EA expiration date


How to set that ea ex.4 file would expire at my wanted date.

How to set that ea ex.4 file would expire at my wanted date.

Read this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174194


this Codersguru article http://www.metatrader.info/node/132


I added this code to EA:

Trial period protection:

int start()


string expire_date = "2006.31.06"; //<-- hard coded datetime

datetime e_d = StrToTime(expire_date);

if (CurTime() >= e_d)


Alert ("The trial version has been expired!");



// your normal code!



But it did not give any warning or today is market closed it will not work properly?


Hi jyrik,

1- try this code:

datetime expire_date = D'31.06.2006'; //<-- hard coded datetime

if (TimeCurrent() >= expire_date)


Alert ("The trial version has been expired!");



2- CurTime() is abandoned function now, use TimeCurrent() instead.

3- To test the code while the market off put it in init().

I added this code to EA:

Trial period protection:

int start()


string expire_date = "2006.31.06"; //<-- hard coded datetime

datetime e_d = StrToTime(expire_date);

if (CurTime() >= e_d)


Alert ("The trial version has been expired!");



// your normal code!



But it did not give any warning or today is market closed it will not work properly?

I always bury the trade logic of my EA's in a companion .dll which also includes a date timer so the unscrupulous rat bastards that like to decompile EA's will be crap outa luck.



Anyone know how can i add a variable date of expiration like if they start/load the first time the EA it can go for 7 days before it expires.


EA expiration

Does anyone know where I am suppose in place this code in MT4 to make it work.

1- try this code:

PHP Code:

datetime expire_date = D'31.06.2006'; //<-- hard coded datetime

if (TimeCurrent() >= expire_date)


Alert ("The trial version has been expired!");



2- CurTime() is abandoned function now, use TimeCurrent() instead.

3- To test the code while the market off put it in init().



Hi MLaden,

Can you help me coding an expire date in indicator code? Do you have an example I can use what works?

Thx Marco

Hi MLaden,

Can you help me coding an expire date in indicator code? Do you have an example I can use what works?

Thx Marco


You can use something like this at the beginning of the start() :

if (TimeCurrent()>=D'23.06.2014 00:00') return(0);


Is it decompiler proof?

Is it decompiler proof?

So far new metatrader 4 ex4 can not be decompiled