SRDC V by Orange Roshan - page 4


Hi Devil2000

Yeah, you may go to Orange's forum register there. After posting about 21 posts you will gain the access to the chatroom (to prevent people getting there with no clue about the system and ask a lot of questions). Of course you may also go to PowerTrader's forum, they also have chatrooms and helpful traders there.



Hello Aha,

Is it possible to join that room? Watching this system traded on real time may improve my understanding on this system.


maybe I should have said the banks of the river?



Do you mean those while parallel levels? I already answered that. They kind of serves as coordicates and used in TP or entry.

I believe that technical analysis and fundumental analysis doesn't work. I see the market in a differrnt perspective. A perspective that uses nothing but math, and makes sense. I'll give a couple of hints.

What goes up, must come down.

If there is a 50% chance you'll win, You are still profitable!

The most important one : Use differnet lot sizes.

How are you doing with your "holy grail" method? I think you will change your opinion after the market wipe out you trading account. LOL


Nothing there.


I went to Orange Roshan website and you don't have SRDC V posted. There is almost nothing there at all. You have to have 21 posts to get into your chatroom. What am I going to post about and to what thread?


Orange is writting a detailed description about SRDC V there and will post it soon (I believe it will be similar to what we already discussed, but as I said, for the same methods there will be winners and losers, you have to practise to get a feel of it). There are other systems (including trendlines) there which we used together with SRDC V (sometimes as filters), you may check those out. And if you have questions (about all those systems) you may post it there and 21 posts should be easy to get.

I will stop answer questions about Orange's website here just in case people think I am trying to prompt his site here.

And I think all the information about SRDC V has been presented in PT's thread and this thread. From this point it's all about practise practise practise. You guys may post some case studies, especially those ones that did not worked out, I will see how I would trade it (you can share your views here too). Other than that, I don't think I have anything new to add.


Aha, I went to Orange Roshan website and you don't have SRDC V posted. There is almost nothing there at all. You have to have 21 posts to get into your chatroom. What am I going to post about and to what thread?

thanks so much for chasing away power trader and filling the forum with your crap


Since PT is back, I am glad to release myself from here. Wish you all succeed in trading and life.



Aha-Have you been drinking that Orange Kool-Aid again?

Aha-Have you been drinking that Orange Kool-Aid again?

you must open a new thread, or create a new forum... but no one will follow your system summitfx . for AHA.. keep posting