

I am not going to say a lot about this cause the real work is for a guy called Waddah, an amazing programmer


I have removed the translation as a better version of the translation is done by Ibn Fernas on post 5 down


This is a trend break EA, which means it will place a trade after the trend line (which you need to draworuse an indicator to draw the trend line for you )

is broken.

the setting is very easy, draw a trend line, and from the property of the trend line give it a name... then put the EA and put the name of the trend line you draw on the BuyStop_TrendName or SellStop_TrendName put the setting for TF and SL

you can draw two trends at the same time or use an idicator to draw the trend for you.

the EA will not place the TP and SL when its first executed it will wait for a while to avoid rapid changes in the market, then it will place the SL and TP ...

On post 63 I have added some trend line inidcators ( some will not work with this EA as they change the name of the trend line )

branix made an interesting addtion of the e-trailing on post 27 ,which is also an expert and you need to place it on a new chart, to trail the trades made by TrendMeLeaveMe EA

and also we have a fixed version of the SHI indicator on post 35 by Perky

Thank you guys

This is where i orginally found the code.

below you will find two files one is the open source code for the EA the other one is the new version but the source is not open anymore !!! I don't know why.




March 31st 2007

I have added the Gold version of the EA and made a small picture so you can understand

- Sell Stop : Break from Up to down of the trend

- Buy Stop: Break from down to up of the trend

- Buy Limit : Bounce from up side of the trend

- Sell Limit : Bounce from down side of the trend

and that is for UP, DOWN or SIDE trends


You have 4 cases :

1- when the trend is broken from down ( as if you thorugh a ball and it goes through the ceiling and kept moving up ) buystopyou buy above the break

2-when the trend is broken from above ( as if you though a ball and it went through the floor and kept on going down) sellstopyou sell below the break

3-when the price bounce from the trend from above ( as if you though a ball to the ground and it bounce up and kept moving up ) buylimitand you buy at the bounce point

4-when the price bounce from the trend from down ( as if you though the aball to the ceiling but it came back and fall down again ) selllimitand you buy at the bounce point ...

I hope that will clear everything
I am not going to say a lot about this cause the real work is for a guy called Waddah, an amazing programmer

i will only post the translation and the ex4 code he provided, as they looks very interesting

here is the translation

I would like to clarify the beginning of the importance that this Alaksbert Bmtajrh mechanism is not based on the strategy of lurking inside.

وإنما فكرته تقوم على أساس البيع أو الشراء بناء على ترند تقوم أنت برسمه بناء على استراتيجيتك أنت

But the idea is based on the buying or selling based on the trend you are drawing upon you Astratejetk

أي كل ما عليك هو رسم ترند صاعد أو/و ترند هابط وتترك الباقي على هذا الاكسبيرت

Everything you any fee trend is upward and / or declining trend and leave the rest of this Alaksbert

فبمجرد اختراق أو كسر أحد الترندين فإن هناك صفقة سوف تتفعل بالشروط التي حددتها من وقف وربح ولوت .

Once penetrate or break a deal Alterndin there will Ttfal conditions set out by the end of the profit and Lott.

يمكنك رسم الترند كخطين متوازيين يحيطان بأعلى وأسفل السعر وعند خروج السعر من أحدهما فإنك تضمن تفعيل صفقتك

You can draw Alternd Kannin parallel surround the highest and the bottom price and the price at the exit of one of the pleasures included activation Safqatk

أيضا .


بصراحة فإن استخدام هذا الاكسبيرت لا يتوقف عند حد فجميع الاستراتيجيات تقريبا تعتمد على خطوط تكسر وتخترق من

Frankly, the use of this Alaksbert not stop at almost all strategies depend on the lines break and penetrate

فيبوناتشي أو ترند مكسور أو خطوط دعم ومقاومة أو كامريلا أو البيفوت وهكذا

Vibonachi trend or broken lines or support and resistance or Kamrila or Albifut Thus

كل ما عليك فعله هو رسم الترند الذي تريده ثم اذهب للعمل أو للنوم بعد ذلك .

Everything you do is draw Alternd it wants and then go to work or to sleep after that.

لذلك أسميته TrendMeLeaveMe أي ترندني واتركني .

Therefore, any attempts TrendMeLeaveMe Trdeni and Atrkni.

