Momentum indicator - page 2

i was wondering

about some indicators

like macd,stoch,rsi,cci,etc

what is the point using these on the same chart

all the above show the same thing ,momentum

would be better to use indicators which show diferent things ?

can anyone suggests indicators which show diferent values than momentum ?

It shows momentum calculated on different ways, that's make the difference. Also, bounded/unbounded is another (not tiny) difference.

However correlation between indicators is high as Chande & Kroll demonstrated:

ck.jpg  27 kb
It shows momentum calculated on different ways, that's make the difference. Also, bounded/unbounded is another (not tiny) difference.

However correlation between indicators is high as Chande & Kroll demonstrated:

thanks Linuxser

from the table you posted

it seems that these indicators are corellated and they will show the same signal if you have all of them on your chart

some faster some slower but they will show you the same thing in a diferent way ,

which are the indicators which dont show momentum bu something else

or all the indicators show momentum in different ways?

thanks Linuxser

from the table you posted

it seems that these indicators are corellated and they will show the same signal if you have all of them on your chart

some faster some slower but they will show you the same thing in a diferent way ,

which are the indicators which dont show momentum bu something else

or all the indicators show momentum in different ways?

Trendlines, Fibonacci, Speed Lines, Pivots, SR levels, etc are indicators too.



ROC'n Roll - ROC as you wish(choose your poison):

switch(ROC Type)

case 1 : Type1="MOM"; break;

case 2 : Type1="ROC"; break;

case 3 : Type1="ROCP"; break;

case 4 : Type1="ROCR"; break;

case 5 : Type1="ROCR100"; break;

case 1 : Buffer1= (price - prevPrice); break; // "MOM"

case 2 : Buffer1= ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100; break; // "ROC"

case 3 : Buffer1= (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice; break; // "ROCP"

case 4 : Buffer1= (price/prevPrice); break; // "ROCR"

case 5 : Buffer1= (price/prevPrice)*100; break; // "ROCR100"

roc2_vg.mq4  5 kb

it is irrevelant but i have heard many times recentley.What is elite section about this forum?Can someone clarify?


you can click there (where it sayes)

elite_sect.jpg  100 kb
you can click there (where it sayes)

thanks a lot ,it is strange how i have not seen that so far.



or just google "elite section" on tsd

p.s. should be somewhere but Linuxer or ND might have deleted it (by mistake)


can anyone tell me how to calculate the value of momentum

I have some question please ....

I'am new in mql4 programming......

can anyone tell me how to calculate in mql4 what's the value of momentum in specific bars? ???

I have some question please ....

I'am new in mql4 programming......

can anyone tell me how to calculate in mql4 what's the value of momentum in specific bars? ???

The RED numbers below are the Different Bars

double MOM_0 = iMomentum(Symbol() ,0,14,0,0); // Current Bar

double MOM_1 = iMomentum(Symbol() ,0,14,0,1); //1 Bar back

double MOM_2 = iMomentum(Symbol() ,0,14,0,2); // 2 Bars back

double MOM_3 = iMomentum(Symbol() ,0,14,0,3); // 3 Bars back

double MOM_4 = iMomentum(Symbol() ,0,14,0,4); // 4 Bars back

double MOM_5 = iMomentum(Symbol() ,0,14,0,5); // 5 Bars back


ObjectCreate("MOM_BAR_0", OBJ_LABEL,0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("MOM_BAR_0",DoubleToStr(MOM_0,Digits), 20, "Arial", White);

ObjectSet("MOM_BAR_0", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);



This will give you a Momentum Number on the Chart for the Bar you use. Example is the Current Bar.
