Patriot Road v1.0 - page 2


I'm just some schmuck who paints cars for a living and I can already tell that this is leading up to some kind of sales pitch...

If I can't tell what's going on within 10 or 15 seconds I shouldn't be trading that way. I should be using a 4 hour chart or a daily chart and stop freaking out about the noise on the hourlies. Nobody should be trying to figure out what's going on in 10 or 15 seconds, off a tick chart or something, that's crazy!!!!!!!!! Plus the "road" is the "river", just search the forum and find out... Don't be an ass, Nittany, we're not a bunch of retards... Go rip off newbies somewhere else!

"The Patriot", that's great marketing! What you suggest is nothing new and nothing successful, so stop trying to rope unsophisticated people into some trap that will eventually have you selling them market analysis, trading signals, etc. It's not going to work here, we're all hip to this kind of bullshit. Show me some backtest results, in and out of sample...

Nittany must work for a broker...

Anyone who makes claims should post an account statement or a backtesting report with at least 90% modeling quality....


I love words like "consequently" and "benchmark", they make more and more people with a lesser vocabulary follow my ripoff junk. I love fishing for newbies, too, especially if they have Paypal...


Did I miss something

If this was a build up to a sales pitch then Nittany must be the worst sales rep in history of FX

If I recall the matter correctly he was willing to cancel the thread on the basis that it has similar specs to The River and Time Bomb.

The setup just has a different view. You always have the choice to ignore it and move along to something that suites your style.

Maybe you were banned from FF because you are a Nit.


I just love this now. This slick ass is on here with no studies, no account statements, and no supporting evidence to show that his bullshit works over time. I'm dealing with a group of people that are commited to doing this correctly, together, over the long-term, and you all can have your moron guru... God help you...


Statistically study this over 6 years of data and then come back and we'll talk...


working on a new trading system

I'm sorry I haven't responded to any posts. I've been working on a new setup, going through indicators trying to figure out which would be best suited. It keeps the 62 SMA from Patriot Road, deletes the envelopes, deletes Keltner, and adds other indicators including a different multi timeframe.

Here is a screenshot to wet your whistle. This is the 1 hour cable. I don't know what to call it yet, maybe HAS-something or other, the HAS indicator is the main component. Maybe StepMAHAS or something like that, heh. Anyone have any suggestions on a name for this one?

I'm just some schmuck who paints cars for a living and I can already tell that this is leading up to some kind of sales pitch...

If I can't tell what's going on within 10 or 15 seconds I shouldn't be trading that way. I should be using a 4 hour chart or a daily chart and stop freaking out about the noise on the hourlies. Nobody should be trying to figure out what's going on in 10 or 15 seconds, off a tick chart or something, that's crazy!!!!!!!!! Plus the "road" is the "river", just search the forum and find out... Don't be an ass, Nittany, we're not a bunch of retards... Go rip off newbies somewhere else!

"The Patriot", that's great marketing! What you suggest is nothing new and nothing successful, so stop trying to rope unsophisticated people into some trap that will eventually have you selling them market analysis, trading signals, etc. It's not going to work here, we're all hip to this kind of bullshit. Show me some backtest results, in and out of sample...

Nittany must work for a broker...

Anyone who makes claims should post an account statement or a backtesting report with at least 90% modeling quality....

I'm not trying to sell a single thing. I don't work for a broker. I'm a home forex trader working out of my home office, as I suspect most everyone that frequents the various forums are.

If you have it all figured out, go make your own trading system, start your own thread, that's what forums are all about.

As far as charging anyone regarding any of this, I'm hardly qualified for that; I graduated college with a degree in telecommunications and since then I've been flipping houses. The last one I did took 9 months of back breaking work. The real estate market has gone flat here and I had to find something else to do, trading on the foreign exchange seemed positive because of many aspects.

My goal is simple. I just want to increase my understanding of trading and at the same time help other people to understand it a little better too. If you don't get that it's not my problem - it's yours.


Where are the backtests, buddy? If you're not doing any kind of statistical testing this is junk... Actually, me telling you that is intended to help, just because it looks pretty on a chart doesn't mean shit...

Where are the backtests, buddy? If you're not doing any kind of statistical testing this is junk... Actually, me telling you that is intended to help, just because it looks pretty on a chart doesn't mean shit...

You have the setup for Patriot Road, you can backtest all you want. Spend the rest of your life backtesting or painting cars or whatever. I only forward trade live, nothing else.


backtests sucks! You can't backtest perfectly a strategy because in the real life trading every trade is taken because of the indicators signals, but there is also a human mind that , trade after trade, judge the signal and decide if enter or not, many times signals are false, and there is needed a human mind to judge it from time to time. Because of this, even if in a backtest a strategy can be shit, traded with a good mind it will be very powerful!!!

I spent 2 years looking for a perfect indicator setup that give me super signals, but it doesn't exist a good mechanical signal (with good i mean very good!), but things change when you know what you do.

This is as i think, maybe i am wrong or not