طبعا تستطيع استخدام هذا الاكسبيرت على أكثر من نوع عملة في نفس الوقت بدون شربكة .

Of course, can use this Alaksbert on more than one type of work at the same time without Cherbaka.

ولكن حاليا لا يمكنك استخدامه أكثر من مرة على نفس الزوج ( يمكن تطوير هذا الأمر طبعا بناء على الحاجة ) .

But now you can not use it more than once on the same husband (can be developed this course based on the need ).

يستطيع الاكسبيرت التعامل مع ترندين في نفس الوقت على نفس الشارت

Alaksbert can deal with Trndin at the same time on the same Shart

الترند الذي يتعامل معه قد يكون صاعد أو هابط أو مستوي كأي مقاومة أو دعم

Alternd which deals with may be ascending or descending or level of resistance or support Kay

يقوم الاكسبيرت بفتح صفقات معلقة وليست آنية ويقوم بتعديل السعر للصفقة المعلقة آنيا كلما احتاج لذلك.

The Alaksbert opening deals pending, and not simultaneously and adjust the price of the deal pending Anya whenever required to do so.

لكي نربط الترند الأول مع الاكسبيرت نقوم بتسمية الترند المطلوب buytrend للترند الذي نريد الشراء عند اختراقه وبأحرف

To link the first with Alternd Alaksbert we designate Alternd required buytrend trend that we want to purchase when penetrated and print



لكي نربط الترند الثاني مع الاكسبيرت نقوم بتسمية الترند المطلوب selltrend للترند الذي نريد البيع عند كسره وبأحرف

To link Alternd second with Alaksbert we designate Alternd required selltrend of trend we want to do and when selling print



يمكن وضع ترند واحد فقط ولا يشترط وضع الترندين سوية .

Could be a trend, only one is not required for Alterndin together.

يفضل العمل على فريم النصف ساعة وما دون للحصول على دقة أعلى في نقاط الدخول .
FRAME prefer to work half an hour and without access to the accuracy of the highest in the entry points.
أما رسم الترند فيمكننا رسمه على

The fee Alternd we painted the

فريمات أكبر من ذلك .

Frimat greater.

يمكن تحديد أهداف البيع والشراء ونقاط الوقف وحجم اللوت من خلال خصائص الاكسبيرت نفسها لكلا الترندين ولكل ترند

Goals could be buying and selling points stay and the size of Allot through Alaksbert characteristics of the same for both Alterndin each trend

على حدة .


يوجد لكل ترند حد علوي وحد سفلي يحدد من خصائص الاكسبيرت نفسها .

There is a trend both upper and a lower set of characteristics Alaksbert itself.

بالنسبة للترند الصاعد فإن الحد السفلي هو عبارة عن منطقة التجهيز لفتح صفقة الشراء وتعديل سعر الصفقة المعلقة .

Rising trend for the lower limit is a staging area for the opening of a purchase price of the deal and the pending amendment.

أما الحد العلوي فهو عبارة عن الفارق بين الترند وسعر الشراء وهو قيمة نحددها بناء على نوع الترند وقوته ونتأكد عندها أن

The upper limit is a Alternd the difference between the purchase price and the value of setting a building on the type of Alternd and strength and make sure then that

الترند تم كسره أو اختراقه

Alternd been broken or penetrated

نفس الكلام بالنسبة للترند الهابط مع الفارق بين الحدين ليصبح الحد العلوي هو منطقة التجهيز والحد السفلي هو فارق السعر

Same story for the downward trend with the difference between the limits of the upper limit is the processing and the lower is the price differential

بين الترند وبين صفقة البيع المعلقة.

Between Alternd between a sale pending.

بمجرد تعرف الاكسبيرت على الترند فإنه يقوم برسم خطين موازيين له بلون أصفر يحددان لك منطقة التجهيز ومنطقة البيع أو

Once known Alaksbert Alternd is based on two parallel draw him like the color yellow you determine the processing and the sale or



ويجب مراعاة قيم الحدود العليا والسفلى بحيث تكون مقبولة عند محاولة فتح الصفقة أي يجب أن يجهز الترند قبل فترة من

It must take into account the values of the upper and lower limits that would be acceptable when trying to open any deal must be processed before the Alternd from

وصول السعر إليه وإلا فإن البروكر لن يقبل فتح صفقة معلقة بسعر قريب من السعر الحالي .

