PowerTrading/The River - page 19


Hi Powertrader,

Can you please explain in a little more detail how you draw the LRC channel? Still looking for a clearer way to exit the trades and this channel seems to be the best way i've seen so far



Hi all, Im new 'ere.

erm, i wanna ask sumtin.

What point u usually use as target profit??

i used 161.8 b4.. but i dunno, mayb i put the fibo at a wrong point..

can any1 help me?? or post a fibo-auto plot or sumtin.



Hi Powertrader,

Can you please explain in a little more detail how you draw the LRC channel? Still looking for a clearer way to exit the trades and this channel seems to be the best way i've seen so far


You may go to the powertradingfx website and watch the video on using the LRC.



Hello mates.

Could someone be so kind to post latest version of River setup with all indicators and manual how to use it?

Please people be so kind

Thanks anyway mates


Same set-up

Hello mates.

Could someone be so kind to post latest version of River setup with all indicators and manual how to use it?

Please people be so kind

Thanks anyway mates


To my knowledge The River is traded as described in PT's first post. No changes have been made.


and watch this video as well.





To my knowledge The River is traded as described in PT's first post. No changes have been made.


and watch this video as well.


There have been many changes and updates to using the River, but you need to learn the basic system first to understand the changes.



Open Letter

Friends and Members,

I have something important to talk about and wanted this email to be

separate from the Weekly Summary. This is mainly addressed to those of

you who are either not succeeding in Forex or failing altogether.

Have you asked yourself why one person is making consistent pips week

in and week out and you are still floundering? Have you questioned

whether anyone can really make a living in Forex? Are you just completely

fed up with trading and not building your account? If the answer is

yes to these questions, then this email is especially for you.

I am not going to pretend like some, to have all the answers. Nor do I

fancy myself some kind of Forex guru. Do I have the ability to teach

you anything at all? You bet I do!

We all can be teachers as well as students and when we quit learning,

we are either ignorant or dead.

Reasons you are not succeeding:

First, way too many of you change methods like you change your socks.

How can you ever expect to perfect anything when you don’t stick with

it long enough to really learn it inside out? Should we try to learn

all we can about Forex? Of course we should. There are many ways to

make money trading currency and once you find one that is making money,

stick with it.

Second, you are not disciplined. You do not follow the rules of the

system you are using and you go with your gut and not the facts. I

can’t tell you how many times I have seen people in TS room take trades

based on nothing more than a hunch. You wish trades to work and do not accept

they are bad as they fall deeper and deeper in the minus category.

You make entirely too many trades and spend way too much time in front of

the monitor.

Finally, some of you are lazy. I don’t mean lazy in the normal sense

of the word but you do not practice. You expect that you are going to

read about a great new idea and poof, you will have it down pat. You want

an exact formula when trading way more complicated. You have great ideas

but are unwilling to spend the time back testing and forward testing to

find out if you are right or simply to tweak what may be a great idea.

If what I have said is true, how do I know it and how are we going to

fix it? The reason I know these things are true is, they all described my

trading till a few months ago. I made every mistake in the book and more.

The way we are going to fix it is the same way I did.

Those of you who know me are aware that I am trading with great success

and completely without fear. I have increased my accounts and make

positive pips every week. What’s more, I am not afraid to tell you what

I am doing in plain English without riddles. Do I always get it right?

Certainly not but I could if I gave you an answer that could later be

interpreted either way, anyone could. I believe that powertradingfx is

absolutely the best Forex Forum on the web. We have great members who

are willing to share anything and everything. You will never find our

members attempting to sneak into another trading room for ideas, we

don’t need to.

So what is the purpose of this email?

Next week I will personally be teaching in our TeamSpeak room for the

first time formally. I will be instructing and live trading what I

teach, yes I said live trading. If you join in and follow what I am doing,

you will make pips, it’s that simple. I will be putting my money

where my mouth is and you will know that when I say this is a good trade

it will be because I am trading it with you. Most importantly, I will

be helped by some of the best traders in our group.


I am tired of people blowing accounts on stupid, ridiculous, gimmicks

and tricks that do not work. I heard this week of another person who

blew several thousand dollars betting on price to stay above a certain

SMA. Could there be anything more ridiculous?

The definition of crazy is, continuing to do the exact same thing, but

expecting different results.

* Join us beginning Sunday evening and see what I am talking about.

What have you got to lose? It’s free!


* You must be a registered member of powertradingfx and the

powertrading TS room.

I will continue to post in this forum and this should not been seen in any way as a ploy to get you to another site. I enjoy this site and the people here and plan to post the River and the entire PowerTrading method in the future!


We will have the oportunity to see the trading system working alive.

Great !


Guys why can't i see the movie i can only hear it is audio only or do i need special softwre..thanx

Guys why can't i see the movie i can only hear it is audio only or do i need special softwre..thanx

Download the codecs HERE