Metatrader data into esignal


does anyone know of a program that could integrate with the esignal data manager and import metatrader data on demand. in other words when a program that uses esignal (ie: metastock, tradestation, elwave, advanced get, ect...) when a symbol is inserted into esignal data manager it will go to a metatrader server for the historical data.. if anyone knows were to find a program like this please let me know.. thanks


2 such programs exist, but even though you can find the directions in English, You will need to be fluent in Russian to figure them out.

one of the programs can be found at, look for a link for the ide loader, you will need a translator to find it.

I hate to be rude, but If you are not willing to look, then you do not need it.

It may take you hours, or days to find it on the site

I am afraid I forgot where the other program comes from, but it is also Russian based.


thank you, my friend. guess i'll have to learn some russian. i am going to give it a try. if you happen to remember the name of the other program. please let me know. ok here i go wish me luck


Connecting esignal (application) to quoteroom


I am trying to connect eSignal (charting tool) to quoteroom. This tool only accepts eSignal service as datafeed and hence I am trying to use quoteroom as esignal emulator. pls help me.