'Mql - Metatrader Development Course' re-write in plain English



First I'd like to thank 'codersguru' for writing an excellent tutorial on how to program in MQL4.

I am re-writing the entire tutorial in 'Plain English' complete with illustrations and more; I will publish it in PDF format so it's easy to make a printed book.

It is evident that codersguru wrote in a fun, friendly and easy-to-understand style. I intend to keep with that style thru-and-thru.

I was going to post this under 'Documentation' but there's more activity here.

I don't have a completion date; I'll do it as fast as I can.

I will post a link or file in this top-post as soon as I have one to post.

If you have any suggestion or comments, let me know.




Update 3/31/05

The main website for the tutorial, http://www.metatrader.info/node/34, has been down for about a week now; so here is a zip file I found that has all of CodersGuru's lessons in pdf: http://www.forexmt4.com/_MT4_Tutorials/_MT4_Tutorials.zip

note: Grammer has not been corrected in lessons from the link above.



Not a better tutorial, just better grammar. I think it would make it easier for others to learn...


Not a better tutorial, just better grammar. I think it would make it easier for others to learn... wolfix

yould you quote the link pls?

thank you




I have a suggestion for your upcoming tutorial

To learn a language properly you need to understand the (WHY'S) as well as the syntax. i.e.

In all the MetaTrader help, nowhere does it explain use or reasons for a particular command or function. With the SETINDEXBUFFER there is no explanation on why you need to bind the variable data. In fact very little information is given to the whole concept of BUFFERSand their use,

Why they are required

Why can't you just refer to a Variable directly.

How they interact with other components and why.

It is the case with most METATRADER Function, no explanation of concept is given only the syntax of use, accompanied by a few lines of implementation

If you ask questions in a Forum you get mainly a one line answer to a problem, with no explanation. It may help, but you have no idea why. As an example I asked a question on the Forum. I get a reply saying I haven't use the proceedure correctly. Nothing about the question asked

My point is! A detailed MQL4 manual is sadly needed, because the Forum is of little use to those that need it most. Maybe yourself or others can accomplish this, or maybe your influence with the METATRADERS developers may result in a reasonable MQL4 manual.

I have some experience with C Sharp, however no IDE or suitable manuals make the learning process extremely difficult.






First I'd like to thank 'codersguru' for writting an excellent tutorial on how to program in MQL4.

I am re-writing the entire tutorial in 'Plain English' complete with illustrations and more; I will publish it in PDF format so it's easy to make a printed book.

It is evident that codersguru wrote in a fun, friendly and easy-to-understand style. I intend to keep with that style thru-and-thru.

I was going to post this under 'Documentation' but there's more activity here.

I don't have a completion date; I'll do it as fast as I can.

If you have any suggestion or comments, let me know.



Thanks alot

i had the same ideal



Good points.....



If you want to see if your rewrite makes sense to someone simple, a non-programer, I'd be glad to be a beta tester reader.


Los Angeles


isto, I will keep an updated link and or file on my initial post at the top of this page.

peter_zyn and poocher... thanks for the comments. I have taken note.




I have used MQL in some unconventional ways with seccess. I would give some pointers to some advance code construction if you request.



I have used MQL in some unconventional ways with success. I would give some pointers to some advance code construction if you request.


Great! Thanks cowboy...

I will definitely keep in touch.

If anyone else is experienced in using MQL and would like to participate as a 'personal advisor' in this re-write project, especially in complex code application, let me know.

People like codersguru and fxsniper are great examples in how we can give to the MetaTrader community; let's keep with this attitude so we can all prosper and continue to do what we enjoy doing most.
