Teacher wanted......



i dont know if i am in the right forum here, but i try.

I seeking for a teacher to train forex trading with marketiva.

The teacher will earn a fixed amount of the earned money just for helping. he dont need to put any money, just teaching. if we win some pips, he get's them via paypal or whatever. needs to be discussed.

i dont want indicators ready, i need to be teached how to analyze this.

if possible, in german.




Make sure you find a teacher who actually trades and has a verifiable long term trading record.

I paid one guy $1000 to teach me to trade. He claimed to have traded for 3 years in the Futures market and the Forex market profitably.

Later I found out the guy had no real trading experience and he had read a few books and articles on the internet. I also found out that he had destroyed the accounts of others he traded.

Do not just beleive the statement that person shows. A statement can be easily edited to reflect positve results. Ask that person to give onlice access to the broker or have that person login in front of you to the broker and show you the account statement.

What he taugh me can be found on the internet for free.




One of the best online mentors is Peter Bain.

You will come across a few who bash him.

This guy is the real deal.



Hi, check this out http://www.learntradefx.com/

To put an order to streamster is very easy, the tough part is to find a solid trading plan, IMHO




i dont know if i am in the right forum here, but i try.

I seeking for a teacher to train forex trading with marketiva.

The teacher will earn a fixed amount of the earned money just for helping. he dont need to put any money, just teaching. if we win some pips, he get's them via paypal or whatever. needs to be discussed.

i dont want indicators ready, i need to be teached how to analyze this.

if possible, in german.


Do you mean technical analysis or streamster platform ?

If you want to learn streamster platform (marketiva)..you can find it on the internet as a free resources ...


Forex Indicators Collection

One of the best online mentors is Peter Bain.

You will come across a few who bash him.

This guy is the real deal.


You will see people trash him because those who takes his course always expects something that cannot be found anywhere like the Holy Grail. If one wants to learn using TA, then this is the way to go especially with his AM Review and other informative videos. He provides the basics to getting started, some people just expect too much like the magic road to riches. I even know that many just want to see all these fancy indicators without even knowing where to start, they want the red light / green light trading method.


I recommend TSD

If you want to learn more about trading this is the place.

Learning to trade is one thing, we all did that.

But learning how to apply what you have learned is another thing. Trail and Error. What I love about this forum is that I personally pic up new ideas and learn things about indicator I thought I knew.

Pic a strategy and follow the posts. Ask the dumb questions. People do reply, explain and help you more than any course.

Any site gives you the basics - here you get the blood and sweat.