The arrival of the price mechanism, but it will not accept the opening Albroker deal pending at close to the current price.

كما يجب الانتباه إلى إيقاف تنفيذ الاكسبيرت حتى الانتهاء من رسم الترندات ثم بعد ذلك نشغل الاكسبيرت .

Attention must also be to stop the implementation Alaksbert until the fee Alterndat and then riveted Alaksbert.

أي أننا لا نعدل وضع الترند والاكسبيرت شغال .
No, we do not amend a Alternd and Alaksbert business.
يجب الانتباه لذلك جيدا .

Must attention to that very well.

هذه شارتات توضح جميع ما قلناه سابقا .

This Chartat explain all of what we said previously

------------------- this is a trend break EA, I really have limited time to look in the translation but later i will try to fine tune it.

also have a look at this pls

Regards, Alan

which is which? which one is indicator and EA ?



Do you know how to use this EA?

Just draw the line and attached EA to it?

I don't know what to put it in the setting: Buy_Stop_Trend_Info and Sell_Stop_Trend_Info.. Do you know?

I went to the site that you mentioned above and he post the chart there as an example, but still doesn't explain what to put it in that setting.

Maybe I am missing something so obvious..


LOL Abrs70, you did not have to quote all the text, i spend a week to scroll down.

both are EAs except i found the zip file first from Waddah post and he said it was updated, he did not post the code, so I looked for the source code and post it.

are they the same really i don't know.

Its really very interesting EA but I have not tried it and no plan now as I am trading reversal system now, and testing DIN EA as well...

for the EA to work you need to draw the line manually

have a look here

Manual Translation :

Waddah Attar


First i want to mention that this expert is not build to trade on programmed strategy

It work in making orders after the breaking of a trend that you manually drew on chart

all what you have to do, is to draw a rising and/or falling trend on the chart

when the price break a trend the expert take a position with a TP and SL that you choosed before

you can draw a horizontal lines uper and lower the price (channel) and the expert will work after the breaking

most of the trading techniques use trend, either trend, fibonacci, camarilla, or support and resistance

all what you have to do is to draw the line and go to sleep or work

that's why i call it TrendMeLeaveMe

The expert can work on many pairs at the same time with no technical problems

the expert work on pending orders, and the order is automatically changed when needed

to connect the first trend with the expert we call it buytrend if we wanna buy after breaking it (write with small letter)

to connect the second trend with the expert we call it selltrend if we wanna sell after breaking it (write with small letter)

The trend work more accurate on half hour and lower

you can place th TP, SL, and lot size from the expert properties

for every trend there is a lower and uper border or zone,

for the rising trend, the lower border represent the the area of forming pending order and editing it

the upper border is the difference between the trend and the buying order

the same for the falling trend

when the expert recognize the trend it automatically draw a two yellow parallel lines (boarders)

It's important that we draw the trend while the expert is turned off

and we turn it on after drawing



Ibn Fernas


Do you know how to use this EA?

Just draw the line and attached EA to it?

I don't know what to put it in the setting: Buy_Stop_Trend_Info and Sell_Stop_Trend_Info.. Do you know?

I went to the site that you mentioned above and he post the chart there as an example, but still doesn't explain what to put it in that setting.

Maybe I am missing something so obvious..


I did not use it but this is how i think it works :

1- chose your chart time

2- draw the trend line (can also be two doube line up and low, or only down tren and up trend

3- when the trend line you draw is broken a deal that you have spcified eariler will be executed

4-the EA can work on two trend line at the same time

this is what i understood, and in the EA there are two trend line setting you can chose to set.

I am sorry I have no plans to test this EA now ... once I do I will put more details about it, but its realy interesting EA.

Thanks a lot IBN FRENAS for the translation


LOL Abrs70, you did not have to quote all the text, i spend a week to scroll down.

both are EAs, except i found the zip file first from Waddah post and he said it was updated, he did not post the code, so I looked for the source code and post it.

are they the same really i don't know.

Its really very interesting EA but I have not tried it and no plan now as I am trading reversal system now, and testing DIN EA as well...

for the EA to work you need to draw the line manually

have a look here


Thank you for the info.

I think I understand.

Now, market is closed, so, I couldn't test this, but I will give it a go tomorrow when market opens.

