all these trolls that come to a thread and give useless remarks. There are multiplying like flies.

Jeeezzz get a life.

I don't mind a little heated debate here and there as long as some member have a genuine concern about something and explains it with a spark of intelligence.

Fxsniper, you have 102 posts and most of them are bunch of pointless rambling.

And all your posts do not "have anything" with me?!?? Of course it does, it waste my time and others.

There must be a way to ban people in here. Never done it so have no idea what should be done in this forum. Contact NewDigital?

What is the use right? they just get another ID and re-login. Shesh.

Anwyay, Steinitz keep up the good work. I am sorry your experience here is no better with the trolls then in FF .



LOL fxcruiser, you posted while I was writting mine. Same idea but yours is much more eloquently put.



Click on the tab at the bottom of the platform where you have named your layout and you will be offered an opportunity to save it. I believe you call your layout "1". Keep your head up Steinitz, you're a hoot and learning FX like all of us here

ps: there you go again man- I'm not "your" member -just surfin around. keep your member to yourself

Could one of my members tell me how to save my platform settings. I set it and exit out and it doesn't save. Please go to "view"/toolbars (all items checked)/status bar/charts bar.

When I perform these functions and close out they are NOT saved.

Any ideas. I know it's simple and yes some basher will say "hey he can't even save a tab" yet alone trade currency.


Its true when they say that the forex education field is probably the cruelest industry. We've all been ripped off at one point or another.

We must remember we are here to help each other to learn and make money. I no longer buy systems, I think the ones on forums are far superior.

I can't believe these forums have now become so poisoned where we shoot down others who help us by freely sharing their time and successful systems.

Could one of my members tell me how to save my platform settings. I set it and exit out and it doesn't save. Please go to "view"/toolbars (all items checked)/status bar/charts bar.

When I perform these functions and close out they are NOT saved.

Any ideas. I know it's simple and yes some basher will say "hey he can't even save a tab" yet alone trade currency.


Steinitz to save your platform, go to: File, Profiles, select save as and call it whatever you want, and then select OK! nice and easy!