PowerTrading/The River - page 10

It's ok for me that PT continute to share this system here as long as he show respects to the original creator. I have posted enough and will stop here. If he quits, I will start a new thread to share this great system (full version) here on TSD (not to other websites) and welcome any questions regarding it. I will also share my indicators created based on this system. I only have problem with what PT did recently, not his family or friend, not what he did before.

There you go aha, you and the master have control. Can't wait to learn all the great secrets. Good luck people.

I will no longer post what would be a great system to be shared by all. I am personally trading everyday and making money so I really don't need the grief. Sorry to those who's life this could change for the better. PT

Please continue to work on it. Don't be so stupid to stop posting because of this "SHARKS".

Wish you all the best.



Please continue to work on it. Don't be so stupid to stop posting because of this "SHARKS".

Wish you all the best.

Sorry my friend but I am done. I personally don't care who takes credit for this method because as I said in the first post, it is not mine. Now, I believe that OrangeRoshan took some from Vegas and some from Booker and came up with something different. I think to claim it as original is wrong. I believe that to be true but I really don't care anymore. He introduced this as SRDC V, fine let it be SRDC V whenever he posts. I do not trade what I was shown as SRDC V. There are too many false breakouts and I have adapted it to fit my trading style and those of others in our forum. We use filters and take profits completely different from anything they are doing because we have got them from other people. That is right we were helped. I do not now or have I ever claimed to be a teacher, mentor, guru, master, whatever. I wanted to share this because in the beginning, that is what OrangeRoshan was all about. How many times have I defended OR when people say he is a fake. Go back and read the posts, over and over. I got myself kicked from FF for defending him and you all know it. I do not agree with what has been said about Orlando. First, Glen and I did not make money in Orlando. After all expenses were paid we did come out with a profit. It was very small, in the hundreds, not thousands and all of you know that it will be reported on my tax reports next year, so the threats are silly. I did not then nor do I now believe OR did a good job in Orlando and I will let everyone judge for themselves. Glen and I have paid for the domain from day 1 and Teamspeak. We paid for licsense as well as hosting and never asked any of you for one dime. Also, I will say I am sorry for the master newbie comments although I know he was not honest about his background and other things as well. He attacked Glen and I in emails that were sent to our users and that is the reason that I sent emails to our users with the newbie posts. I have the emails and some of you who have seen them and thought they were bad as well. You may now feel free to attack me at will because I will not defend myself nor will send others post on my behalf. If there are bad posts about Orange, then they will not be from me. I am not taking this action because of the threats. I am doing this because my actions have been wrong. I have let my pride cloud my good judgement and I will no longer do it anymore. Good luck to the SRDC people and to those who post in this forum.



Powertrader aka Traderbill

This post is addressed to those that have been posting negative things about Bill and those that have had the misfortune of getting caught in this battle. Most of you guys know that we are a team and it is time that I speak out on his behalf.

What happened in Orlando was a castatrophe that damaged a lot of relationships but some of you can not let that be enough. You must continue to cause pain and the simple truth is that you believe that you are right and we believe that we are right. Lets just agree that we disagree and stop the fighting. Our goal is still the same, to become the best traders we can be, right??? Are we losing sight of this?

Now about the River (SRDC V). Bill has never denied that he was given the set up for the River trade by Roshan. But is was given with little explaination and he with others have researched and worked on this to add filters and have been trading it for some time with out the direction of anyone else. His only purpose for posting it here was to first share with other traders that have the same goals he does and secondly to have input from other great traders to make a good system a great system. We are all growing and learning how to conquer this forex monster.

Now for those that know nothing about Bill or Orlando, He is really a great person and has the best intentions and heart. He has only tried to help our friends (local and internet) to become successful traders. We love people and truly believe that we are stronger in numbers and our intentions by starting Teamspeak (trading room) was to get multiple traders together during trading times for support and fellowship. To learn from each other because we believe that everyone has something to offer. Not for profit or to feel superior but only to help people while we also learn. This has actually been a great experience until we came under attack which now never seems to end. We do not want to profit from Teamspeak or the forum, our reward is becoming better traders and making friends. Those that do not have those goals, please leave us alone.

I will delete this post soon. I just felt it necessary to support Bill. He is still the greatest man I have ever known.

Best of luck to all of you,



It is amazing how some people can sure ruin it for others for no real good reason. Such a pity.

Best of luck to those who are using this system and maybe it will surface again sometime and people will be more proactive instead of being idiots.



I M YOUR FATHER ....... . I though it gona be saber fight till the last one standing ........ no ... no fun ........ here is the deal .......who makes the most pips is the owner of the strategy ....... no matter which side ......



Thank you for your post.

Your post reminder me a lot of hard works Bill and you and your friends did to help others, and the time we trade together to practise this method (and many others). I respect that and admit I had great time with you guys. I personally agree with you that we should just disagree and stop fighting. As John and I said even in Orlando it was unfortunate circumstances, and as John said it was just too much drama.

It was emotionally exhaustive to flame Bill in the past a couple of days. We both had the opportunity to say things we believe, presenting evidence and we eventually agreed serveral basic facts and remain disagreed about serveral others, and they are all deleted promptly. Let's just move on. You are right, the ultimate goal is to become a better trader. Let's just avoid the sensitive issues and get on with our lives.


