XO_Method REVISED - page 82


thank you

Thank you for your great job, Valeo !

I love this method very much ! I think I would use it for a long time !

thanks again !

and looking forward for your new version !


thank you, suk,

the pdf files are helpful ! good job !


so I will post my update this weekend and then we will see whether people are actually going to post in response

Hi Valeo

thanks....... and waiting for that moment



so I will post my update this weekend and then we will see whether people are actually going to post in response

Hi Valeo

thanks....... and waiting for that moment

What a lovely surprise!! Thanks, Kayvan.


What i see ! Other improvements !

Damn so good !!!

Valeo, i'll be back on wheels, in 2 weeks.


Big Joe:
What i see ! Other improvements !

Damn so good !!!

Valeo, i'll be back on wheels, in 2 weeks.


Check your home e-mail box over the weekend. Looking forward to having you back again. Enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes.




I found this thread a few weeks ago which ultimately pointed me to the original XO Method thread. I decided to start from the beginning as I like to grab all the nuances of a trading method as they evolve over time and when the thread has good contributors there's always a lot to learn. I finally finished reading through both threads and I really enjoyed and appreciated the input provided on both threads. I must say that the trading methodology has come a long way since the original thread and I'm very impressed with the work done here. I have started to trade this method with moderate success so far and I know without a doubt that I can improve my trades once I practice this method some more.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread as it has really taken my trading up a notch. Hopefully I'll be able to add my own contributions at some point.

Thanks again!


I found this thread a few weeks ago which ultimately pointed me to the original XO Method thread. I decided to start from the beginning as I like to grab all the nuances of a trading method as they evolve over time and when the thread has good contributors there's always a lot to learn. I finally finished reading through both threads and I really enjoyed and appreciated the input provided on both threads. I must say that the trading methodology has come a long way since the original thread and I'm very impressed with the work done here. I have started to trade this method with moderate success so far and I know without a doubt that I can improve my trades once I practice this method some more.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread as it has really taken my trading up a notch. Hopefully I'll be able to add my own contributions at some point.

Thanks again!

Hi Rig,

It is most gratifying when someone starts out being committed!! Well done you have earned your kudos, my friend. If you stick with us and ask the questions about the nuances so that we can get them sorted out early enough, you will not look back. I have put a tremendous amount of research into this method and it works for me, believe me. The contributions have been very good to simply awesome and I am indebted to quite a few people (as you have seen at the start of this Thread) for helping me develop what I am "seeing" in the market. To this regard, my friend Gerhard (DayTrader) has been a wonderful support in making and changing indicators to my request - as they say in the "classics" these days.............."he rocks"

Please let us know if there is anything you need to understand as I am not always such a good "teacher" but there are plenty of those around, especially in Suk.

Best wishes.


Tks. a lot, ValeoFX. No doubt your system is great.

For some reason, I can't make work WPR MA STF 15. Just dark window. Seems a heavy indy.



I was just cheking this indy.

What a jewel !!!.... Tks. a lot Igorad, and BIG, BIG Tks. to you ValeoFX !!!