MT4 Object List Problem


Anyone ever experience this? When I try to open the object list, the program freezes. Have to boot the system to unfreeze the program. Just trying to update a fibo but the object list suddenly does not work. Any suggestions anyone?

Anyone ever experience this? When I try to open the object list, the program freezes. Have to boot the system to unfreeze the program. Just trying to update a fibo but the object list suddenly does not work. Any suggestions anyone?

Just to do some basic troubleshooting, try downloading the latest MT and installing it IN ANOTHER DIRECTORY. Run it, try opening the same thing again, if the freeze doesnt happen - you messed smth up in your original MT.


[lang=pl]Najprościej z katalogu gł�wnego "config" przenieś w inne miejsce plik "terminal" (aby w razie czego odtworzyć wcześniejsze ustawienia, gdyby okazało się, że problem tkwi w czymś innym) i uruchom ponownie metatrader'a, mi pomogło [/lang]