This post is addressed to those that have been posting negative things about Bill and those that have had the misfortune of getting caught in this battle. Most of you guys know that we are a team and it is time that I speak out on his behalf.

What happened in Orlando was a castatrophe that damaged a lot of relationships but some of you can not let that be enough. You must continue to cause pain and the simple truth is that you believe that you are right and we believe that we are right. Lets just agree that we disagree and stop the fighting. Our goal is still the same, to become the best traders we can be, right??? Are we losing sight of this?

Now about the River (SRDC V). Bill has never denied that he was given the set up for the River trade by Roshan. But is was given with little explaination and he with others have researched and worked on this to add filters and have been trading it for some time with out the direction of anyone else. His only purpose for posting it here was to first share with other traders that have the same goals he does and secondly to have input from other great traders to make a good system a great system. We are all growing and learning how to conquer this forex monster.

Now for those that know nothing about Bill or Orlando, He is really a great person and has the best intentions and heart. He has only tried to help our friends (local and internet) to become successful traders. We love people and truly believe that we are stronger in numbers and our intentions by starting Teamspeak (trading room) was to get multiple traders together during trading times for support and fellowship. To learn from each other because we believe that everyone has something to offer. Not for profit or to feel superior but only to help people while we also learn. This has actually been a great experience until we came under attack which now never seems to end. We do not want to profit from Teamspeak or the forum, our reward is becoming better traders and making friends. Those that do not have those goals, please leave us alone.

I will delete this post soon. I just felt it necessary to support Bill. He is still the greatest man I have ever known.

Best of luck to all of you,

Sorry my friend but I am done. I personally don't care who takes credit for this method because as I said in the first post, it is not mine. Now, I believe that OrangeRoshan took some from Vegas and some from Booker and came up with something different. I think to claim it as original is wrong. I believe that to be true but I really don't care anymore. He introduced this as SRDC V, fine let it be SRDC V whenever he posts. I do not trade what I was shown as SRDC V. There are too many false breakouts and I have adapted it to fit my trading style and those of others in our forum. We use filters and take profits completely different from anything they are doing because we have got them from other people. That is right we were helped. I do not now or have I ever claimed to be a teacher, mentor, guru, master, whatever. I wanted to share this because in the beginning, that is what OrangeRoshan was all about. How many times have I defended OR when people say he is a fake. Go back and read the posts, over and over. I got myself kicked from FF for defending him and you all know it. I do not agree with what has been said about Orlando. First, Glen and I did not make money in Orlando. After all expenses were paid we did come out with a profit. It was very small, in the hundreds, not thousands and all of you know that it will be reported on my tax reports next year, so the threats are silly. I did not then nor do I now believe OR did a good job in Orlando and I will let everyone judge for themselves. Glen and I have paid for the domain from day 1 and Teamspeak. We paid for licsense as well as hosting and never asked any of you for one dime. Also, I will say I am sorry for the master newbie comments although I know he was not honest about his background and other things as well. He attacked Glen and I in emails that were sent to our users and that is the reason that I sent emails to our users with the newbie posts. I have the emails and some of you who have seen them and thought they were bad as well. You may now feel free to attack me at will because I will not defend myself nor will send others post on my behalf. If there are bad posts about Orange, then they will not be from me. I am not taking this action because of the threats. I am doing this because my actions have been wrong. I have let my pride cloud my good judgement and I will no longer do it anymore. Good luck to the SRDC people and to those who post in this forum. PowerTrader

Man, Mr. PowerTrader, I welcomed you on post#3. You have joined our great TSD family, about 5-6 days ago and immediately made your first thread and first post two days later. Here you are, 5-6 days later, now closing shop and I am bidding you goodbye. I can't believe these so-called "traders" from the River, Orange Hill, SRDC Village, or from Forex Factory forum, whereever. Most of them have just joined few days or weeks ago and they have already made a "mark" of their own. You guys better grow up. There ain't anything original anymore. Someone got some of the ideas from someone, somewhere and somehow put those some together into some thing that somewhat work or look better somehow some time. Those are all the tweaks, twists and the turns. Guess what? Some will get it and some won't.

We are not perfect here at TSD. We have our own differences, too, but we do handle them much differently, as mature people.

What you have shared is very much welcomed and appreciated by some of our members, for sure. You have started this thread. You have the power of choice as to what you eventually decide you do with it. There is no begging here.

Just my observations. Whatever.... you all...




Agree to Disagree

Here ..Here..Melissa,

Well said...it would be nice to agree to disagree without being flamed to death on the fourm or without being subjected to the distracting tactics used by some.

I for one have been very distracted by all of the issues that have occurred since the Orlando seminar. I would like nothing more than to get back to concentrating on trading.

I consider some of the people who have chosen to follow the teachings of OrangeRoshan my friends. I wish you all well and I hope you all become the traders you aspire to be. In the end, it doesn't matter which road you choose to follow, what matters is that you have taken action and have begun the journey.

This will be my last post on this subject.


Looks good...EA?

I just got here and looks like maybe I missed it. Will anyone be posting here about the river trade. I am a programmer and would like to do a EA for practice maybe. Pt, can you tell me if there is already EA and if not could we do one. I wll PM you with my addy and my website.