Super Cool Forex Economic Calendar (Free) - page 2

This was meant as a observation, not a criticism - it's actually the best events calender I've seen!!! As I use Opera though, I thought I'd mention it.

Nah I love criticism. If you see any prob, i'm more than happy to hear it.


Looks nice and pro but I hate the Google adds on the side of the page ... it would be great if it was a whole page alone Thanks for sharing

Btw, i'm not aware that forex-tsd is free of ads. I know you guys hate them, but ads help pays the cost of development; otherwise, it'd not be free.

Maybe i should try other format or location???


Anyone has suggestions to improve the calendar?

Anyone has suggestions to improve the calendar?

I send you a PM, have a look.


Hello domodo,

>> 1. it seems that there are only two years' actual data in your calendar,could you add more?

The datafeed licenses out only two years.

>> 2. how if I want to download the data? it's really a horrible task to copy-paste all the data page by page by hand.

Now I don't have export to CSV yet due to the license agreement. I'm working on it.

>> 3. how about adding a function to draw economic indicators on chart,and compare them?

This is a cool idea! It will be done. Thanks!

>> 4. how often the calendar refreshs? does it refresh sectionally and automatically ?

The economic calendar refreshes in near real-time. When the data is released, the calendar will try to collect it immediately.

>> and the icon of rolling arrow in the most right column means monitoring new actual economic data.But this link is in chinese,maybe some characters can't show correctly.

I don't know what you mean. The right-most column is "Previous" data. There's no arrow. Please tell me more.

>> 5. As far as formation,I prefer to the kind below,it's more orderly: Date Time Cur. Name Vol. Actual Forecast Previous

Yes it is this order. It seems there's a conflict in your browser? The date groups all indicators in the same day.



Previously some friends asked for embed codes so that they could put the cool Economic Calendar in their website. You can embed the lite version of the economic calendar now. Get the embed code from Forex Trading | MetaTrader Indicators and Expert Advisors - Embed Codes , and then copy and paste it into your web page.

The Economic Forecast is also available for embedding. It's a nice count down of next economic indicator to be released. It looks great when you put it on left or right side of your web site.


About News Trading

I've found this calendar link to be very helpfull, especially due to the graphic and text explanations. Thought good to share (post) it here.

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