XO_Method REVISED - page 81

Well, we hit 1.8000... what to expect next...

Hi Suk, so good to see you back. Your comment 2 Posts up.............."Those as experienced as ValeoFX probably know when the market is REALLY topping, but it's all too easy to believe you have all the signs of a bottoming out market and it's just a small correction followed by another big downswing."

You would have noticed some time back when I posted the weekly and Daily charts, I admitted that I don't know enough yet to be able to determine these bottoms/tops. I always say to my friends here that I just trade what comes my way and when it hits certain major supports, I am just more careful and rely on my indicators to get out or to stay in. Point in case is Friday's close..........I could not for the life of me see that the market will take a another 125 pip nosedive at opening.

Nevertheless, I appreciate learning from you too.

Enjoy the rest of the day.


4-Star status

I noticed with interest that this Thread had been down-graded to a 4-Star and this after it now produces consistently >50% more pips every month even during the slow trading months. I kept records for the past 5 years. Maybe it is time to pull it off the market?


No way, let's just vote it up again.

No way, let's just vote it up again.

You have just made my day!! Thanks Ssotiro.


Five stars already in captain' !

According to our records you have already voted on this thread. Changing votes is not allowed.

Big Joe:
Five stars already in captain' !

According to our records you have already voted on this thread. Changing votes is not allowed.

Welcome back, Partner. How was your holiday? And the leg OK too? Looking forward to lots of trades with you.

Best wishes.


Ah ah !

I'm still on holiday. I have an appartement in miami south beach with internet connection Beautifull place to trade

Thanks, my knee get better everyday !

Hope you go well too.



Hello and Thank You!

Hello everyone,

Just finished reading through both threads...

Have to say THANK YOU to ValeoFX for all of the work you have put in since the beginning of this. It is truly amazing how far this has come and all the dedication that was put into it.

Suk100k you as well, thank you. You have been insightful an innumerable number of times and your work here is very much appreciated!

Big Joe great stuff from your end as well!

I hope to see this thread stay active as seeing your entries is extremely helpful as I continue practicing this method!

thanks again to everyone! hope to see more postings!

Take care


Fantastic job, AceFX. A commitment that will surely pay. Fantastic to see you here and very warm welcome on to the thread from another trader backing this method daily. Hope you make a lot of pips from now on.

Hello everyone,

Just finished reading through both threads...

Have to say THANK YOU to ValeoFX for all of the work you have put in since the beginning of this. It is truly amazing how far this has come and all the dedication that was put into it.

Suk100k you as well, thank you. You have been insightful an innumerable number of times and your work here is very much appreciated!

Big Joe great stuff from your end as well!

I hope to see this thread stay active as seeing your entries is extremely helpful as I continue practicing this method!

thanks again to everyone! hope to see more postings!

Take care

Hi Ace,

Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated. Yes, I must agree with you, some people like Suk and Joe in particular, have put a lot into this Thread for which I am very grateful.

For the past 2 months I have been trading a slightly different version of what you have seen here and I will Post the latest examples here over the weekend. This "tweaking" resulted in better, more secure entries and more pips. Also, it helped me with the Exits when used in conjunction with the 8-EMA.

Of course the said gentlemen have been privy to most of the changes, but even so, I may have something to surprise them as well.

If you grasp the concept now, the update will "blow you away." No boasting - something I don't do hence the lull in posting. I got to the point where I felt that I was driving this Thread to boost my ego and that is not the case at all. I was convinced otherwise by a fellow trader near me, so I will post my update this weekend and then we will see whether people are actually going to post in response. If we fall back into a lull again, I will in all probability, stop posting altogether.

Best wishes.