Is Bluto around with Goblin 2 - page 2


Hi I will give my 2cent worth on this. I think mr. david needs to just shut up and act grown up and not be such a punk. What I think is the developers are the bread & butter here and deserving respect from the many others like me who can not program but know about trading. If we didnt have guys building trade apps and eas out of all the ideas plus using there own experiences and ideas we wouldnt have shit except a bunch of chitter chatter. So next time you think you want to be mr. bigshot david you should take it some other place and dont ruin it for us. I think your a bad apple thats what I think. Learn respect!!!

You know, I've been around web forums for a long time and I generally avoid engaging gregarious and confrontational types. My original read on you was obviously way off, having discovered your true pompous nature. Your initial post proclaiming that you were going to enter BiPolar in the contest and the way you voiced it didn't really present much of a forum for advance discussion, did it?. You didn't ask if you could use the announced that you were going to use it, and without any shred of humility. Your comments in your ensuing posts after the fact were downright rude, not to mention your choice of wording in this post. However, words really don't bother me. What does bother me is the complete lack of courtesy and respect you demonstrated by not having at least discussed the idea with me offline first, perhaps via PM or email. I've invested a ton of time in these EA's, and many others have contributed considerable thought and input. You need to be sensitive to the venue the EA's were presented in for public usage which I'd like to think I have some say in.

My decision to discontinue development of Goblin here is moreso rooted in my desire to build and share profitable ideas with folks that are serious, professional and courteous, and aren't just looking for handouts. For that reason, I've built a private web site specifically for this purpose where the evolution will continue. I've already been in touch with a number of the guys here who have PM'd me about the status of things. Rest assured that you won't receive an invitation to come join in the forward development of "ripped off" EA's and the euphoric bliss of wonderful looking backtest reports.

Take a look in a mirror and get over yourself, Davy! You're not all that.

This is a great forum and I hope I haven't offended anyone here, but my purposes, goals and intentions for Goblin and other EA's simply don't fit the ulterior motives of a few here that like to stir the pot.

Bluto, and readers....

I want to tell everyone now, that when the EA contest for 2007 starts up I am going to enter Bipoler.

I am saying this now just incase anyone had the same idea.

Any body have any objections?

As Goblin is bluto's puppy and the "bipoler" methodoligy is my puppy, I'll split any winnings with Bluto.

Bluto...can you take out the sma trend filters. they are causing alot of unessary CPU usage when backtesting. Even when set not to use them, they still appear on the chart when I stop the test. I don't think there needed at all really.

It is taking 2 days to run a 6 month back test.

looks like your wrong there bluto..... I did ask if any one objected

and then.....I posted.....


But sounds like the forum has objected along with bluto....

So here we go....Bluto I appologise for wanting to enter bipoler in a contest. And for any harsh words. I won't enter any of the goblin EA's in the contest.

And just use this discussion as a way of making it well known that you don't condone it.


but Noooo you had to run away and didn't resurface untill I drew you out with more harsh words.

As you all can see I am a very proud man and not humble. I have earned my trading success through a lot of long long hours and days developing my systems. Most people on these forums only dream of quitting there day jobs as I have, and trade full time. But I swallowed my pride and made a public appoligy. But got totaly ignored.

sure I am a punk, I am a punk that does what 80% of traders dream of.

cocky attitude has gotten me lots of success in life and I will not change.

whats gonna be really funny is when I figure out how to get bipoler to comply with the contest rules and I win the pot.

Now I am on a mission.


Harmony of this forum is always get spoilt with these kinda arguement. Some point I have to agree with david, which is why are you guys so dependent? If there is a Holy Grail that can be discover over here, that probably is continueos improvement. I seriously dont think he's trying to insult anyone here, but I can understand how a serious trader behaveiour - ARROGANT! - I think that is the most proper word for most of the FOREX nerd(I am 1 of those...LOL). Bluto is not the last hope, but we have to move on. What if Bluto really ditch us like that, are you guys saying " Holly F*ck! Bluto is no longer posting his EA, its the end of FOREX trading!" ?!?! The answer is, Hell no! Get on in!

On the other hand, giving a big applause to Bluto which he contribute a lot to our forum. I can understand how he feel when everybody start bothering him on doing this and that changes to the EA. Suggestion is good, but without proper analyses, those are only redundant dumb data. I personally found that, all the thing is a mess. I tried to follow the thread, but I've got lost in the end. Anyway, I sincerly bless Bluto and wish him all the best in the future undertakings. 2 great man leaving this forum which makes me post something not related to trading, Hendrick and you. I'll try to keep in touch with you over the email. Hope you still can able to reply me. Good trading,


David(I am David too......:p) better use davidke20 next time

looks like your wrong there bluto..... I did ask if any one objected

and then.....I posted.....

but Noooo you had to run away and didn't resurface untill I drew you out with more harsh words.

As you all can see I am a very proud man and not humble. I have earned my trading success through a lot of long long hours and days developing my systems. Most people on these forums only dream of quitting there day jobs as I have, and trade full time. But I swallowed my pride and made a public appoligy. But got totaly ignored.

sure I am a punk, I am a punk that does what 80% of traders dream of.

cocky attitude has gotten me lots of success in life and I will not change.

whats gonna be really funny is when I figure out how to get bipoler to comply with the contest rules and I win the pot.

Now I am on a mission.

Mission Impossible, no doubt.


hi bluto,will you still come to this forum?I think you contribute lots of things here and should not leave quietly.



Mission Impossible, no doubt.

Hi Bluto,

I have tried to PM you,but it seems my message can not reach you,so,if you feel like doing so,please be so kind to send me a PM-and free your PM space,so that I can reply .

Interesting,Bluto creates an EA,and somebody is on a mission to tweak it and use it on a contest without his shouldn`t be be so flawed..well ..No words to describe it




So judging from the way this thread went, I'm guessing it might be a no then.


Would you include me in your forum pls

The probability of that looks pretty sunny....

You are probably getting so many emails since you are brilliant programmer, and have some great ideas, I would greatly appreciate in being part of your forum to share ideas and work together.

Thanks again



Dear Bluto,

For every assxxxx who insults you, there are 100 other guys like me, who greatly apreceate what you do and are willing to participate in the development of the EA according to there capabilities. I am not a programmer, but I could already return some usefull (intensive) testresults to this forum for an other EA, with 30% better results than the initial developer stated.

I am using your Goblin in a slightly different way than you intended and I hope to publish here the results. For me it is all about finding an accepteble crash scenario when it goes wrong.

Please ad me also to the people you want to invite to your privat website forum. I am a full time forex trader and have time to test.

Don't flush the child with the bathwater,



contact details?

Hello Bluto,

Please send me your contact details so I could chat to you privately about one of the indicators.

"confidential" i guess
