'Mql - Metatrader Development Course' re-write in plain English - page 2


I agree 100%

I have a suggestion for your upcoming tutorial

To learn a language properly you need to understand the (WHY'S) as well as the syntax. i.e.

In all the MetaTrader help, nowhere does it explain use or reasons for a particular command or function. With the SETINDEXBUFFER there is no explanation on why you need to bind the variable data. In fact very little information is given to the whole concept of BUFFERSand their use,

Why they are required

Why can't you just refer to a Variable directly.

How they interact with other components and why.

It is the case with most METATRADER Function, no explanation of concept is given only the syntax of use, accompanied by a few lines of implementation

If you ask questions in a Forum you get mainly a one line answer to a problem, with no explanation. It may help, but you have no idea why. As an example I asked a question on the Forum. I get a reply saying I haven't use the proceedure correctly. Nothing about the question asked

My point is! A detailed MQL4 manual is sadly needed, because the Forum is of little use to those that need it most. Maybe yourself or others can accomplish this, or maybe your influence with the METATRADERS developers may result in a reasonable MQL4 manual.

I have some experience with C Sharp, however no IDE or suitable manuals make the learning process extremely difficult.



I agree 100%. Let me know if I can help such as being a reader.



I have used MQL in some unconventional ways with seccess. I would give some pointers to some advance code construction if you request.


Cowboy, my apologies for not acknowledging your first post when I replied back to the other members... I will definitely keep in touch with you when the time comes.

