Solution to computer restarts, keep those EAs running - page 2


Workaround for seeing session0 desktop via RDP (virtuzzo VPS)

quoting from what i wrote at another post:

Workaround for seeing session0 desktop via RDP

Hi guys, i think ive nailed it, see if this works for you.

IF you follow my method above in current version of virtuzzo VPS, the programs do restart, but you cant interact with desktop via RDP.

I think i have a workaround.

prob: if you use the autorestart feature, and then log on at a later time you dont see your origanal programs that are already running. Infact, if you login using the same username, you will have 2 instances of metatrader running, one visible and one invisible (session0). (check in processes list in task manager)

Stay with me.....

So now the problem is not that metatrader is not restarting, but that u cant see that particular instance that is running via RDP.


1. Make 2 user names (by running control userpasswords2) having adminsitrator rights. (one will ofcouse be Administrator)

2. Make the other to auto login by following my previous post

3. On an restart, this session now autologins, but not visible.

4. Now, login using the other userlogin. We do this as we dont want 2 instances of metatraders running which are loaded in the startup folder.

5. Go to 'users' tab of taskmanager.

6. Right click on the running user, which should have ID0.

7. Click 'Connect'. Enter password for that user.

Now you have connected to the session that was autologined when you restarted. You will see metatrader already running, if it was placed in the the startup earlier.

See if this works for you guys. Im not sure, you may need 2 terminal services sessions from your VPS provider to do this. Or not. Im not sure if vpsland offers that on their entrylevel plan.

The workaround is to use the connect button, not login.

hope this helps


VPS restarting


FWIW, CK Wong has a good PDF on how to set up VPS's, no charge, at his site.

You will have to become a free member to access it.

I found it very helpful setting up my VPS's & getting the MT4 platforms running, without requiring extra Users.

Attn Sysadmin, I'm not sure if you will allow his address to be posted - he tests & refers robots, but appears to refer most of his profits to charity.

Kind Regards,

Chris NZ.


I got this pdf in November

It is good and well written.


Is this necessary if I own dedicated server?

Is this necessary if I own dedicated server?

You mean pdf file?

I don't know ... this file is well written and very short. You can get some few ideas anyway.

You mean pdf file? I don't know ... this file is well written and very short. You can get some few ideas anyway.

I seemed having only once of this unexpected reboot on a dedicated server, I did not asked the support about the reason of this reboot though. I think it's different when using VPS and dedicated server as the dedicated server has dedicated processor and RAM, therefore the frequency of the unexpected reboot would be slim. Well, this is coming from a newbie like me though


I've run MT4 under linux for about a year with live accounts in the 4 and 5 figure range and I've never had a problem. A linux box will quite happily run for several years without requiring a restart! The other advantage is no annoyances like viruses or other malware .

I wrote a howto at Howto: Metatrader 4 under LINUX (mods can remove the link if it's not allowed) based on Ubuntu Linux and Wine. You still need a couple of files from a windows box (can be downloaded from the net) to get trouble free functionality.

Linux will NEVER spontaneously restart itself unless you specifically tell it to, so it makes a perfect platform for running MT4 with an EA.

The other advantage is that you can just get a relatively inexpensive laptop (Single core 1Ghz with 256mb ram is enough) and just run it at home yourself rather than having to use a VPS.


jafar00, I think you're missing the context here. We are talking about setting up mt4 on a remote server, not on a local pc. Unless you provide solution for linux remote server setup for mt4.

jafar00, I think you're missing the context here. We are talking about setting up mt4 on a remote server, not on a local pc. Unless you provide solution for linux remote server setup for mt4.

Linux VPS is available right? As long as you have root access for setting up software on the Linux VPS, it is still on topic Sorry if the suggestion of running it on a local PC confused matters. It was just an idea.

Linux VPS is available right? As long as you have root access for setting up software on the Linux VPS, it is still on topic Sorry if the suggestion of running it on a local PC confused matters. It was just an idea.

I haven't tried it yet, but are you sure that via linux vps we can install mt4? As far as I understand, the remote linux vps can only be accessed via ssh and I think the WINE must be viewed on a console not via ssh. Can you elaborate more on this?