I did not use it but this is how i think it works :

1- chose your chart time

2- draw the trend line (can also be two doube line up and low, or only down tren and up trend

3- when the trend line you draw is broken a deal that you have spcified eariler will be executed

4-the EA can work on two trend line at the same time

this is what i understood, and in the EA there are two trend line setting you can chose to set.

I am sorry I have no plans to test this EA now ... once I do I will put more details about it, but its realy interesting EA.

Thanks a lot IBN FRENAS for the translation

Ibn Frenas,

Thank you for posting his translation.

It seems pretty clear and if this is what it say it does, it's exactly what I have been looking for. I am a big fan of trend trading and I have been trading this strategy (break trendline) manually for long time.

The part I had question before was what to fill in the blanks. (see attached image). All others, it's self-explanatory..

Do you know what need to be in the blank? or Just leave it blank?

I am assuming it is there for reason.

Ibn Fernas:
Manual Translation :

Waddah Attar


First i want to mention that this expert is not build to trade on programmed strategy

It work in making orders after the breaking of a trend that you manually drew on chart

all what you have to do, is to draw a rising and/or falling trend on the chart

when the price break a trend the expert take a position with a TP and SL that you choosed before

you can draw a horizontal lines uper and lower the price (channel) and the expert will work after the breaking

most of the trading techniques use trend, either trend, fibonacci, camarilla, or support and resistance

all what you have to do is to draw the line and go to sleep or work

that's why i call it TrendMeLeaveMe

The expert can work on many pairs at the same time with no technical problems

the expert work on pending orders, and the order is automatically changed when needed

to connect the first trend with the expert we call it buytrend if we wanna buy after breaking it (write with small letter) * Don't understand this part.

to connect the second trend with the expert we call it selltrend if we wanna sell after breaking it (write with small letter) * Don't understand this part.

The trend work more accurate on half hour and lower

you can place th TP, SL, and lot size from the expert properties

for every trend there is a lower and uper border or zone,

for the rising trend, the lower border represent the the area of forming pending order and editing it

the upper border is the difference between the trend and the buying order

the same for the falling trend

when the expert recognize the trend it automatically draw a two yellow parallel lines (boarders)

It's important that we draw the trend while the expert is turned off

and we turn it on after drawing



Ibn Fernas
Thank you for the info.

I think I understand.

Now, market is closed, so, I couldn't test this, but I will give it a go tomorrow when market opens.

Ibn Fernas,

Thank you for posting his translation.

It seems pretty clear and if this is what it say it does, it's exactly what I have been looking for. I am a big fan of trend trading and I have been trading this strategy (break trendline) manually for long time.

The part I had question before was what to fill in the blanks. (see attached image). All others, it's self-explanatory..

Do you know what need to be in the blank? or Just leave it blank?

I am assuming it is there for reason.

You'r welcomed

i translated at night so sorry for the mistakes

As i understand we write buytrend in the first value after drawing the trend (buy positions)

and selltrend (in seventh value) for (sell positions)

for the sentence (write with small letter) it means write in small letters (not capital letter)



Thank you,

I will do the demo tomorrow and see how it goes. I am wondering if putting trend indicator, like Demarks' trend indicator on it first, then, put this EA after. If it works, it will be great. We'll see.

Ibn Fernas:
You'r welcomed

i translated at night so sorry for the mistakes

As i understand we write buytrend in the first value after drawing the trend (buy positions)

and selltrend (in seventh value) for (sell positions)

for the sentence (write with small letter) it means write in small letters (not capital letter)


The EA is set to break out (up or down) at value(s) provided by the user.

The real trend lines' value however changes according to the time which cannot provided by the user since no one knows the time value that price will break out of these trend lines.

What I really want to see is that the experts in the this forum can wirte two EAs. One is trading between High/Low trend lines that user drawn on the chart and the other is trading the breakout of these trendlines.


This is the exact reason that I want to try it out with indicator.

Demark Trend line re-draw trend lines as trend changes.

However, I am not sure if this will work though. If trend line HAVE to be draw on the chart first, BEFOREput EA on, then, this won't work.

The EA is set to break out (up or down) at value(s) provided by the user.

The real trend lines' value however changes according to the timewhich cannot provided by the user since no one knows the time value that price will break out of these trend lines.

What I really want to see is that the experts in the this forum can wirte two EAs. One is trading between High/Low trend lines that user drawn on the chart and the other is trading the breakout of these trendlines.